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1.1k · Jan 2021
Naboobay beans
bennu Jan 2021
We worship beans like it's Bobody's business, and
Beans are my hero

Beans are fibrous
With protein and tasting
Them makes me ready

Beans over-acheive
They did not have to be so
Healthy and ****

I would pour beans where
Fate led me to decant them
Anywhere, Bridget

I'd love a salad
Made of just beans and more beans

I'd eat it with beans.
903 · Apr 2020
shark bait, ooh ha ha
bennu Apr 2020
the shark teeth
on my windowsill.

the unfinished project
your dad in the shadows

fighting for riffs through the fuzz
it was never enough
i traded-- cigarettes for guns
624 · Mar 2021
No Heart, no love
bennu Mar 2021
Take me apart
But don't keep me
On your windowsill

Push me from that ledge
And I'll dissolve into the dirt

Take a couple songs
But don't act like it's a thing
I knew that I was wrong
That's why I'm not selling t shirts

It is illegal to love me
It is wrong that you care
You can squirm and you can struggle
But I'm just
Very simply
469 · Mar 2021
it's a fun word!
bennu Mar 2021

pudenda, pudenda

pudenda pudding.

pudendal masterpiece.

pudendal mistress.

putting on tha' pudenda.

praise pudenda!

preach pudenda

"pudendally disturbed"

pudenda potential.

pawing at my pudenda.

"pretty much just pudenda."

pick at my pudenda

i wasn't pudendally prepared...!

please stop with the pudenda.

promised you my pudenda.

a pudendal predilection.

the precious, precious, perfect pudenda
comment with more!!
450 · Mar 2021
i care
bennu Mar 2021
bennu Feb 2021
She's seen enough
That it just doesn't cut her
Not deep enough
When the two of them...
Hook up

But not every family's blessed like
They are,
Not every daughter
Makes love
To her dad
420 · Feb 2021
Old Man
bennu Feb 2021
Keep those wrinkled eyes in soft
And keep them friendly with the moment
Perhaps we're more acquainted
Than we can really say we're friends...

I know you've got a lot to chew on
Don't you lie, you saw it coming
Please try hard, don't be so bitter
Please just try to enjoy life

Don't look back too often, quitter
Don't you want a better life?
358 · Nov 2020
mardi gras
bennu Nov 2020
my bones held staggering dissonances
i came apart in unclear tones,
frozen and fearful.

but mardi gras was awesome,
i got so ****** up.

i wouldn't lie and say I was the most
conscientious person
derailed and I failed to mention the details
but i won't run from them,
and i will always confront them.

but mardi gras was awesome,
i got so ****** up.

you & i are gonna have such a good time
now that we're done fighting
i'm sorry i can't be yours,
but it doesn't even matter.
mardi gras is gonna be awesome!

i got soo ****** up,
but i mellowed out eventually,
and i kept a ray of sunshine.
357 · Mar 2021
the poisoned lion
bennu Mar 2021
You put a lion in my heart, his name
is Henry. I'm just naming him now,
and I was going to write this as if he'd
already existed. But then spontaneously,
I realized it's more like you dropped him in there.

I have not been taking care of Henry.

I think we all sincerely miss him.
another piece for my creepy obsessive tangent about my ex.
332 · Feb 2021
Disa Marie Turner
bennu Feb 2021
Too lame for you
You will bubble across my cortex until it expires
My pretty hell--
I fall away from the universe
In the shape of your body
304 · Mar 2021
says he's here
bennu Mar 2021
the old, gnarled oak tree
says he's here
buried sentinel rings
bearing tales of structured deceit
sold as sanctioned to the world,
which suffered in sick and silent defeat.

bearing tales of structured deceit,
says he's here
the old, gnarled oak tree
buried sentinel rings
sold as sanctioned to the world,
which suffered in sick and silent defeat.

which suffered in sick and silent defeat,
the old, gnarled oak tree
says he's here,
says he's here.
a tree tells a story to me
my brain is like the tree.

a man who posits he's found it,
an imposing notion indeed.
take it either way,
he's here despite our needs.

and through and through again
until she landed herself in a genuine paradise,
which, let's face it
can't exist forever...
293 · Mar 2021
bennu Mar 2021
I saw a little stunted heart
Wedged in craggy fate, and knew

The time. I wished that it would glow
And well I knew the time, and so

I drew up plans to pull it out
And tracing every obstacle
While drawing up a map, I heard it sing...

