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232 · Jan 2017
you who are beauty
you who are beauty
stolen from the moon’s mansion
a dress the color of coral

to hold one close
is to burn with longing
while your duty is calling you away

so remember
that all my arrows are broken
and you are the compass
that leads men to freedom

believe in tigers
for their smile is wider than
two elephants kissing

almost a minute has passed
yet without the raft of god
no man can ever return to land

the shore is lonely
without your heart
so hurry and lift up
the rocks that have fallen

remember that once bitten by this mosquito
a mountain will grow from your soul’s exhalation
and reach the sun by morning’s official dawning

give way to the peaceful blessing
or sing me to sleep while i am expecting
dreams to caress me
and utter my name in your dizzying voice
music is the throats way of filling itself with joy

loops from your ear
sting like the water
on a cold pacific beach
I jump from those cliffs into rivers of speech

instant release is ready for you
if you are willing to help yourself
to a second serving of madness

relatives drift like targets
before your eyes
treat them like savages
and voice savage longing
for kindness and lightning bugs to carry
while you were left waiting
in the days before
we knew each other’s eyes
232 · Jul 2019
we hesitate to rise
The depth, width and breadth
Of all nonlinear dimensions
Are exceedingly less quantifiable
Than the imminent direction of your breath
When its projected back through space
I seek wholeness in the hidden chambers of your breast
And find music in your laughter's gentleness
We have outdated attitudes framed upon our walls
And old hallways that echo with the altitude of our confusion
A cornucopia of consciousness and desire
With a smile that lingers like a fire
She inspires my heart to break free
Of silly people’s strategies
We are bleeding underneath our sleeves
With skin and teeth ready to bite
We are all getting high tonight
Higher than the azure sky
Reflected in another pair of eyes
And more blinding than the Sun
Can you tell me who is the one
Who knows your name
When we retreat into our cave
Darling don’t get enraged
We are all slaves to her grace
While you play this game or that one
It doesn’t matter that much anyway
Since you’ve come all this way
You might just as well
Try to never be the same again
231 · Apr 2019
dangerous territory
funerals and fire pits
give evidence of life and liberty
we seek each other's company
to find solace and fortitude
to put love to good use
we have bodies and minds
so let's remind each other
how to use them
temperaments are busted
blunt instruments rusted
art is symbolic
and we have combusted
we choose our path
through dangerous territory
we make each other laugh
despite a lack of repertory
230 · Aug 2018
Liver ate our voices
What do we do with our silence
In a world populated by sound
Are we bound to making noises
Or should we liberate our voices
By refusing to participate at all
229 · Nov 2017
shields of information
sighs and groans as we uncover existence’s bones
scraped like the fragile leaves from the dusty road
spend another hour sitting quiet
it will inform you mind more than words
be a part of the symphony's excitement
without getting lost in the tones
we face the obstacle of our sporadic attentions
smitten by lust we become untrustworthy
smaller than a fly or like a tiny worm
we reply to comments made in jest with vitriolic acid
what is an uncontested conquest
who are these whales that we are in denial of
why do worms lick the offerings
as small hands touch your hair
i see infinity in every sentence
i taste your love in every essence
forensics reveal shields of information
yet the meaning hides behind these empty equations
should we even bother drinking from those streams
where knowledge gathers and spills itself completely
or would you rather undress in front of ignorance
as i set sail upon my quest to become wise
for how long will these sights be denied to us
while forests remain on fire your sad leftovers expire
with hands in your pockets you walk quickly to your left
i turn the corner and half expect to run into you
will you run away again or will you give chase
September's days are shorter than those nights
that you spent reading and cherishing your candles
i smell the amber and the sandalwood in your hair
i wonder if i dare become mortal again for you
sporting a winter coat in the summer
the angels arrive wearing their pajamas
ready for a slumber party in the basement
are these thoughts just fragments of memory
in shrouds of undigested material
do i really still appeal to you
228 · Aug 2019
sashimi sunrise
I am shattered by all of your apologies
Feelings flee as I give way to my tragedies
Transpersonal stories drift into allegories
I am never satisfied with your caresses
We are perplexed and defiant
We demonstrate lots of reticent compliance
And alliances to authorities we detest
You and I have a tendency to penetrate all the underbellies
We would filet the flesh only to inspect the viscera
228 · Feb 2018
chocolate pudding
i like chocolate pudding
and remember dancing naked
you are quite something
hungry and also liberated
like lightning and coffee
soft as the morning
i see your allegories
yet never find you boring
courage is a weapon
stolen from the word
it becomes diamonds and obsidian
as feathers adorn your form
i fall down into holes so deep
that i can no longer speak
if you have a ladder
then throw it down to me
otherwise i’ll just lie here
broken on the ground
and count all the worms
that are shuffling around me
228 · Oct 2017
principals w/o principles
pregnant with meaning again
we are feeling
coming from the void
i am clearly one sun-dried bumpkin
