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1.3k · Jun 2013
Humble Beauty
Harrison Jun 2013
May angels songs be silenced
May their wings be folded shut
May every dog stop barking
Every lab and every mutt
May babies cries be hushed
And their eyes be opened wide
May all the world be humbled
By this beauty I stand beside
996 · Jun 2013
Harrison Jun 2013
Thunder rumbles clearly on and over calming idle minds
Caressing thoughts of anguish and lament of all the wasted time
It echoes through the empty and the hollow of a broken soul
Mistaken for a heartbeat, just another flood, the hopeless rolls
631 · Jun 2013
Harrison Jun 2013
Crumpled up and tossed aside
Freshly burnt and harshly fried
Water wells up from inside
Feel two feet tall and one inch wide
With staining wounds I couldn't hide
Not good enough although I tried
Forget the knots I never tied
Forget them not the times I lied
"If only I had better guide"
The same excuse you all abide
For now in you I do confide
The shame I feel lays waste to pride
Harrison Jun 2013
The young that run from duty cry
"There is no one can tell me I
Am not allowed to even try
To fashion wings and someday fly."
We used to dream up in the sky
Now the kids can't answer "why?"
They're judged as small as grades are high
No need to learn, only reply
No need to think, just taught to lie
What joy is there to just get by?
Just means we wake up with a sigh
And fight our world that's gone awry
That's not life lived, that's how we die
So no more will my life be dry
My dreams won't be just lullaby
Ill reach for stars and even pry
Open the bars that hold us nigh
To stare the ******* in the eye
And scream that I am free
560 · Aug 2013
The problem you see
Harrison Aug 2013
Here I go again
Foolhardy to say the least
Swept up in a feeling
My sensible side has ceased

She passed my way one summer day
My heart it skipped a beat
I stopped to say a little hey
And wound up off my feet

Her blonde locks flew in golden hue
I happily found myself lost
In eyes of blue too good to be true
I hoped that our stars would be crossed

Her heart did agree so she kissed me with glee
Her smile spread clear ear to ear
With her i could be in that moment so free
But inevitably failure is near

The problem you see will always be me
The romantic the nice guy the fool
Swept up in a sea of thoughts "meant to be"
Don't give in, the angel turns cruel
Harrison Jun 2013
No worries no care
Just asleep on the chair
And waiting for love to come home

Oh to play with her hair
Such soft lips on face fair
So much care I can't give on the phone

When she finally is there
And her scent fills the air
O'er her body my fingers shall roam

On our bed she'll lay bare
After years I still stare
And my body still shakes when she moans

Into her I shall tear
Sharing passion so rare
Then I'll hold her and call her my own

With my pinky she'll swear
And we'll whisper a prayer
Our nights are the best that I've known
474 · Jun 2013
Harrison Jun 2013
What makes us great cannot be graded,
What makes us rich cannot be counted,
What makes us happy cannot be bought,
What makes us wanted cannot be caught,
What makes us live cannot be earned,
What makes us love cannot be turned,
What makes us fight cannot be won,
What makes us winners cannot be run,
What makes us strong cannot be held,
What makes us heard cannot be yelled,
What makes us learn cannot be taught,
What makes us dream cannot be thought,
What makes us believe cannot be preached,
What makes us finished cannot be reached
Harrison Jun 2013
I wish you were a book then you'd be always by my side
Not eight hundred miles and a fourteen hour ride
In my hands I'd hold you gently caring ne'er to break your spine
I would gaze on you for hours, every word and every line
My fingers gently brush aside each page as they're read through
As if they were the golden locks that block your eyes from view
Whether saddened or enlightened or made laugh till I'm bright red
You'd become my happy place, hot chocolate and toasted bread
But even though I know books end and some are hardly true
There are books yet to be written
And this time my story's you
404 · Jun 2013
The Angel Deal
Harrison Jun 2013
One night with an Angel
Our fingers entwined
We breathed deep together
Our hearts lay aligned

I won without playing
I sang without sound
I flew without moving
I danced without ground

With thunder of trumpets
That silently sound
Abruptly reality
Stepped in abound

The sad revelation
As heart starts to fall
The Angel beside me
Is not mine to call

But as my eyes tired
I ne'er felt alarmed
Just dreamed about waking
To her in my arms
391 · Jun 2013
Little Eyes
Harrison Jun 2013
I love you more every single day
Nothing ever's been more true
And when I get to see you play
My heart sings its very own tune
Now that I am old and grey
Sometimes I forget to view
The world and what's important
Through the eyes of little ol' you
367 · Aug 2014
Empty shelled beauty
Harrison Aug 2014
I am an artist and you are a muse,
you **** for coke while I drown in *****.
I sketch out my fantasies, paint all my dreams,
reject all good reason for hopes that would seem
like the thoughts of a madman to anyone boring,
but I watch it happen till 4 in the morning
in my head as I play it out time after time,
what should I have said, what was going through your mind
when just two weeks before, we spent hours in your bed,
then your chair which then led
to the wall and your floor where you begged me for more
then you turned back your head, said I'm so ******* wet
that it's dripping down my leg.

But when passion was spent and gave way to exhaustion,
we lay there entwined, not a thought went to caution.
My arms held you close before you took my hands
and wrapped up my fingers with yours, as the bands
on your phone played us music to be just a background
as we talked for hours and then laughed as I found
that I could have stayed in that moment.

This time, two weeks later, that moment is gone,
like it never existed, I hope that I'm wrong,
but you seem to already have made up your mind
that you don't want to try and repeat the same kind
of day that we shared just two weeks before,
now I fear that I've fallen for simply a *****.
Did you try to deceive me? I'm just not quite sure,
for the last time I saw you it truly felt more
than a meaningless hookup.

But you are a beautiful, self obsessed muse,
I forgot that it's just in your nature to use
all the poor souls like me who fall head over heels
for your empty shelled beauty that easily steals
away all sense of reason.

But thank you for giving me this inspiration,
this outlet for me to pour all my emotion
that's trapped up inside that I usually can't find
the right voice to express it, it's not just a choice
for an artist to sit down to write or to paint
the next work that they have to get out 'fore they faint
from the feeling of heartbreak or something as simple
as the joy that we feel when we see the dimple
appear on your cheek when that smile comes across
your face and it purely leaves us at a loss
for words.

There's nothing worse than spending every second thinking about someone, knowing that they're not spending a second thinking about you.

But I am an artist, what else can I do?
Had the best weekend I've ever had... followed by the worst... and I still can't make rhyme or reason of it...
341 · Aug 2013
In dreams
Harrison Aug 2013
I fall on clouds
inside my room so bare
If only you were there.
You make it so wonderfully rare
To feel a moment blue.
In dreams wrapped in my arms are you
It sparks my mind to glow.
Those roads they wind so long and far
To reach you and stare up at stars
Only to dream of when my heart
Will find its meter in yours.
Thats what a master calls art.
But while you seem so out of reach
I think of when our palms will meet
And in that feeling I get lost
Then walk in dreams with you.
278 · Jun 2013
Four you
Harrison Jun 2013
Four days and I thought I was lucky
Four weeks the best month of my life
Four months I realize is not enough
Will never be mine

— The End —