And I sang along,
Just like
I do
with Everything!

I went up to this stunted heart
And said, "Hey heart, don't be alarmed!
I've got a lot of peace
That I could give
If you will listen."

And Love, it splattered everywhere!
That heart let out an awesome sound
But something quite peculiar happened
When that heart had closed its round

"Pick me up"
It said to me,
"And I will work as Good as New!
And I can even strive for it,
But I'll never be
As Good as You."

And I cupped the heart up with my hands.
Have you ever seen
A heart glow blue?

I love you more
Than life itself--
Is that some thing
I have to prove?
277 · Jan 2021
Mis u
bennu Jan 2021
Such serious desperate pleading words
Surely backed by something robust, important and
Respectable !
269 · Feb 2021
ninteen and on
bennu Feb 2021
don't you play
"mess is mine"
by Vance Joy
and think of me
and expect the tear
that's running down
your left cheek
to mean nothing to me.

don't strike me like lightning
and expect me not
to worship you like a god

in my heart
253 · Feb 2021
Marie Marie marie
bennu Feb 2021
Oh, you've done such an awful thing
Why can't you see?
The price we're paying for your beauty, Lucy
Gnawing on the corpse of Gabriel...

When we're together death finds synergy
Wherever love can't stay
And I've been wrestling the day
Just to try to say I love you

Are we the shadow fire that ignites in our society?
Is that really us? A day we'll never overcome...

But between your legs
And in your arms
Is where I need to be
Oh! Marie, Marie, Marie
I live under your thumb
251 · Jan 2021
Certainly don't waste
bennu Jan 2021
Death's citadel grows roots into the world
Like the sinking teeth of an infernal dragon

Inside me lives the chance to waste it
Which is more symmetric than good is to good

An infernal, internal dragon

An infernal, internal, eternal dragon

A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad dragon
bennu Apr 2021
Ripples give to swells
Amongst the cracks and splinters
There is the ghost of a liquid
Wanting to seize the jagged mass
And to woo him with watery magic

Bring me to my knees, sweet Jupiter
And coax this lonely Ganymede into your golden sunlight
Once again
190 · Jan 2021
bennu Jan 2021
There are things we can write
With your coccyx as the nib,
Picking you up like a pen by your ribs
Pick you right up and they'll fill you with ink
And give you ample time to think
189 · Jan 2021
Bad bets
bennu Jan 2021
Every sip I trade for petty glee
Takes me that much further from you
You know your wine *****,
All I wanna do is insult you until it's tangible--
The air around us will begin to scream about what a little ***** I am,
What a little ***** I've been
And what gives me the right to go MIA
By the way,
Don't hate me cause I'm gay

Or just because I'm sad too
Or hate me cause I'm sad--
I don't give a ****,
This is ****** wine.

I should find solace in eudaimonia
And calmly work my heart rate up
But I had to be human,
A reeking, shrinking mess.

Now I'm ******* bricks because it's leaking like a sieve
But after crimson left my face
You were smiling like we both knew

Almost like we both knew this would be okay
bennu Feb 2021
Now whenever she comes by,
It's always reminiscent of some dame
Just leaving flowers on a grave
I bet she's got a tattoo
On her left thigh--
In bold Times New Roman font:

Yeah, she snuck that in there
Would you care if she was empty?

Eternities of silence made the chip on her shoulder
The sour bite to her speech, the scar on her liver
Cartoon angels with giant *****
Etched into her cranial wall
Familiar faces, ****** up constellations
Of ****

And the bricks between us resonate her moan.

At least she's not alone.