for nothing is all I’ve ever really loved
pumpkins stuttering
making music through galaxies of vines and tomatoes
orchards entwine stables
the wild is alive and capable of reviving itself
within each human heart chaos echoes
beckons us to trust the tunnels that are dark
sunglasses can no longer
protect the eyes from the sparks
mustaches embark on sandwiches that leave marks
on upper lips and beards
steer clear of fear unless you want to be devoured like ham on rye
sun tanned alibis deny reminders of our impermanence
long legs and a nice ***, still I am cashed out
return to drowning in hungry mounds of butter
gluttony everywhere
i surrender to the air and space
to face these mistakes I’ve made
and forgive the entire human race
i cannot escape my self
or my mind
i cannot erase these pages
no matter how blind i am
stammering cramming words into space
like place holders
folders from high school
it's futile to misuse our power
like principals without principles
our honor roll students are drooling
cooling off in their dormitories
then storming the capitol of capitals
prom dates sleep late and awake naked
227 · Nov 2017
nootropes in the tropics
standard tunes on the radio
the gramophones are outdated
so dust off your duvet covers
and dance naked for the daily
words are kept frozen in ice cube trays
spray my hands with cinnamon and honey
your rose water sprinkles my nose
and i feel a hundred years
younger than that old toad
sweep out the dining rooms
and follow the relics of the mind
in my time of loving
i will find a way to say i’m sorry
you combine memory with meaning
like stethoscopes trying to cope
with our swollen diameters
growing up is all about coming to terms
with our petty personalities and demeanor
nootropes in the new tropics
some are similar to the old radishes
codes and secret handshakes
shape the lakeside attractions
of parks and fairgrounds
as the storm rages beneath our stereos
227 · Nov 2017
this infinite being
I know you hate it when
you have to dress up in those fancy clothes
and parade around like an orangutan
why don’t you let it all go
and embrace your own mortality
in all regards this is just a dress rehearsal
so let yourself have fun
one option is to become hard
another is to soften
and learn to dance with the unexpected
simplicity is welcomed
all is in it’s perfect state of unfolding
i am shown my own reflection
even when the mirror distorts the image
i produce another image within my own perception
i am the creator of what i perceive
yet on all accounts the senses seem to disagree
and we are left wondering what is truly real
i steal time like you steal kisses
our hearts dance while our minds listen
for voices calling softly to our shadows
and lightning offers itself in chiaroscuro
the drama continues
i sense the new day is dawning
Venus is retrograde and I am returning
to my old stomping grounds
the elephant graveyards are covered with carpets
we laugh and roll around on the floor
our short endeavor turns into a whole day affair
did you snare me with your golden sparkles
i see your hair like feathers on an ostrich
those streaks of white
make the snow look dark by comparison
all our faiths are the same
one family embracing this entire planet
our mother calls us home
and we return
street lights blare and turn the world orange
i am fortunate to choose my own melody
sadness drifts like a river through the night’s journey onward
forget your identity and merge with the trees along the shoreline
who is the gatekeeper
the one who decides what is appropriate
i wish to meet her face and see her eyes
what a challenging occupation it must be
this infinite being presides over our frustrated creativity
i see women dreaming like symphonies
making serendipitous discoveries
individual recoveries from addiction to imprisonment
symbols surround our mountains and draw us down
from the ethers into present day reality
i choose to face the fire of the architect
stardust collects on your shelves and altars
stall as long as you wish
for procrastination can never touch this
226 · Aug 2019
anima cara
No need to drift away or dismiss you
You are not going anywhere
Here to stay you remain as close as my body
Your lips pressed to my skin I feel where you fit in
I am ready to stray in the shades of your symphony
We awake in limitless wonder as the thunder rumbles
We drown in laughter all too familiar
I observe the faces of welcomed falsehoods
All the systems that agree to disagree
Yet we still somehow believe in infinity
Life is love beyond the scope of our identity
So sit back and smile at the infinite perplexity
We are bewildered and filtered through our ego
Shadow shrouds and then tries to hound you
Why are we proud of the crowds
Who never move or think to refuse our gratitude
They just bruise themselves
With the truths they borrow but can’t uphold
We are bold like the gardens
Financed in the autumn
Love is warm like a pool in summer
We are tumbling down barren hillsides
I found my anima and now she guides my mind
Yet there is more death here
Than anyone could ever hope
To put a rhyme or reason to
224 · Mar 2019
puff on a carrot
Desperately in need of a cigarette
Instead you puff on a carrot
Pull off your shirt
I see your hurt lungs are struggling
You are juggling too much
Put everything down for awhile
And learn to cope with the worst of it
Youth is bursting with liquid
Fit it all into a cup and drink
Frothy steam and lust
Struggles to remain furnished
Bandage the sore bruises
With rolls of reusable toilet paper
Garbage and waste baskets
Sound is our currency
respect the edges of your awareness
dreams are being born anew
i am from the future
and very fond of these recurrences
in order to know that we are human
it must be quite necessary
to often feel so **** confused

