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 Jun 2014 Gülçin
The purple marks on her white canvas
Are complimented by splashes of red.
A glint of silver shines bright
On her blue finger tips.
Her brown eyes,
Now a milky shade of white,
Are almost as dark
As her heart
That is now **black
 Jun 2014 Gülçin
Heart Break
 Jun 2014 Gülçin
And all of a sudden
I realized that
None of this was real.
Not the late nights
Or the long days.
Not even the fights.
And even sadder
Was the moment that
I realized I didn't care.
I loved you too much
To lose you,
And needed you too much
To risk it.
So I'll keep on loving you
Even though it breaks my heart.
For Trevor
 Jun 2014 Gülçin
 Jun 2014 Gülçin
She breaks the law instead of hearts
Because she wants to be the brick
Not the window pane.
She loves the wind in her hair
Because it makes her feel
Like she's flying.
She relishes the highways
Because they quench her
Insatiable wanderlust.
She loves you
Because you take her breath away
With a single look.
 Jun 2014 Gülçin
 Jun 2014 Gülçin
I am colorblind
Without you, dear.
I lost red,
When you stole my heart,
A little bit of blue
With every tear that fell for you,
Green when I
Looked into your eyes for the last time.
I lost yellow when I lost you,
Cause you shone like the sun,
Purple went too,
With the last time you kissed my neck.
Pink disappeared when you did,
You took your favorite color with you.
I am colorblind
Without you, dear.
Now all that's left
Is the grays of stormy skies ahead.
For Trevor
 Jun 2014 Gülçin
I guess I'm a liar.
That I never walked through hell
For a devil with the face of an angel
I never took the blame for her sins
My pain didn't inspire my writings
It was all you.
Though we never spoke or met
I stole your pain, I guess
'Cause you're the only one
Who ever felt the backhand of love
Thank you for creating the feeling,
Of both drowning and falling
Of both burning and freezing
Only YOU know.
What it feels like to be wounded
And to bleed all over the world
I never had a relationship with
A megalomaniacal, evil *****
I guess I just stole it.
Memories of brutality without shame
How did we ever feel before you came?
Along and taught us this new word,
This uncharted concept for which
No one has previously heard.
Get over yourself.
It's just a word
And mine is better than yours.
Try to compare my honest, hard work to your UNRELATED swill again, and I won't go so easy on you next time. :)
 Jun 2014 Gülçin
Blame it on
Your absent father
Your addict mother
Your unexpected children
Blame it on
Anyone, and anything
So you never have to
Take responsibility
For your own actions

It's the whiskey
That hit me
It's my own shards
That tore me apart
It's a malevolent God
That lied about love
'Cause you don't do anything

Blame it on
My fragile psyche
My insecurities
My "impossible" needs
Blame it on
Anyone, and anything
So you never have to
Take responsibility
For what you've done to me

It's the cigarettes
That stole my breath
The weight of my expectations
That broke my trust
The spinning of my own wheels
That drove me into madness
'Cause you don't do anything
Everyone has a **** like this in their life.
 May 2014 Gülçin
Paula Lee
I'm the only person I know
who can destroy everyone
I come into contact with

So don't love me!

With my best intentions
I manage to bring pain
to my friends and come
between them

Don't love me!

With tears of pain
and of sorrow I beg you

Don't love me!

I am unlovable

Don't love me!
 May 2014 Gülçin
Maria Imran
 May 2014 Gülçin
Maria Imran
Cry cause it's not okay.
Cry cause it never will be.
Cry cause you're a loser.
Cry, because all fakers are.
Cry because you laugh too much
Cry cause you're hiding
Cry cause you're exploding
Cry because it's all burning
Cry because water might just help
with the flames
Cry, cause you need to
Cry cause nobody wants you
Cry cause it's all over
Cry cause you can't do anything else
but write.
and cry,
and die.*
Die, and cry.
I don't know What.
- Maria I.

— The End —