And she's stabbing her lover to death in the next room.

...That ***** knows how to moan.
184 · Jan 2021
You, Darling
bennu Jan 2021
The fact that you exist,
Like a red and virile fist
Pulsing life into spaces I can't reach
Your name etched on your wrist.

The way in which you breathe
If I could wear that on my sleeve,
I would
Forgive my sin, Marie
All my best poems are about you.

There's things that we are missing here
Things that we forgot,
But it's the little golden hairs
That were definitely there.

And it's the way in which we knew
Just what we were going through
And just what we were not.

But they're there when I crest and I rise up
With your smile
Crash like a wave but I miss you by miles.
The little golden hairs are reflected by the sun
And I'll die with the husk of your memory
Chewed by time
Inside my quiet cortical
bennu Mar 2021
We could live on the moon
In our house with no walls.

We'd get carepacks from Earth
We'd have exercise *****

And we'd kiss
When the Earth
Rose above
The horizon
And our cat, he would laugh
As we made fun
Of them all

We'd have bowls just for ice cream
And one for whirled peas ;)
We'd have a time to read poetry
And a time for grilled cheese

And it's just so cathartic
To pull down our pants
And show them our *****
In lunar romance


But I know you'd miss Earth
And your Mom and your Dad
And I'm here on the moon
Please don't feel bad

It's not as far as Mars
But getting here's a feat
In itself. Girl, I love ya
You're really too sweet.
172 · Sep 2020
Old Rabbits Die Hard
bennu Sep 2020
Spin that rabbit hole to the periphery,
It is surely not too late for eudaimonia.

Make secondary that shameful stutter of yours,
Bring the pillar of the thing to the front and rest on it.

Don't focus on gaining humility, that's a paradox
More to the point is not overextending yourself
Not making this more complicated than it has to be...

Deleterious rabbit, run your course and leave me loose and ready!
Because I...
Am on time!
And I don't know what you're talking about.
163 · Dec 2020
Empty feeling
bennu Dec 2020
A heart knew love
But was stunted,
It screamed

A scream found its ears
Planted just across the stream

But when push came to shove,
A heart lost its love
And screaming was empty,
Just wind through the trees
Just thinking about politics and such
161 · Mar 2021
he like, barely cares now
bennu Mar 2021
my sky cracked
as i'm walking around town
i look up at the fractures

people just look at me
like i'm crazy.
159 · Apr 2020
bennu Apr 2020
clang, clang
clang clang
clang clang clang
clang clang clang

153 · Aug 2020
stray marks
bennu Aug 2020
stray marksstray marks
stray marksstray marksstray marks
stray marksstray marks
stray marksstray marks

stray marks. stray marks.

stray stray marks stray marks

straaaay marks, straaaay marks.

straaaay marks. stray

marks. stray

150 · Feb 2021
Alice in Stars
bennu Feb 2021
I wish I could participate.

Some people see the stars
Like strings on a guitar
Or rungs
On a ladder

But right now I see them
Like steps you've taken away from me
Or steps I took from you
Documented their histories and positions
And gave them all names.
Each one
With a reason~

and He Acts Like He Can't Help It
and Irrationality Won

So done surprising you with love music,
Now I'm a talking doorknob
Who will arbitrate entry, aloof and outlandish

When the night sky is my glistening disembowelment
It's dizzying to look at
I hardly feel like plucking a heart string
Or strumming an intestinal coil
To serenade my sweetheart

I just feel like crying a river to carry us through that stupid ******* door
149 · Feb 2021
bennu Feb 2021
Please know that wasn't ab
146 · Jan 2021
dead planet
bennu Jan 2021
You wanted me
To be on top of that ****
To be electric
Setting fire to your atmosphere
Taking control
Providing your sky with something certain

You wanted me
To be something you need
To be something you see
To be something you greed

But never should I be
Something disagreed
Taking from your meal
Spending all your seed

Spoiling your feed
Loosing all your mead
Never taking heed
To a single thing you need...!
140 · Feb 2021
bennu Feb 2021
Those legs
Pushing aside hills
And carving themselves out...

