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I find my mother in the strawberry field
Not far from the river, kneeling in the dirt

the sun beats down her back
gray hair ruffling in a hot wind

It hasn’t rained in a month
and the earth is an old woman’s face,
cracked with longing

I kneel beside her, our hands on the dusty earth
This earth that she has dug every spring
kneeled upon every summer

Barefoot and sun burnt, plucking ripe red fruit
For pies and jams

Juice-stained lips and tired backs
My mother and her mother, on the porch
Sipping Sherry in sunsets of July’s and Augusts, year after year
Comparing blisters, freckles, wrinkles, lives
Buckets of strawberries overflowing in the kitchen sink

This year the strawberries are withered
*****, red raisins on my tongue
That taste bitter and sharp

I watch my mother, keening softly on the ground
Her heart peeled open and raw

I whisper to her, The dead don’t live very far away

Her swollen grey eyes search the field across the river
As if she expects to see Grandma standing there
Waving, mouthing soundless words on the air

I know when it’s her turn to change worlds, it will be me,
Kneeling here, in the sun’s bright assault
My own daughter by my side,
Witness to this grief,

Her soft, comforting voice, telling me,
The dead don’t live very far away.
My names twenty two
and these are the things I never said.

The telephone wires above my roof always remind me of the nights where we'd lay on our backs on the roof of your old Ford and just look out at stars
nothing but love between us.
The storms outside remind me of our fights
beautiful, and desructive.
And the pillow I lay my head on reminds me of your chest
soft, quiet, and a holder of secrets and makeup smudges.
That pin you gave me when i first told you that I was suicidal I still wear sometimes to remind myself that you loved me once.
That you loved me once like
stars in the sky
eternal and never ending.
that you pledged your life to me at a mere seventeen years..
I still love you you're still my star
I could tell you twenty two reasons why you're beautiful
as I puff out smoke signals to try to make you come back to me and just hear me out
if you tell me twenty two reasons why you left me
In the noon of the day
as if
the stars were too much for you?
Did i shine too bright or not enough?
Where we ever forever or did i believe too strongly in us.
my name,
is twenty two
You made me the happiest girl in the world.
full of spring flowers
and April showers

Because on the twenty second you told me you loved me.
I can't live seeing you in everything I do..
I'm a mess..
i'm so tired of being tired.
i carry these rickety bones
around like extra baggage
long and far
left moving in motion like an old carousel that should have stopped working long ago
i'm there for the laughs and the smiles
always there but forever absent
on a mental vacation you could say
i am something you will grow fond of and eventually leave
and that's okay
i'm not the type of girl your mother warns you about
i won't break your heart like a bottle of whiskey after having a little too much
i will stand by your side until the day my bones snap from carrying the weight of the  world
and my name turns into a r.i.p scribbled on a gravestone.
 Nov 2014 Danny Wolf
Tonight I'll wait.
I'll wait for exhaustion's tendrils
to curl about my temples
and assist my head
onto to the bed.
I'll wait until your reddened face
blurs and then pixilates
(subtle eyes, you ask me to stay,
I turn and walk away)
Tonight I'll wait.
I'll wait because I have to.
Do you listen to the knives, too?
sharpening and sparking,
igniting the monsters away?
Do you want to play, too?
and not give a ****?
and ****?
 Nov 2014 Danny Wolf
What is one second on a Monday morning following a night of no sleep in a Dunkin Donuts on some Main Street where I’ll walk with a cigarette for the third time; I think second-hand smoke has been cajoling me, and now I’m awake with nicotine. But what is the difference between a smothered Marlboro light and some nervous lecture on a sad scholarly venture? I cannot pull the smoke vicious into my lungs any more than I can break the vicious stammering circle. And what is one hour of discourse-accompanied indigestion, pacing, and anxiety, if not thirty-six-thousand possible seconds spent in a Dunkin Donuts on Monday mornings with no sleeping? When time is finite and eternal then there is no escaping the monotonous chaos, and we’re thrown about aimlessly, like dice in dimension infinity.
 Nov 2014 Danny Wolf
If I was rational
I would not be here
I would be decaying in the ground
Limbs being devoured one by one

That is what I truly crave…
Deep down inside of my so-called existence
My existence has plagued me
And showed me what I am

I cannot decide when I leave
So, to cope in this hell
I convince myself that
I have a friend in the sky

That cares for my soul
As I am incapable
A quick, egotistical thought

Only a fool could believe in
Such benevolence
Up in the dear sky

Innocent infants tortured
“Schitzos” as test subjects
Slavery created by us

But oh, we are so deserving
Look at what you are from
Are you proud?

When the day of judgment comes
Tell me, were you worthy?

But don’t fret
We all did it
 Nov 2014 Danny Wolf
Breathe sweet
tiger lilies,
let their aroma
cling to skin spots
like summer-
fruit you’ll soften,
and we’ll throw you
in the garden
to decompose.
A bitter-sweet image of decay
 Nov 2014 Danny Wolf
I’ve spent my days spiraling,
or branching,
and running in circles,
with time always
for counting petals,
or coloring.
My cerebral bouquet,
I resign myself
to stems and
straight edges,
at risk, with
tenuous grip,
of an imminent
and the ultimatum
in severed-sphere-
 Nov 2014 Danny Wolf
I hate
as I
are al-
ways there-
sor- draw-
ing squares-
can't I
to e-
rase the
lines you've
#stuck #fear #frustration #anxiety #grades #nothingmattersthough
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