Roses are red
Violets are blue
This is as cliché
As it's possible too.
Wherever you were
Born and bred
Your clichéness will be
Ripped to shreds
Long story short
It's been said before
It's not a *one in a million chance
That when it rains, it pours
Or practice makes perfect
It's said all the time
I'm sick and tired of these clichés
They're really difficult to rhyme
Only time will tell
So be careful of what you're reading
'Cause everything happens for a reason
And looks can be deceiving
So if I think outside the box
And all dreams can come true
Then the use of a cliché
Would be enough to **** you
But if you're lucky enough
To have *played your cards right
This could be the first day
Of the rest of your life