i am a formless silence
god is the unchained mind
firmly let yourself discover
the interludes that fill you
with the deepest sense of wonder
we shine like diamond lines of selenite
as concubines combine beauty and insight
limits are lost upon
the dawn’s dancing fingers
they swim in an entanglement of secrets
223 · Dec 2016
Sight Unseen
vermillion and green
i see the unseen
bursting through trees
i am free
the light of infinity
so bright i can hardly breathe
pours through my eyes, in reflections
i find my soul
hallow, whole, and holy
in triads, we define
signs and sights
surrounded by love
all songs are sung, in darkness
opening your eyes
is a form of worshiping, light
that is justified
only by sight unseen
223 · May 2017
Drown in your belly
weapons of resurrection
dance before my eyes,
is it your love that makes me so high?
i am smitten by your smile,
in love with your laughter and your inner child,
god bless this tempest.
is this all we have left,
of the tins of provisions
we were saving for our supper?
what has become of our anticipation?
do we wait or rush hastily towards the other?
what is spoken is merely pretense,
what is left unsaid is absent forever
so sell me the butter,
that you whipped fresh this morning,
into sheets of heavenly froth .
i am smelling all this wonder,
and am so hungry for your touch.
223 · Jan 2019
i witness bliss in your destruction
a serendipitous demolition
with precision you tear apart
the remainder of my heart
and inflect the blessed pain of love
222 · Nov 2017
flight club (afterschool)
approximately what gives
this is all surreal
i can’t conceal my disappointment
in sports cars and movie stars
or in maladjusted hearts
the insurance agents start a non-profit
the cotton industry is limited
bitcoin is a big business
triple your money in a minute
first let the world know
that you are too empty to show up
purchase your retirement
in plastic suitcases that roll sideways
finalize the divertissements
divisive and subversive
i look forward to reading my book
and growing my soul
its an internal process
the way that we respond to death and beauty
can we still see the forest for the trees
so many artists starving in our apartments
lying on the carpets
and drowning in their stench
paper and pen meet later
and you sprinkle it
like capers on a salad
start spreading the idea that we are human
and we have intuition
somewhere there is music
waiting for you to intrude
upon her dinner
smells like a fire muted by desire
i am retired here and now
so stop beating up your puppies
they’ve never done anything wrong
the wheels go round and we lift off the ground
the hills become invisible and we are in the air
later the stewardess returns to your chair
and asks you if she can help you
you produce the illusive gesture
and hope she understands you
while slutty stars ***** our hearts
you are determined not to hide the scary parts
we embark on the ride of a lifetime
her mind is gone but her spirit is strong
hungry eyes **** near **** us
despite those sky lines and eyeliner
these lips are willing if you are up for it
while blind men
are killing each other at the office
growth is a forest
a rhizome in our porridge
burnt to a crisp we forage for our dinner
the dust is giving us its powers
dreams are shattered like blank cartridges
stardust and partridges
farms and families glisten with meaning
peace is finally coming
to a theater near you
222 · Apr 2018
your reflection
a stream of hungry eyes ran down the mountainside
a flock of birds can put you to sleep
so count sheep like you count rainbows
set your alarm to wake you
for as you sleep in the stables
your eyes water like fables
your hips gyrate in greasy undulations
and your dreams are capable
of transforming life into a parable
will you embark on a quest with me
you said, i want to see the end of the world
will you fight dragons and ***** through the valleys
looking for wrong deeds to right
and endangered kingdoms to protect
love is a prism, it reflects your longing
for god is the rainbow that is never boring
a haiku is structured out of a rhythm
so ancient it contemplates itself
and you are able to penetrate
through silence into existential glory
excelling at life is complicated
if success is defined by what you know best
at last we return to the place where we can rest
the edge of a cliff is just the start of it
and your musical body breaks me in two
as i see the split inside me
each day i choose to start anew
thank you my brothers for allowing these feelings
you are stallions and we are constantly healing
under-pressure warriors and thread-bare soldiers
instead look out for and stop locking up your daughters
as i collect flowers and place them beside their bed
there is a test our fathers did prepare for us
they said when we are ready
our souls we must bare
and in that barren land
we will be tried for our crimes against man
and if we survive the rest will make sense
we will again be kind to each other
for we know there is more hunger than we can ever fill
i watch your spine as it moves against your will
you are truly beautiful but you don’t even know
that the ways you think you are flawed
are actually your greatest assets; which are
worth more than all the imaginary weddings
or Victorian-style homes with white picket fences
and golden-green gardens with hanging trellises
or any other thing you've ever dreamed of in your head
to distract you from knowing your own reflection
222 · Jun 2017
requiem for a queen
so many languages
we never speak directly
and wonder what the other is talking about
so are the times when a fool's love is best
so are the days when everyone
stays awake at night
and wonders if others are doing the same
keepers of beauty
the flame of longing
your colors are shadows removed from the night
your stern fingers long as the wind
give me a second chance
and i’ll come undo your blouse
sourced from the alps
a pure slice of heaven
thats my only requiem
relate to the ones you are forgetting
for to love them is to master the above
remove the haunted curses from the music
and listen to the soothing sounds
she makes just for you
222 · Oct 2019
a complete invective
Why are we so afraid to say no
When it's all we ever need to know

