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Hayley May 2016
When you stab dry sand it takes a different shape  but is otherwise unchanged
Hayley May 2016
Its just weird how one moment I can be happy its over and the next Im crying because it is
Hayley May 2016
I have this teddy bear you gave me

I have this teddy bear you gave me for Christmas

I have this teddy bear you gave me for Christmas because I asked for it

I have this teddy bear you gave be for Christmas because I asked for it and you didn't know what else to get me

I have this teddy bear you gave me for Christmas because I asked for it and you didn't know what else to get me because you actually don't know me at all

I have this teddy bear you gave me for Christmas because I asked for it and you didn't know what else to get me because you actually don't know me at all even though we had been dating for a year

I have this teddy bear you gave me and I cuddle with him, with zero thought of you

I have this teddy bear you gave me and when I break up with you, I'm going to keep him

I have this teddy bear you gave me and he has never, and will never, have a name

I have this teddy bear who? gave me
Hayley May 2016
I can finally understand why people cut
Its a feeling of loss of control
Like a car swerving in front of yours
Like knowing when you'll die
Like being aware as you drown
Like déjà vu
But the kind of déjà vu that leaves you uneasy and confused
Angry or sad or indifferent arent the right ones to describe this emotion
Its the feeling you get when everything is going wrong
When the things you love become the past
When the things you love become the last thing on your mind before
Hayley May 2016
Maybe when my pieces come back together ill be stronger than before
Hayley May 2016
The water, too hot
The faucet got cold,
And with it my feet,
My most sensitive parts are suddenly burned by the touch of this warmth
This warmth is no campfire though,
It engulfs my body and I am left,
Charred and crying,
Please just go away
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