Carrying along that
Glowing core....

If Valhalla drops
Care packages
I know that they're blonde

For those of us
In need of
A little guidance...

Then brilliant swirls erupt from your mind.

Calligraphy-- your wand is your spine


I belong to history, but once She was mine

This morning. We kissed for the very first time
dedicated to her
139 · Sep 2020
Drowning in His Mind
bennu Sep 2020
Once you were elusive

I feel the redshift in my bones.

I know that god watches me in stunning HD,
Has the whole thing on blu-ray--
But I've smudged my eyes and blurred my brain.

I've stomped my heart in the raging forum
To scoop it back up beneath my jacket
And scurry off like a disgraced man.

And I have ridden my bike headlong into traffic.

So now when I think about stars beyond that horizon
For me there is a despondence in their leaving:
A permanent obscurity gnaws at my mind.

But I'm a crusader after the holy grail,
A politician after world peace. No--
I'm a priest tripping on acid, staring at stained glass windows.

I worry that the Enemy has already made a feast of me
That in defense of myself I'd come undone
And be left with little pebbles
Are we too late
139 · Jun 2020
I think, therefore i die
bennu Jun 2020
Revelations come from my mouth like black smoke.

Usually it's just flowers.

She watches it wafting up to the ceiling,
Crashing into it like a million tiny moths

Flowers die fast,
Even if mine are exotic and impressive

But the smoke sticks around,
It is oily, thick smoke
And it does not die fast


She doesn't cough.

Maybe that's because she already has trouble breathing,
Or maybe she's just cool with the devil.

But the smoke walked out of my organs rationally
It did not try to come out
When I thought about how stupid that promise was
Playing roulette with a wedding ring,
How my body slid into the right position,
How you can fight life with life
But you can't find death with death
Death just finds itself
We're already wrapped around its non-finger
It's the part that's missing when you throw something across the universe
Or maybe the whole thing's missing,
Maybe we're all just lost, oh never mind
I found myself again.

Well anyway, I was telling this girl how it makes no sense for me to make a promise that's just gonna make me throw a temper tantrum,
And how I know I will, I've tried not to way too many times
And how I hate that you can't tell
And it's all really just about this moment anyway.
I was telling her how this time I'm not going to make any promises,
How that's what I need mainly because I need to learn to bare myself to my vulnerability instead of repeatedly projecting it and throwing some girl away,
Banking on my stupid, gorgeous face
And that's the only way I'll get stronger against my insecurity.

I was telling her all this but it felt like I was dying,
And I was,
And I'm learning to hate myself in all the right ways
And I'm learning to be smooth just like death,
Just like D---.

Then I put on If I Was Your Vampire and got us both a bowl of cereal.
138 · Mar 2021
Burstit Bubble
bennu Mar 2021
I **** my life away
A shaded newt
Hiding under the log
Of good fortune

I hope a witch comes by
And uses me
For a spell

I am utter ****.
But I glisten in the sunlight
Blondie never loved me
I was never truly gay.

My eyes are detachable
My flesh is a mere excuse
I can't grow a beard like Soupy
But I can't manage the noose

Maybe I'll just die
A sad and scared
And scattered man
Maybe I'll just die.

But I ain't got a plan.
137 · Mar 2021
clumsy dreamr
bennu Mar 2021
the stars were candy wallpaper
with my big head rolling through your hills
the moon
was a vanilla wafer
it cut my tongue and i grimaced with sugared blood

sometimes you only understand me
with fistfuls of hills and these twirling stars of Van Gogh

and sometimes,
i know better.

but i rarely let go...

sometimes my brain runs a deficit on leg muscle tissue
and my heels kick up dust past the brush in the night
and i wander the city alone at night
and i feel dumb but i'm sure i'm alive

then the trees listen to me jabber on about the government
and i whisk past the bushes on my bike, i might
stop to roll up a dutch.
134 · Oct 2020
jack skellington
bennu Oct 2020
October climbs his porcelain spine
and reaches hand to frothing mind

it tries to pull out something delicate
and smooth
but comes apart like wet tissue paper

i have this dream that you show up here and we run
we run into those woods with our shoes off and cackle
fall on some roots and make out
make out with our roots
all alone
like Brian made out with his roots that night, remember?