Our body is a genius
At keeping us in business

And we are all accountable to the
Struggles of our familiars

Yet the failures of our teachers
Must never be confused with our own
221 · Nov 2017
luminous obscurity
we are luminous obscurity
hustling bustling through streets of disease
reflected in featureless magazines
waterfalls pound the sound of beauty
spaciousness exalted like a castle
yet about to fall from the weight of its own muscles
such wasted beauty
duty obscured
truly baffled by the frailty of our future
i have no fault with others
i find fault only in the weather
stand up for our brethren who battle themselves
like burnt toast
we slather butter on our noses
remorse is ugly
snuggled against our clothes
sloven sitcoms arrows and bows
so many noses
we return roses to the funeral homes
sweep the room of dust and lustful bunnies
dig in the river’s soil
surround yourself with oily muscles
shadows sing our dreams into songs
of belonging
fixing our faulty lenses
so we can see the essence
blessed as we are
next to perfect yet far from harm
out of harms way we burn torches
salute our scorched castaways
and brandish our swords like they are wands
or perhaps just jewelry for our hearts
like darts and lances
July is the month of sorrow
painted on canvases whiter than the moon
sparing us our celebrations
or perhaps we danced to soon
for once the water is hot
we like to fill our pots
with mustard greens and kale stalks
while love prepares the stock
220 · Aug 2018
the millenium
gifts are like flowers
souls are shattered every hour
broken dreamers lift the seams
of yesterday's curtains
i contain the millennium
and a multitude of
other names
220 · Dec 2018
please rewind
wisdom reflected
justice neglected
demons are creeping
from within your tv sets
watch your mind
and please rewind
instead of being present
just go ahead
and press it
fast forward it
to the end of time
it’s really up to you
this life is divine
so waste it or use it
however you’d like

