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 Dec 2013 Hayley Neininger
I wrote you a poem
Titled it gravity
For your lack of it
And how that made me want you more
Called the scars in your eyes stability
Those were the only things that remained
I am looking for sand to set my anchor on
This is how i just keep sinking
But you
You were fluidity in motion you were the
Once a week reminder that
Typhoons hit and people change
When my moods were changing tides
On the days my speech was so rapid and my eyes so clear it made everyone want me
Atleast thats how it appeared to me
But for the days when my arms drag me out to sea and you have a hand over these fists begging me to let go of these ******* bricks as you kick
Afraid ill drown us both
And i would
If it werent for the flight in your smle keeping us up
I pray you dont drop me for the wight of us both can be too much for you to carry
You want someone
to write sad poems
about you as they
wait all alone.

But she is not here.
She doesn't have time
to write about you.
She's too busy fighting fear.

So wait at my door
or wait at my grave.
I wait for no one.
Not even a word more.
I saw a hunter by a country road,
In tandem with me he sailed as I drove.

His hoody-head set monkish to the soil
Conjured up music so soundful, sacred,
And I unmoving over a tired flesh—
Coloured vehicle felt naked and dead

For he so saintly robed and dressed to ****
In the colours of the sky prayed with wings,
My harrier, his eyes cleansed purity and gold
While mine unsightly piebald pale and blue.

But want of food dovetailed two craving
Creatures, yet, over fed I felt rusty
Below his steely hunger and what saving
Grace God might offer either mice or men.
Lucid dreaming whilst sleeping in zero gravity
Encapsulated in the realm of Nirvana
Majestic tranquility of a pilular nature
Pilular because you have "class"
Constellation of implications,
Etched on skin
We all have dabbled in tragedy.
A captive of geography
Wings of freedom lacerated by circumstance
Choking on quicksand that engulfed him long ago
The lifeless land he inhabits
With no promise of tomorrow
No hope for today
Determination laced  with desperation
He is quite the cute pile of misery and regret

Paralysed by fear of what he knows is coming
The settling
The mockery that will be him

"Kick the chair from underneath you and be done with it nate"

The voices swirl inside his head like an endless chorus haunting and guiding him to his end
He walks this earth with a dark and somber string quartet as the soundtrack to his life

That which troubles his soul conquers it
Still he won't surrender.
 Dec 2013 Hayley Neininger
Sometimes I sit on my bed
Looking at your picture
Your smiling face
Your bright eyes
Oh how wonderful
You made my life

Sometimes I cry & put on Pink Floyd
We used to listen together
About life and struggles
We would talk deeply
We were the only deep ones
That's right, just you and me

Sometimes I wonder where your spirit has gone
Are you soaring in nature?
Are you smiling down from heaven?
That beautiful smile I miss so much
How I wish to see your face
How I wish for one last touch

Sometimes I feel my memories start to fade
But all it takes is a smell
Or a song, maybe an image
And they all rush back to me
At times it can feel so real
Can't believe I lost you completely

Your death is my reminder
To never waste a second
I love you my best friend, my lover
And I'll always long for you
And I'll always cherish all
That we ever went through
© Peyton 2013
 Dec 2013 Hayley Neininger
When I came to, it was already too late.
Tumbling at the speed of sound and pointed
at the only thing I ever cared about.
Readjusting and stabilizing
the shot towards earth,
I remembered what was packed tight
in the cargo hold with the titanium alloy exoskeleton.
It was a matter of total energy.
So powerful,
that I used it to come see my home world
even though it was long since abolished.
The destruction was a mystery up until now.
As I hurled towards earth with my incredible dangerous load.  
My only hope was that I could come back and save my family.
I would have never considered
that I would be the demise of my entire species,
nonetheless all of the underestimated subspecies that would die too.
The vessels computer was attempting to revive me.
“Impact in thirteen seconds.”
The ship commanded in the most perfect womanly voice.
"Initialize magnetic gyroscopic shielding." I say.
My planets surface was closing in.
I could see the coastline waves
rolling and ebbing with the moon.
At this moment I considered my probable demise.
“Captain, interdimensional equipment
charged and awaiting coordinates.”
She said,
as her other voice commanded,
“Five seconds till impact.”
Collapsible was the style of our Universe.
All I had to do now,
was tap the controls and I would leave the atmosphere instantly,
taking me in between the folds of particles.
The hull was losing integrity as was I.
And on that thought,
I simply pressed the button
and started my return to my lonely place in time.
Alone in the distant future and in the silence of space.
The passing eons of space-time were rattling my very bones.
But I ascended to the very place in time
where I would have been.
And there she was in all her exaltation.
Untainted as I once recalled.
That’s when it struck me.
It was only logical that my life had been
looping all these years.
Destroying and saving humanity
all at the same time.
So typically me.
"Computer, set a course for San Francisco."
Tell me how you see time.
Interlacing stories
Interlacing fates
Running together
Through space
And through

Time as we
Weave our
Stories and

We find that
We are more

By fate and
By time than

We can imagine
A Forever Love That Grows

The day you first came in  my life
I became that someone new
You showed an inner beauty
And a love that was so true

Now  a part of me forever
Inside my inner soul
You touched my heart with kindness
And made my life more whole

From that time when first our eyes did meet
And I know forevermore
I will feel the same inside my heart
As that day when you were born

You came into the world so pure
And changed me, this I know
You gave to me a forever love
A forever love that grows
Parents will understand this. The love for a child never stops growing no matter the age and It truly is a forever love.
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