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Nov 2014 · 466
Half moon in May
Half moon in May
has stopped on my balcony.
She told me
of the heat of summer
that stifled her,
of the autumn rains
that wetted her,
of the cold of winter
that benumbed her
and of the sun of spring
that gave her a flower
and she told me
that the dryness
(of summer)
makes (the autumn)
weep tears
and freezes the heart
(of winter)
until the hope of the sun
gives birth to a rose
(in spring).

The original poem ("Mezza luna a maggio") is in Italian.
I apologize for the translation. Corrections are welcome.
As far as the sound of the poem is concerned, please, read the original poem.
Nov 2014 · 182
One thing
If you cry I cry
if you laugh I laugh
and we will continue to love us so
until the moon
gets tired  of giving us his rays,
until the sun
will forget
to wake us up in the morning.
If you cry I cry
if you laugh I laugh
and we will continue
to fill our days with promises
and the nights with hopes,
to find in our glances
and in the hands that caress us
If you cry I cry
if you laugh I laugh
and it will not be spring anymore
if you are not here too,
I will not watch the stars anymore
if I have to lose you,
I will not open the eyes anymore
if I know that I don't find you.
If you cry I cry
if you laugh I laugh
and if the wind had wings
would tell the universe
the fable of love.

Has arrived a wave
on my beach,
full of blood
and pain.
It has died away
silent and sad
and among its foam
there was the smile of a child
who will never see
my land.

Oct 2014 · 421
When at night I slightly touch you
grumbling  you turn away,
I get closer to you in the morning
and yawning you turn over,
I look for a contact
to say hallo
and like a bear
without realizing you ignore me,
I get breakfast ready
and everything seems due.
I hint a smile
but even a glance
seems an effort
then we go to work
and if I call you
you sound surprised,
if I miss you
you don't notice it,
if I am sad
you don't perceive it,
you don't care.
When it's convenient for you
I am here,
when I need affection
I don't exist,
when I need a caress
you don't know what to do,
a word
you don't waste your energy.
You look like a fakir
on a bed of thorns
and if I have made a mistake
it's because in youth
passion blinds
and it's worth more
than a sunset on the sea.

The original poem ("Insensibile") is in Italian
and the speaker is a woman who is talking to
her male companion. In the italian language
this can be understood from a few nouns and adjectives.
I apologize for the translation. Corrections are welcome.
As far as the sound of the poem is concerned,
please, read the original poem.
Oct 2014 · 243
The colours of the sky
I drew the sky.
I used the pink
as the sunsets
that in childhood I waited
to go to bed with them,
the purple
as the clouds
that as a boy I ran after,
the red
as the roses that you liked,
I used the blue
as the nights
when in youth I hugged you,
the yellow
as the sun
that with light
has illuminated
throughout the life
our love
and lastly the grey
as the tears
that as an old man
I have to shed
for not having you with me anymore.

The original poem ("I colori del cielo") is in Italian.
I apologize for the translation. Corrections are welcome.
As far as the sound of the poem is concerned,
please, read the original poem.
I hand over
in front of the sea
my eyes to the evening
and for me she lays them down
on the wake of moon
until the last glow
will have adorned the sky
with diamonds and rubies
emeralds and topazes
and in the morning
when the sun
lighting up
I will succeed in closing them again
to dream of beauty.

Oct 2014 · 243
Love me
Love me
with the strength of the lion
and the sweetness of the fawn,
with the passion of a youth
and the wisdom of the old.
Love me
with the force of a storm
and the quietness of a brook,
with the warmth of a mother
and the desire of a child.
Love me one minute
one night
a life.
Love me forever
only now
whenever you want.
Love me however
but love me.

Oct 2014 · 225
What's the use of them?
With two wings I was born
but what their use is I don't know,
I tried to hop
but I fell down,
jump here jump there
jump down jump up,
my cage is very small
and I already have two legs.
To eat I have this beak
and to play I have a swing.
I am alone,
to whom do I ask?
Who looks at me, amused,
doesn't realize that I'm crying.
I can open them,
are they a cloak?
Or maybe I can use them to sleep.
I am alone,
who can explain to me?
I have two wings that I don't use,
I was born with them and so I'll keep them
but what their use is I don't know.

Sep 2014 · 274
And I will still want you
The years will pass
crumbling what little
of us, fleeing, will remain,
youth will pass
erasing the splendour
of that time gone,
the desire to wake you up
with the scent of a rose will pass,
to run after you
among the weeping willows,
the night will pass
without longing
for the morning after,
everything will pass
without wishing anything else

and I will still want you.

18.3 . '12
I would like to grow old
waking up
every day
with a smile,
falling asleep
every night
with a hope.

I would like to grow old
always looking for
something to find out,
something to understand,
something to learn.

I would like to grow old
having close
someone who loves me,
someone who misses me,
someone to help.

I would like to grow old
with a flower to grow,
with a sunset
to admire,
with a God
to thank.

Sep 2014 · 231
A winter away from you
I will wait
that the snow
to find
our flower again,
that the roses
to watch them
I will count
the days
and every moment
of them.
I will fish
for an excuse
not to think of you
even at night.
I will let
the stars
tell me
about you.
I will listen
to the moon
your name
and at every beat
of eyelashes
I will be an istant
closer to you.

— The End —