starry eyes of children
holding nursery rhymes
dancers are building
structures out of time
solid, soft, flexible or strong
have you ever wondered
why it never dawned on you
to ask yourself the questions
that you’ve taken from the others
and give yourself the freedom
to trust your own visions
before you trust another’s
220 · May 2017
The architect of mind
now i know the difference
between the darkness and the light
as featureless women
become a formless sea
of instant gratification
is this the medicine i seek
these trials and tribulations
are tripping me up
every which way i reach
i feel you after me
never quite on time
we always run behind

i am dancing in flaming spirals
a feather high up in a tree
i am a shepherd and i am a chief
i am the river, the mountain and the sea
life gets hectic and full of noise
in the confusion we reach out for toys
to anchor us to reality
yet it never works
these childish games remain shallow
and keep us narrowly awake
barely alive
what a dismal dive
into lakes of cold liquid
refreshed by the water and the ice
our humanity survives

i love singing
and playing guitar
every day for an hour or two
i meditate and release my heart
in the rhythm of our future
the past is never far behind
i am positive we will be just fine
as music soothes savages
it also refines our minds
and gives us our carriages
so that we can fly
i am forever grateful
to that universal architect
who so capably designed
all of these amazing rides
whose daily blueprints are engraven
in the inky darkness betwixt the stars
220 · Sep 2019
a penny for your heart
follicles of emotion swallow the whole ocean
commitment breaks and we are afraid to stay
underneath every leaf is a penny
many men dream of opening their hearts
but just can't seem to find the right target
219 · Oct 2017
i am that we are
how can i write about the soul
when all is already known
for to be seen is to be shown
and to grow is a whisper to the unknown
i am shadow like a serpent
birthing fire from beneath my nose
i am hunger like a comet
sweetly stolen from the mountain
i am freedom like a rocket
shining stealthily in the night
i am summer like the autumn heat
and winter when you need someplace else to go
I am amazement in the fireplace
of the lover’s hearts
i am smoldering like the raindrops
when they hit the pavements warmth
i am determination like the salmon
swimming in the midst of memories long ago
i am mist like a hazy sky
flowers parting like the curtains of your mind
i am family when no one echoes
back your heart
i am vision like sunlight dreaming
hours cast off like their clothes
i am shadow like a cigarette
and pleased to make your acquaintance
i am simple like the wind
drifting from brook to brook
i am justice, oh lonely justice
forever sleeping on the job
i am human and merely mortal
so many obstacles i face upon the road
strolling from this town to the next i came upon a toad
a single carcass in the street
a tiny being that i’d ought to meet
with simple gesture of forgotten silence
i assume you were here to greet the day
ask your questions quickly child or do get out of the way
so many stories that truly matter
and so many more to claim unsung
hours turn into rivers
as daughters chase fireflies in the wood
jump over bushes
and make away with soldiers
as barrels roll down the stream
if you care to meet another
than hurry before the day is gone
deftly taken on his shoulders
he picked you up and quickly ran off with your heart
218 · Apr 2019
naked and unabashed
I'm awake and aware
But at this hour it's only fair
To assume that we are crazy
Love is waiting in our apartment complexes
Sinister judges take your collateral
And watch you fall down without their council
Pounds of chocolate offered to the gods
As if we should be honored by their presence
The heat and steam rose from the ashes
And you were naked and unabashed
Money never gave you anything for good
Those streets were composites of our memories
And real neighborhoods are deserted like cemeteries
You swaddle the baby in ceremonial blankets
And remove the furniture from your living rooms
Return to movement innocent like a child
We are wild like the buffalo, in summer's heat
Grown men fall to their knees and beg you for your beauty
We have grown our healing herbs in buckets
And lost our minds in raging rivers
And gathered colorful flowers in vibrant fields
Amidst the most luxurious company of equals
217 · Nov 2019
companion pieces
Love is made of art and brokenness
Like a candle it illuminates the heart's darkness
We are bearing seeds of tiny metal particles
As if we are made out of diamonds
And perhaps a few dusty old napkins
217 · Apr 2019
never equal
How can we explain the abundance of talent?
So diverse yet never equal.
Spread out over billions of people.
Are we adapting to our environments?
Night after night,
Do we dream the same themes,
Forgetting their secret meanings?
Humans dig deep holes,
And then fill them to make stories.
We are shrouds of starlight
Shining like the most illuminated sunset
We are somewhat functional in our conditioning
With hundreds of moving pieces to contend with
We are examples of million dollar architecture
Manicured lawns and poolside furniture
We are fantasies of the suburbs
Disposable diapers always readily waiting
Like soldiers in times of need or war
We have become triumphantly stupider
Bored of reading and taking time to reflect
And it appears we are not yet collectively ready
To rebel against the swelling tides of tyranny

