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Today I awoke to a song;
It filled my lungs  
With the fragrance of life
that I
Had always been gasping for.
 Feb 2013 hellohappytori13
Taboo! Taboo!
I love you more than I should.
On the alter of Sin, I forfeit my sole to you!

Why is my love for you Taboo?
Love, so strong in spirit.
Love, so true and fresh.
Join together our flesh, with love & spirit.

How can such love be forbidden?
Natural Love, Innocent Love.
Love, that can not be overridden!

Contentment and happiness, can't be obtained,
While longing for you. If only I could.
Love, never fully expressed, never fully contained.
I love you more than I should.

A normal day, It can not be.
Your essences is constantly with me.
Taboo love for you, from me.

More than normal love,
I am in love with you.
I love you more than I should!

Bitter Sweet, Taboo Love.
Must it, will it, always be Taboo!
 Feb 2013 hellohappytori13
Cleavage,  Oh, what wounder!
Full and Round!
Soft and ****!

Like a bouquet of flowers!
Fregrant & beautful,
meant to be admired.

Properly displayed,
In color and lace,
So wounderfully feminine!

A cavern of love,
She captures my attention,
And releases my desire.

Add just a smile!
Even a hint of one,
a powerful potion is revealed.
Cleavage with a Smile!

A great and powerful man,
under her **** spell.
hoplessly mesmerized,
by Cleavage with a Smile.

Don't look away!
Don't be offended!
be kind, add a smile.
Cleavage With a Smile!
I more than wecome feedback & comment.
My experience, most women quickly look away when they notice me notice them.
 Feb 2013 hellohappytori13
Outer beauty is about 33% of the total package.
Unfortunately, it is the first thing people notice.
An obvious statement by me, a man.

From my perspective; maybe not so unique.
A woman's physical "perfection" may not be as desirable as one might imagine.
Physical Perfection can be intimidating, by men & women.
Physical Perfection can be resented, even though admired.
Physical Perfection can also attract some "unwanted" attention.
Physical Perfection can bring on mental frustration,
while dealing with the perverted assortment of attention.

Having said so, I am curious to know the personality of a physically perfect girl.
As, I can not get close enough to say anything more than Hi as we pass in the mall.
But, my physical self can not keep her attention, even for a minute.

The competition for her attention would be too great.
My cautious and shy personality would be left behind.
She would be whisked away from me.
Most likely by a younger more physically perfect guy.

I would prefer, the girl next door type.
She looks cute and is quite nice.
When she does her magic. She transforms into a very pretty and even **** girl.
Even with glasses and slightly crooked teeth.

Her most endearing qualities though is not physical perfection.
Rather, her beaming smile, sparkling eyes, self-confidence
outgoing personality and...
her get it done attitude.
 Feb 2013 hellohappytori13
I agree, my life will not affect the outcome of history.
I agree, my death will not affect international relations.
My job, they can replace me in a relative short time.
My family, will do fine without me, as I would want them to.

However, seeing is not always believing, an old cliché,
I can't see what I feel inside me.
Love, hate, loneliness, happiness.
These are all very real.
Although, they are intangibles.

Even more,
What of the wind, and the heat from the sun.
What of the coldness on a clear winter night.

The Tree-of-Life must be what manages all this.
It is Mother Nature, at its best and its worst.
Even the planets and stars are subject to its rule.
The cycle of life & death.

Some unknown event created this amazing cycle
The source of the Mother Nature, the Tree-of-Life
The source of all the various forms of existence.

All that exists of nature comes from God.
It matters not how God is perceived.
Inspired by "I Have Not Climbed To the Top" Written by Ash
 Feb 2013 hellohappytori13
Let me be the one to lift your spirits,
to tend to your injured ego.

Allow me to mend your bleeding heart.
to dry your salty tears.

I wish to be the one you find comfort from.
I want to cause you to forget the cruel past
and to forget old fears.

when your faith & confidence are strong,
when your smile and laughter are abundant,
when your eyes & spirit sparkle again,
when your happy and strong.

Will you fly away on your merry way?
Will you let me be the one?
 Feb 2013 hellohappytori13
An incomplete soul.
Searching & Searching.
Can never be whole.

An incomplete soul.
Seemingly, missing  pieces.
It's hard to know.

All required parts
are locked into place.
With emptiness in my heart.

An incomplete soul
Always longing,
Always wanting,
Never consoled.

Smiles are heavy.
Never knowing how
to break through the levy

A dark black hole.
Always melancholy
My incomplete soul.
I offer it to you
For it is all I have left
I know its a wasteland
But within your hands
It holds potential

I have brutally murdered
All those I loved within it
Sacrificed everything
Just to be with you
Hoping you would take it

So as I stand here
In the cold pouring rain
Offering this wretched wasteland to you
Will you honor me
And make it an angel kissed wasteland

Please I beg of you
I ask only this
I know you cry everyday
I know you feel pain
So allow me to take it away

Allow me to love you
The way you have deserved for so long
Allow me to love you
The way you have waited for
Just give me a chance

I know you are reading this
I don't plan on hurting you
But if it comes to bad times
I would rather have them with you
Than any other person

I love you so much
I hope you will consider
To make my barren wasteland of a heart
An angel kissed wasteland
So we both may find happiness in each other
I have become soft in my poetry
I just want to spill my guts to you
let loose every withheld thought
just take a scalpel and carve into my brain
carnage will be wrought and blood will rain
as i empty my mind to you
or maybe not
maybe i'm afraid of what will splash on the page
demons let loose from their fleshy cage.
passion straight out of hell
perhaps ill end up being an empty shell
hollow as the house I sit in
running away from potential
my mind juggles hypothetics
to life we become impartial
"a brains look like hedge maze", and other ironics
in a poem its almost oxymoronic
in life it's just moronic
As time flies by
Like the shadows of the birds
You wonder where you will stand
Where you will lay
If tomorrow will come
Or has it already
Is tomorrow yesterday
Yesterday tomorrow
Today tomorrow or yesterday?
But this pain I hold in
Leaves me bound to the past
Left to wounds
That will never heal
Scars that still bleed
Tears that wont fall
Time just flies by
Way too fast
And I keep getting left behind
Even by those who say they love me
A forgotten friend
A fading lover
An inchoate son and brother
Time flies by
Way too fast
Because I can remember
Like it was yesterday
When I had the family, the friends, you at my side
Yet here it is
All ruined and gone
And I'm the only one that remembers
How things used to be
Because I'm forced to relive it
Every time I close my eyes
Time flies by
Way to fast
And fades the memeories
Just as quickly
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