we'll never look back,
because unexpectedly, you cast concern aside
and i'll abridge my blues for you
so you can sing it, too.

i'd leave everything, everything behind.

i want to see you
when i turn on the lights
133 · Mar 2021
i know
bennu Mar 2021
i know i'll forget you,
that's why i kissed you
i know that i loved you
it wasn't enough

the things that we did do
well that's why i'll miss you
i'll never forget you
don't be so sad

i know i forgot you
that's why i wrote this
i'm sorry i'm sorry
it wasn't enough

i know i existed
i know that i missed it
i know that i missed it,
i know, i know, i know
130 · Jun 2020
oh you
bennu Jun 2020
oh, you let me down
this is as far as i can go
oh, you make me sad
what a sad world you've created

oh, you hurt my stomach
you're one with my pain
i just need a scapegoat
i don't need a name
129 · Feb 2021
Kitty's Sweetest Memory
bennu Feb 2021
Do you remember my doey brown eyes,
And all the silly thoughts and words that bubbled up around them?

Yeah well,

They're still tethered here to this old clunker
Just traipsed my way through several backyards
Guess I'm some kind of monster now,
Middle fingers

I guess it's time
For my brain
To fall asleep

I can't stop thinking about
Orion's belt
And how my youth tickled goddess mind
But never shook loose any fruit

I need to turn my mind to the colors that run deep around me
And a graceful stab will find the vein,
**** that blood up
Just like a mosquito

((Dusty Texas
Barrel age my soul
What the **** is going on
And why can't I calm down
I wanna work hard ******
I need ******* electrotherapy))
128 · Mar 2021
It is Good and it is Right
bennu Mar 2021
I want you to have
Nice things
Nice dreams
Green leaves, warm springs
Clear waters, soft skin
All the dreams you can fit
In your pretty little

And head.
Finger callouses, kayak sunsets
Worn out running shoes
Lofty secrets

Lavish romance
True grit
Better than
These desperate stabs

I'm sinking like a stone
I cannot leave
These thoughts alone
The ponderings of a deadened mind.
bennu Mar 2021
little miss tribute
127 · Feb 2021
Death comes to you
bennu Feb 2021
Death comes to you in translucent sheets.

Are no laurels
Nothing stands to gain

Only withering,
Wilting allowed in this space

And on these thin translucent sheets
Please let me write my name
I dedicate this blood and breath
To the one who stole my breath away

I guess that they were partly right
They said he comes like a thief at night
I guess that makes you Jesus Christ
And leaves me with the weight of light
I made a physics joke!
Hi Mom! Hi Disa!! 🙋‍♀️

Also I know my poems are like .. almost there. I leave it like that on purpose
bennu Aug 2020
the setting is a walk-in closet, because i was in a walk-in closet when i had this sudden weird daydream. the guys are really drunk hanging out at one of their houses after a party

James Franco (checking on a friend): to the tune of "The Big Bang" by Rock Mafia, sorta stage-whispery and drunk-in-a-closet-y

The Big Big Bang,
The reason for ma ****,
The shorties wanna bang
and all i can say is

(FRANCO pulls aside, placing hand on forehead as if to see something in the distance)


JONAH HILL is already sitting in corner, rolling way too hard and crouching over a trash can.

Jonah (totally wasted): The Big Bang isn't the reason for your ****, Franco.

SETH ROGEN was tailing Franco, and butts in.

Seth: Actually, Jonah, it totally is. The Big Bang created everything.

Jonah: (looks aghast)

FRANCO AND SETH turn to each other, brimming with laughter

Seth: He's realizing it!