I wonder if she was asleep when i walked into her room
Or if she could hear me speaking to her
While she waits and dreams of millions of sparrows
Butterflies grace her eyelids with hidden sight
We sink deep into radical islands of beauty
And make noises despite our empty lungs
We speak for the lack of honesty
Large houses distract you from the edges
Of sorrow and grief
Please feel free to erupt into a million pieces
Do not stand idly by while corruption waits out on the street
We are shedding our soldiers and stories
From weeping eyes of brown caramel
And like your daughters we are ***** and distrustful
And a boiling *** of water knows no mercy, child
We now must face the test of our temperaments
As if the increasing tropical heat is only a mild, and subtle
Warning of the inherent need for all beings to remain wild
216 · Nov 2019
clever as the elves
We are writing timeless
Ceremonies of negligence
But you're still on the fence
And I am willing to jump over it
We wait for fate to take us
Naked in our beds
But our heads are descending
We are clever as the elves
Who have never found an end
To all of their remembrances
216 · Feb 2017
shooting star (30w)
we are describing what we are not
yet its coinciding with what we are
poetry is reason if god is a father
and morning comes after the last star falls
215 · Sep 2019
Reveal to me the obscene beauty of reality
Islands of sincerity beget your emotional body
******* our pretenses and demanding authenticity
How can we deny the sacredness of these rites
Rituals of obscenity bellow
Just beneath the surface of our identities
Are we really armored for our own self-defense
Or is it just another way we justify these ideologies
215 · Sep 2019
A poet is a soldier that's always at war with himself.
215 · Feb 2018
suspenseful weather
make love
for our soldiers
for our boiling oceans
for our pastors
and our servants
we were sent away again
we escaped the wasted waters
these treatment facilities best be clean
never again say what you mean
just mean what you say
kaleidoscopes stay in your mind
pineal glands shine
i weep for the blind
hunger of mankind’s dementia
in suspenseful weather
sweaters are held tight
bound to our spines
are you cold
then here is my scarf
you are old enough to know better
what is the way to keep dogs at bay
stay a slave to the starving eyes of may
to allay your fears
stay clear of nuthouses
damp and cold are the mountains
we climb to the top
spirals or not
these spires of thorns
were here before you were born
if i could climb these ropes
i'd ******* hooks and cinch the cords
that would keep us on top
let's never stop climbing
how simple it is to make a sacrifice with words
i forgot that we were once heard by the angels
now i remember yesterday's remnants
of texts that were torn and wrinkled
like severed heads from broken necks
with wrists cut and bloodied
215 · Nov 2017
untold stories
lightning strikes through my heart
burning skies tear apart
this darkness in a millisecond
am i expendable
you are inexhaustible
your fire inspires longing
forming spirals
swarming like wasps on a journey
or a patient upon a gurney
what a heart-warming experience
this resilience
fingers pointing at the sun
will we also warm our minds
before the day is done
i am young yet bold
courageous like warriors of old
who held in their palms untold stories
of a Sun that shined behind closed eyes
and formed improbable worlds
from the shadows cast off their words
215 · Jan 2021
a drop in the bucket
a perspective i neglected
too many years ago
now returns on the echoes
of the wind
embankments of separation
apparent to some
and hidden to others
lose yourself
in mental uncertainty
its unreliable how we know
which way the sun is heading
from southern waters that carry
all our heaviness home
yesterday's lovers have flown away
leaving tired spaces where their faces used to lay
though the imprints remain embedded in your mind
caressing your belly and hugging you tight
i walk upon the broom swept streets
and like tumbleweeds i pass
through the emptiness of your grief
sweaty sheets stained with heat and soil
while we uncoil kundalini’s limitless dreams
give all that you own to the needy and forgotten
trodden on everyday by a billion jealous feet
and if you can’t do this then the price of your life is much too steep
for i can surely see that all of this is right
and you are not yet beyond your arbitrary beliefs
214 · Jul 2019
it is only in dying
If buying time is a waste of money
Then meretricious attorneys
Bleed you of your dignity (and alimony)
Currently it is only in dying
That we see no need to speak
While our currency is evolving
We are solely imitations
Of our inimical engines
Of dissipating digestion
As sedentary wives
Remain tied to triumphant spines
Shining like a pestilence
Atrophying like elephants at a circus
Their bodies and minds imprisoned
And bound by imaginary stakes in the dirt
Young prisoners in solitary confinement
Are hiding mental gems
And emotional diamonds
In lonely shipping containers
For you to polish and find
Like two lovers intertwined
She said, I can guide myself
Despite the immensity of your lies
213 · Jul 2017
I want to explore the subterranean core
beneath the dirt and worms 
trampled upon each day by twelve billion feet
I feel there is a pulsing, pounding, thumping, pumping
heart beating, soul meeting happening 
right now in an underground street
in an ancient city where wisdom is wholly received
and eyes are internally illuminated 
by a terrestrial heat complete with a circle of fire
eleven feet or higher that warms the coals that sparkle
in the soles of diamond encrusted shoes

