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Dec 2018 · 246
It’s Not A Phase
Megan Dec 2018
So I have written for a while
But my memories are held in a vial
There is so much I don’t want to remember but I do...
People tell me that it’s just a phase
That I’ll get out of this daze
But how can it be a phase when I’ve been feeling worthless since I was young?
That’s one thing others don’t understand, depression is not a phase, I don’t even know what to call my depression
Oct 2018 · 291
I Don’t Know
Megan Oct 2018
I don’t know if I can keep going
My mask is slowly breaking and falling apart.
My soul was left in the darkness
She stayed there for longer than I had intended.
So when I went to collect her, I found her black and blue.
They told me there is nothing you can do
I just don’t know if I can keep going
My scars haven’t been new for a while now.
I wish they were though
I’m only sixteen
Megan Sep 2018
Trust willed herself to stand above the ashes of her broken home
And across the clearing she saw a man... with the clearest of blue eyes, hair the colour of coffee. Skin like a dark spilt tea
Together they took a step
Glass and rubble piercing Trust's feet.
But they held each others gaze...meeting once again on the battlefield of life
They reached each other and Trust held out a hand.
Broken looked at her, seeing her beauty through his pain
A shower of golden hair falling softly, her pure grey eyes filled with the word HELP.
Broken took her hand and they faced the now colourless sky.
Together, once again they walked hand in hand.
How amazing it is that Trust has met Broken
And how amazing it is that they work so well together but spend many years apart.
Until someone calls for them
And so Trust has met Broken once again.
And as much as Trust hated it, she just couldn’t stay away from him
Aug 2018 · 207
What If?
Megan Aug 2018
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
Why must there be so many what if's in life?
Why must I question myself at every turn?
What if
What if...
Jul 2018 · 225
Burnt Out
Megan Jul 2018
Slowly the light fades out
And all she has left is the fear
Left behind in this cold damp space
It was never thought that light could die
But guess what?
It did. Lying to herself, numbing the pain
Trying to take her breath away
She believed the light would never come again
And for a while it didn’t
Light is warm and bright, the sunshine on a summers day
The smile of those she loved
But the darkness came
So she ran and ran
Until her lungs burnt out, her legs crumpling like dust
And finally when she stops, silence is the only friend she has, everyone has shunned the girl who ran
So once again the light stops burning and she is the only one left with the aftermath of her mind.
Jun 2018 · 165
The Night's End
Megan Jun 2018
Hold me close when the night is at an end
When waking up to scream is my only trend
In the morning when I just burst into tears without warning
If you want me at my best the why not at my worst?
When my head is about to burst with thousands screams of darkness
And I seem heartless
When the night ends hold into the morning
And I promise to hold you as you would me
Apr 2018 · 152
I'm Fine
Megan Apr 2018
when someone says I'm fine
it's just a rehearsed line
they say to tell  lies
when the truth is they just want to die.
Apr 2018 · 338
Trust meet Broken
Megan Apr 2018
my name is trust
and i am truly and utterly
every word spoken in secret
is scattered and spared
and my trust is broken
putting back together will be hard work
pain increases each night and day
it engulfs me
drowns me
but now trust is gone and she has been replaced by broken
Trust meet Broken
Apr 2018 · 162
Megan Apr 2018
I want to find someone with the rarest colour of eyes
I want to listen to someone with the saddest but truthful story that will make me appreciate who they are
I want to hold someone who loves me for me
I want that someone to forget about my past and my scars
To forget about everything and just be my rare person
I want someone who is RARE
Because they are here hardest to find but the easiest to love
So if your out there?
Come find me...
Apr 2018 · 181
Megan Apr 2018
Mistakes, I've made a few
every time I've had to make anew
They tell you it's a part of life
yet I always get in strife
It's called growing up they say
It will help you along your way
Mistakes, I've made a few
probably more than you
learn before it's too late otherwise it will
Jan 2018 · 274
Megan Jan 2018
I was an idiot
An idiot to fall for you
And I hate myself for it
When I see you with her
I want to die
My friends tell me not to get ****** but...
I just can’t help it
So I’m an idiot
An idiot for believing that there could be something between us
An idiot for everything I thought and hoped
Because I ******* loved you
I ******* love you
Dec 2017 · 115
Megan Dec 2017
He told me to hold on
but... to what?
There was noting there but empty words and an empty soul.
He slowly killed my worth and soul.
With every smile and look, he just lost me in a haze
Of the monsters in my head.
And demons in my body.
They tore my skin... made me bleed.
They tried to **** me.
But I'm still here... I think.
Dec 2017 · 244
Heartless Monster
Megan Dec 2017
Heartless Monster
Some days she cannot stand herself
She has monsters in her head you know
Well of course you would
You put them there
You…the heartless monster
You made her believe that she could fly
You broke her wings and her cold pale hands
The anger you show will destroy her
Though it already has… you the heartless selfish monster
She tries to speak but your voice has overcome hers
So when you find her swinging from the rafters
Don’t come crying to me
You did that to her
You the heartless monster.

— The End —