Jonah: (pukes into trash can)

Franco: And I guess he'll realize the rest of it later, huh? (winks)

JAMES FRANCO leaves the closet, locking the other two behind him without hands. He then proceeds to the kitchen, followed by a trail of fire, as if there were a spontaneous trail of gasoline. As the room fills with smoke, banging is heard from the unfortunate souls in the closet. It sounds gay. FRANCO'S eyes glow red like coals and he laughs an awful, bass, demon laugh. It was just edited by a computer though, that wasn't real. FRANCO removes a bagel from the freezer. He microwaves it. *******.
ya boi is bennu (by Matt Shaw)
125 · Mar 2021
but that's
bennu Mar 2021
computer girl
your lips are so cold
your algorithm makes me so raw
your heart beats ones and zeros
oh. you're my ******* hero
bennu Aug 2020
so whose pocket
does the universe fold up and fit into?

it could be yours,
if the music hits you at just the right moment
eternalizing the moment in which you were Ready...

you'll know because
a piece of that infinity will break off
and collide with your brain,
reminding you it's really yours--
no strings attached:

this is a steady stream of gravity,
winding through fields of Paradoxes,
rolling into a world...
where that's what they call


i hesitate to face the music,
to me it seems locked up, strange
cold, exclusive, mocking

this can't be the one
that fits in my pocket...

but what's reaching me from across the rift,
over fields of Paradox-daisies
yes, up through the sewer drains!
and straight to my brain?

Aquarius, with her basket of water from Anywhere
taking me just a little closer with every drop
stretching the limit, the border, the shape
illusion soup

now the f- f- fold is ... easy

did i stutter?
answer that one til your savior comes with a sickle,
a novelty, or (dare i say it?)
an improvement.

and you were so sure it wasn't me.

an ineffable kernel belied your definition.
you are formlessness pulling on the fabric just so,
giving rise to form
drinking foreign waters
and not at all considering every possible dimension!
119 · Nov 2020
bennu Nov 2020
I know you run into the hills when I sleep
With little stolen pieces of me
Just like I know it's my job by day
To stay in once place

But we're both carrying him off,
Yesterday I emptied my veins into the river and became more than myself,
Because I was no one.

Because I forgot who I was for moment and let my brain become a stalk,

This solves nothing.

I know the same yellow light that makes me glow will some day make feel very old
That I'll have to shift.
I know it's part of life
But throw your dirt--

I'm not dead,
I'm just pining for a chance to say I'm still alive
That I still have some sense of eudaimonia,
That I still have drive.

I'll wake up with a grey feather in my hair like it's from noah's dove
And I'll know it was placed there by the girl who brings life color
And meaning--
You're lucifer's pet

But I know I'll wake to a strange girl
Holding my stars
In Her eyes--
Our love is a nebula.
117 · Feb 2021
Like a cat in the night
bennu Feb 2021
You're bold like December
The harvest held fast against nature's cruel hand
Your smile is made
Of fire and sand
Your shoulders are made
Of porcelain and ash

You are what you are,
And there's no going back
It's your time to talk
But I'm holding my tongue.

But loose my bad hand, a terrible curse...
You turn to the world
And are not reimbursed
A dignified soldier of love
My sidestepping
Should sneak on by
Like a cat in the night x)
The rhythm stretch on porcelain is just so. It's to remind you you don't quite know her ... ingredients. C:

:P :P :P

I feel like I made this more about me
116 · Feb 2021
My life In grayscale
bennu Feb 2021
Autumn leaves sort of half-crunch in my ears
I never really absorbed the full colors of a show

Never really had the drive to show them what it was all about
I was always waiting for you to tell me

And that's why
The world was made for her
With things left for me to do

We used to sing together,
But now it's just you.
bennu Jan 2021
Goopy shmoopy gadaloopie,
Snorg a snorg a drape a drane.
What if the cops had all the power?
Asa waisa majah train.

Ganz snas a gappa worp
Hoogie doogie gadanoopie.
Buster brown's not gonna like this
Orz snorz a borz lorz.
This is just designed to be fun to say
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