under my toes and your very own nose 
the ancient master’s conspire 
to turn the earth into a living pyre 
and to ignite the spices 
that good taste prevents from being retired 
to create a future in which forests, jungles and grasses 
rivers and valleys, both blue and green 
will no longer become extinct 
due to the purposeless and systematic decline 
of the traditional continuity of nature divine

in hopes that we the indigenous souls and minds
who are everywhere and in everyone eternally entwined
within this breathtaking space
receive more than what we gave
to once again find our rightful place 
on the rapidly fading face of an earth based composition 

may all naturally embrace the sacred flame 
which has a secret and ineffable name 
that is to be repeatedly sung for seven days 
while dancing ecstatically around the one sun 
may we perceive as our ancestors believed 
that to truly meet the one you love
you must first greet and make complete
the one above, below and within you 
Aho Mitake Oyasin!
213 · Jan 2019
Pyrrhic Victories
Gardens of sound blossom when found
Underground rivers slip into our dreams
Burning oil in lanterns made from rusted metal
Tiny fingers record your victories
Wasted lifetimes spent fighting over conquered ground
213 · Mar 2017
dreams brush the edge of reality
hearts beat upon the feathered wings of yesterday
i remember and select my memories
life is beauty not a tragedy
the sun is blinding, shining right in front of me
i celebrate the rays as they warm my body
blood and bone regrow from cells
all is well and all is sound
the ringing bells remember our origins
indivisible cells dividing infinitely
instantly the salutations sound
for our ancestors are never found in their silent forms
but only loud and with warnings do they cry out
make the most of the offerings we have laid out
sacrifice the ****** to the gods
forgotten ways to worship when the times are hard
i speak spacious whisperings
select the fragile and rarest offerings
see my friends are making time for me
to become the lion’s royalty
soaring high as an eagle
reaching for tree tops to make our nests
in cliffs and peaks so radical
we are magical creatures created by the goddess
our selves resonate beyond the spheres
so have no fear to speak clearly
and be seen in all your radiant majesty
212 · Oct 2018
wonder bred of the djed-eye
wonder bred of the djed-eye

(the resurrection and the miracle of the loaves and fishes explained briefly)

