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 Oct 2016 Hadrian Veska
Lora Lee
Inside the darkest garden
in this castle of
roots and knots
                  with ancient shadows
                      that come out to dance
                         in consistent moonlit thoughts
where my body starts
                     to swirl and sway
                     my spirit stirring free
inside the bones of
                underground caverns
where I have found
the once –buried remnants
           of me
Antiquated magic
            is rediscovered              
next to dark-aged
weapons of layered rust
in the ghosts of the tears
of the collapsing fears
           that quaked the bridges of trust
where the unlikely
traces of self-love
never did really die
and despair in its
quiet torrents
prepares to release and fly
I embrace the night
               in its fullness,
drink it up
          like temple wine
accepting all the dark within me
letting its light fill me
in vibrations,
In most scintillating strength,
my inner swords enhanced
in sharpness,
                in potent length
before my armies

in wild mossy corners
the blackest of berries grow
round and perfect, on
the edge
                     of bursting
revealed only to those who know
that clandestine language
of echoes of loneliness
that wander breathlessly
                           and roam
clutching their essence
                           to hold it safe
over the soil and loam
Now minerals sparkle in the
                       rich, dark earth
atoms of crystal
and stone

In this darkest
oasis of seeming nothingness
glows a
      single tree
bearing the juiciest
        of fruits
    now dripping
  just for me
and as my hunger
pours up
from the roots
propelling me in sacred trance
I find myself
gazing up in wonder
letting down
          my warrior stance

I slowly take off my armor
freeing up the fullness
of *******, of thighs, of hips
to allow that emotional
         fruit liquid
to nourish me from
core to fingertips
and to catch that ripeness
     about to spill
goddess voices calling
"Yes, woman. Now"
I, with reverence
     with honor
take on that sacred vow
tip back my head
let the quartz-snapped
air into my lungs
let that liquid
slake my ache
in moaning silence
grace my
Only one of he songs listened to during the writing

and some ambient :
I met you on Wednesday,
You clung to me like syrup,
At first I dragged you along,
You were not so heavy,

I hardly noticed you,
Then a tiny *****,
And I became aware,
Of a looming future,

By Thursday I was worn down,
I was losing stamina,
You pierced my skin,
And dug in deeper,

I threw up, wanted you out,
But you were set, deep within,
My body fought, brave and hard,
But they day ran down, so did I,

Friday came and I succumbed,
The hurt was everywhere,
You tore out my heart,
And cut out my stomach,

I became a shell,
Of my former self,
Hollow and thin,
Defenceless and weak,

And on into Saturday,
You raveged me,
No longer could I fight,
Your toll was taken,

A light shown though,
At the very end,
And I was pulled to,
By strength not mine,

And when I recover,
I still shall bear,
The aweful signs and marks,
Of my four day ordeal,
If one girl grows up amidst a world of pain,
If she is never safe and feels exposed,
Living in careful caution and worry,
If she grows up in a black box,

How can she feel loved?
How can she let down her hair?
How can she relax?
How can she see the light?
Hope is what leads me to my death,
Cares crush me as mountains,
Passion grinds salt in my wounds,
Reliance drops me off a cliff,
Desire hangs me by my own,
Belief gouges out my eyes,
Confidence crumbles my supports,
Ambition pushes me into a corner,
Promises tie me to the table,
Optimism tells me there is no pain,
Wishes are ammunition against me,
Conviction chains me to the plow,
Loyalty is a weak cane, shattering,
Chivalry is a masquerade,
Fealty pulls me off my perch,
Honesty sets me to cut myself,
Principles fence me in,
Doctrine tightens the noose,
Courage negates logic,
Determination continues the slaughter,
Trust cannot be found,
Faith kills me,
Then Love revives me to begin again.
Staying up, talking on my bed,
Speaking gently, patting your head,
Comfort you, it is all alright,
I'm with you now, here tonight,

Come here, come closer,
My arms enclose her,
Put your head on chest,
I've got you, you can rest,

All else block out,
Squeeze your eyes shut,
To me you can run,
Cuz' you know what,
Always we are

Out in the world, pulled appart,
We are bound together, at the heart,
I cannot help, my need for you,
When you leave, I donno what to do,

You are my fix, I can't go without,
A sea of question, swirling about,
But my anchor is set, In your love,
It showers down, on us from above,

All else block out,
Squeeze your eyes shut,
To me you can run,
Cuz' you know what,
Always we are

Darling this is the end, of our lives,
Our names were written, in loves archives,
Our times have shown, brighter than fire,
That true connections, never tire,

Ee'n through a blackened veil, in death,
I need you to see, the size of my soul,
I need you to feel, the heat of my breath,
I need you to call out, and make me whole,

All else block out,
Squeeze your eyes shut,
To me you can run,
Cuz' you know what,
Always we are
Yes, I do vent in my poetry,
It is a safe place to be human,
I don't need to be tough,
Honesty comes fluidly,

I write to you often,
What I wish I could say,
My fears seem childish here,
But this is my heart,

My mind does not see so clearly,
It considers what others think,
It worry's what others see,
They battle inside of me,

Just give me time,
I will talk to you,
Like I did your parents,
My shyness is my hurdle,

Please wait for me,
I choose the chivalrous route,
Sometimes I look silly or dumb,
But I will always support you,

My back can only carry pounds,
But my mind and my heart are strong,
I love to take on others pain,
It makes me feel joyful,

I want to be a hero,
I will give myself for others,
My powers are my will,
And my determination,

Share with me all your sorrow,
I want to dive in and pull you out,
Like the hero saves his princess,
And lives with her happily ever after,

So let's have a talk,
Not a text or a call,
But a heart to heart,
Where I can truly speak,

Untill then,
Good Luck!!,
I am thinking of you,
The wealthiest people alive are not the ones with millions,
They are not the people who rule,
They do not live lush lives,
Or drive fancy cars,
They do not live in a mansion on a hill,
Or journey life without a care,

The rich and blessed are the people who see,
Each opportunity and chance,
They see that they are in control,
They can make their own decisions,
Understanding the value of every chance,
Never giving their will to another,

Our power is absolute,
Without the ability to steer our lives,
What can we do?
Every tiny decision that we make cascades,
Pushing our whole lives in one direction or another,
And can save you or undermine you,

Recognize each decision
Consider every option
Hold to your standard
Enjoy yourself
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