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 May 2013 Haley Rezac
my name is
and i got
a C in psychology
this semester
and i am here
to try and
get over it.
i feel like
i have a big red
a big red C
on my forehead
and that my dad
will eventually
notice it
i had a nightmare
that i couldn't get it off
no matter how hard i scrubbed
i am expecting
four more C's
to join it
on my cheeks
it's not that i'm not smart
i just didn't go to class
because i wanted to slice my wrists
not get out of
i wish you
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
god is supposed to change things
make things better
if we ask
i have been asking
for a long time
nothing is better
but i'm still sure
you're up there
what are you thinking
I'll write a poem on your skin
With my lips, our love tattooed on every inch
At the back of your ear, your delicate nape
Your perfect spine and cheeks like wine

I'll breathe the words in your mouth
Let your soul read and keep my oath
Trace it in your waist and engrave the lines
Down to the lovely hidden shrine

Your eyes on my eyes, my warm hands on your hips
I can hear our poem inside your chest
The rhythm of our hearts will turn it into a song
And with your gentle kiss

*I'll write again.
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
determined as i was
to avoid joining
the zombie revolution
my dad went and bought me
a new phone
looks like i was drafted in
to the "smart" generation
hopefully i won't end up as stupid.
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
Sick fuck
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
With a mouth full of bile,
I kiss your rotting lips.
I spew my rancid seed
on your blackened eyes
and know they will soon
be crusted shut, tainted
by my sickly venom.

I am poison.

I seep into
your wet parts and
consume all that is good and pure,
leaving nothing but **** in
your bloodstream, ***** in your lungs.

I am malignant by nature,
malevolent by choice.

And I have chosen you as next.
Collapsing core's,
the seize of the soul.
Irregular hearts,
not so regular holes.

Hands intertwined,
but not with mine.
Bodies touch,
warm and kind.

I fight for you,
a fight I lose.
I go unnoticed,
you have no clue.

So in my misery, I wallow,
and I swallow,
my love for you,
into my heart, hollow.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
Tessa F
I asked for a bed
And you gave me a home.
I asked for a lift
And you gave me a tree.
I asked for a hand
And you gave me your love.
I asked for a smile
And you gave me a hug.
I asked for a Band-Aid
And you gave me a kiss.
I asked for protection
And you gave me a fortress.
I asked for rain
And you gave me the ocean.
I asked for forgiveness
And you gave me a second chance.
I asked for encouragement
And you gave me belief.
I asked for faith
And you gave me wisdom.
I asked for approval
And you gave me your pride.
I asked for help
And you gave me a rescue squad.
I asked for a life
And you gave me the world.
I asked for direction
And you gave me the moon.
I asked for a dream
And you gave me the stars.
I asked for a savior
*And you gave me you.
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
Amber S
darling, do you find me clingy?
you are the first who has stayed for longer then a
you are the first who has spoken to me with truth,
instead of lies intertwined with alcohol and
so excuse the bite marks, the extensive sighs.
you are the first who has wanted my words,
not the stains within my legs,
or the dampness of my lips.
so excuse my nails that constantly scratch,
excuse the quiver my voice has when you
you are the first that has said,
“i love you”
and i have actually believed.
you are the first that has said,
“i will stay”
and actually have.
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