Jesus said, "Whoa! She burned a hole in uncertainty."
Mary replied, "The shelf life of a loaf of infinity, is exponentially longer than its expiration date."
Jesus said, "Amen, fishes!"
211 · Nov 2017
sycophantic tendencies
in divine timing the earth
disrobes her fantasies
her sycophantic tendencies
atrocities amassed in neglected warehouses
sounds of broken plants
standing against fences for time’s immanence
we withstand lightning and silence
so many opportunities to choose love over violence
smile at miles of concrete jungles
strung out like fires against the nightfall
streams run clean and dream of starting over
new beginnings demand our attention
like steam rising from the volcano’s edge
lips of ire kiss the sky and turn your eyes to rubies
emeralds and diamonds strewn about the carpet
have we ever even noticed them
slender like a fox
these shadows are our hearts
surrender to the bells
that shower our minds with ringing kisses
211 · Nov 2017
erogenous zones
in kindred arms we lose control
while words pour out of frothy mouths
in fountain-like ecstasy
the mountains we like to climb
have suddenly declined our invitations
while we pretend
that the earth was meant to rhyme
theses chaotic times
remind me of our inevitable demise
gifts are cheap when purchased for free
like the speakeasy’s mind
driven blind by wandering
never stopping
lightning can’t be bought
but it can divorce you from your shirt
leave you thirsty and wanting more
you are begging for love
but there's no cure
so shove this apple in your mouth
and try to relax your throat
the violence is apparent
while separation is silent
those diamonds remind us
of the grief we can not speak
i peak into the room
and find you fast asleep
how do metaphors appear
how can we change our style
step out of our bias
leave behind the mindless sell-outs
shadows and freckles
remain on your face
take refuge in
the unwavering silence of the heart
aside from this
there is no other wisdom to impart
so much for good company
this solitude echoes in our bones
as we defiantly
strike out against the zones
that leave us isolated and alone
and clinging to the dial tone
211 · May 2019
inflationary repercussions
You told me, "That no man has ever reached the top of Mt Olympus."
"That's not true," I replied, "What about Prometheus?"
"Sorry Son, he wasn't a man but a brave and mighty Titan."
And that's when I decided that I too would become a Titan...
That dream seemed to somehow satisfy me for awhile. At least until the day you told me about Prometheus' punishment.
211 · Nov 2017
perhaps we will sing
the simple life is gone
what remains is complicated
like the dawn
strong hands are needed
to remove those stones
and lift those trees
we bury the dead in piles
we weep for our lost families
like broken teeth
they are scattered on the land
we are a lot like lost sheep
with no more shepherd
swept out to sea we bleed
with our sick and tired bodies
there are leopards
on the steppes of Russia
whitewashed heads
in restaurants, cornish hens
and garnishes
spotted children
asleep on loaves of bread
tender and mild
you are still my friend
spend the evening by my side
i will keep you company
perhaps we will sing
and even drink some wine
211 · Aug 2019
nonsense and rainbows
Are we growing too **** old
For more nonsense and rainbows
I write from my subconscious
A collective compulsion to be ironic
We are the architects of archetypal nonsense
Nobody suspected that
We'd be making so much sense
Wisdom always blesses
The hand that it touches
Right before it tears you to shreds
Somebody will pay for these errors
We are naming our own conditions
The diagnosis of dignity has lost all its character
Narcissistic swimmers drown in compulsive rivers
Waters of neglect hesitate to scream
We feel it all the time and I suspect
You know exactly what i mean
210 · Apr 2019
Tenderness is well spent
Like well earned money
Your deadly sins once again
Win you the royal treatment
Her eyes make me cry
For i am softer inside
Than her ******* ever were
Sad as a melancholy dream
We are collecting lies
And returning them to their mothers
What are we here to expect
When all we see is neglected
You hesitate to drift
Into a hypnagogic verisimilitude
Reality is the only food
Worth feeding to the moon
So keep using your heart to speak
Just check in with me please
Before you are ready to leave
Letting go we drift into snow covered hills
And why do we need
These lonely thrills in order to speak
Her kindness breaks down
Underneath she is angry as a cow
Like a bull in heat
You sweep through the streets
Like cattle in the marketplace
Faced with death or destiny
Instead you choose to rest indefinitely
Among the vicissitudes
Of hatred, apathy and infinite perplexity
210 · Sep 2019
a fantasy
You partake in pantless pentecostals
My mind is the sky
I am born to fly in
The heavens reside in your eyes
I wonder if poetry
Could ever be
Anything more than
Descriptions and comparisons
Of things that we'll never really know
I’d like to think it so
Though i know a part of me doubts it
As if the sound of water from the tap
Could imitate a rushing river
Or when the toilet flushes
I could see a thousand gallons of liquid lightning
Rushing to the sea
Like a million divided bodies
Indivisibly brought together by a fantasy
If even for one moment
So we could all feel a little better
Knowing that we are a part
Of something whole
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