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 May 2013 Haley Rezac
a girl
tried to say
that i looked
like an elephant
as if to suggest
i were quite hideously fat
i told her
that elephants
are adorable
and that at least
I'M cute
maybe to the world
i am an elephant
i don't care
i just wish
i guess
that elephants
i think she was just trying to make herself feel better, because she said it after she heard me talk about a date i had this afternoon, and she wished someone would ask HER out. i think she feels bad...but making feel someone feel bad in return helps no one.
But I'm too intoxicated
and every word
seems never enough.
*For the endless conversations con P, que me mantiene despierto.
© Lacus Crystalthorn 2013
Flocks of birds
flew past overhead
and patched the clouds
which drift ceaselessly

on the interminable stretch
of the ocean and sky
that connects the passages
between you and me.

The waves rolled
and unrolled
and remembered your name.
~For P and other infinities
© Lacus Crystalthorn 2013
Forgive me.
I left my love
On the balcony
Where I have buried you

 May 2013 Haley Rezac
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
I want to be painted onto the canvas of your future
and carved into the floorboards of your past
my love for you is deeper than the Atlantic
and I am the tide
constantly returning to your shore line
no matter how many times I'm turned away.
I once asked my mother
what the most tragic love story was
and she said it was the story of the moon and the sun
Cursed to live apart for eternity
only meeting briefly
at dusk
but with that
comes the beauty of the sunset
and these bruises
they are proof that the color spectrum
Does not hold enough reds and blues
to paint my endless sea of love
On to the canvas of your future
I wonder, have you noticed yet,
That when we look into our friends’ eyes,
They refuse to meet our gazes
Lest we see the pity that therein lies.

I try to question them why it’s so,
But they deflect with waving hands
Saying, “Enjoy the summer sun,
The beach, the waves, the sands.

“Cast your minds upon happy things.
Don’t think about what lies ahead.
Remember picnics and smiles and laughter
And warm nights of cuddling on his bed.

“The summer will give you life;
Its multitude of golden rays
Will support and nurture your love,
And provide memories of pleasant days.

“For you’ll soon have to face the truth:
When the autumn strikes
There’ll be no more days of tanning
Or cooking or kissing or riding bikes.”

They told us to enjoy the here and now
Because reality would set in soon.
When they told us, I came to you crying,
And you held me under the mid-summer moon.

Everyone was talking in our ears.
We could try to make it through the fall,
But when frost touched the ground,
No doubt, we couldn’t hang onto it all

But, darling, I’ll tell you a secret,
Something that they don’t know:
You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
And as far as seasons go,

We cannot be constrained by time.
Distance does not matter to me.
Despite everything that they will say,
We can beat the odds and break free.
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
Jeremy Bean
I am just a game, a twisted toy
here to amuse the girls and boys
Tossed to the wolves, just to amuse
play how you may choose
but you'll always lose

I am just a game, a twisted toy
I bring more pain than I do joy
I am no prize, I have no goal
look in these eyes, just a ******* hole

No prize, no goal
here lies an empty soul
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
chrissy who
You hate it when I stare at you
I know.
But you don't understand that
When I look at you
The world
It just...
It just stops.
It stops and nothing else exists except for you
And my eyes looking at you.

There is nothing else.
The people in the room
Melt away.
The worries I have?
All *******.
There's no yesterday
No tomorrow
No differences that can tear us apart
Or tear my eyes off you.
You make everything else
And insignificant
Compared to the magnitude of my
For you.
And the beauty and depth and wonders
Of the soul that I see
In your eyes.

I see your pain
And your joy;
I notice your laughter and your struggles and all the things that intrigue you
And all of it fascinates me.

I want to know all of it.
I want to know what turns you on,
I want to know what makes you click,
I want to know what you think about
When you have long car rides to yourself.
I want to know what infuriates you
I want to know what on earth could turn your beautiful eyes into fires of hatred and loathing,
Or melt them into pools of the softest adoration.
I want to know your future,
And what you see in it.
And I want to know if you prefer blue Jell-O or red.
And do you ever wish you were short
Just so you could always win at hide-and-go-seek?
Or maybe as tall as a redwood so that you would never have to wonder how a bird sees the world.
If you could go to the moon, would you?
Or would you stay here, in mock safety, to welcome home those who went in your place?
If you could have one super power
Would you care to hear everyone's thoughts
Or would you want to be able to run
Fast as a speeding bullet
Away from here.
I want to know your wildest fantasies
And can we make them a reality together.
I want to know your past
I want to know what makes you who you are
And what brought you here
To me.
I want to know everything
Hold back nothing
But not until you're ready.

When I look at you
I just want to talk.
About everything and nothing
And when I look at you I want to sit in silence
Because that's comfortable too.
When I look at you
I want to spill my soul
Because I know you'd catch it.
I can see it
In your eyes.

When I look at you
I draw from your strength
I refresh from your smiles
And I remember who I am.

When I look at you
You are the only thing that exists.
And my eyes looking at you.
And it is truly beautiful.
You are truly beautiful.
And that
Is why I stare.
 May 2013 Haley Rezac
my mother says things about me
right in
front of me
to people that i have known
my entire life.
she tells them that i
never call
that i
don't care for her
one bit
that dad has
turned me against her
i am
five feet
away from you.
i am not
i can hear
everything you are saying
to that poor old lady
who has no idea
why you are telling her this
she just wanted to tell you
how pretty i looked
i came to give you a hug
only because
i knew that if i did
everything you just said
to that old woman
would be revealed
as a load of ****
yes mom,
for once i hugged you
and i meant it
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