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4.3k · Apr 2015
Sex Vista Amoris
For My Lover Apr 2015
A View from a Valley Well

As I drew from your valley well .......waters sweet last night

My eyes were transfixed on your ******* ***** and tight

Your fingers like the harpist lost in song
Were dancing upon these pink peaks so long

Beyond these matching minarets
My eyes espied your round ruby lips

These labials lisped that eternal sacred love song of the bed

Captivating is the view from your valley to your head
2.6k · May 2015
Sex A Visage in a Van
For My Lover May 2015
A Visage in a Van

As I slept in the van weary from painting through the night

An image of your visage kneeling on hard **** took flight

Ivory body bouncing in undulating rhythms enchanting

Reverberating breast trembling like plump ripe fruit inviting

Ethereal goddess
ride me like a stead

Reaching towards she vanished indeed

Quickly I arose out of sultry slumber and grasped the vision I have told

Looking downward I gazed upon my clothed monument bold
2.0k · Apr 2015
Sex A Hot Toddy...A Hot Bath
For My Lover Apr 2015
A hot toddy…a hot bath
Is the way she drew me home
To the steamy waters of love
All covered with foam

My Nymph of Nysa in white garments as tight as skin
Revealed piercing and protruding ******* within

With these bedazzled ******* all a glow
She led me to her fountains below

“Lay in my waters so I may bestow
Oil to your muscles from crown to toe”

Though weary from tumultuous day
Healing hands restored strength vigor to play

“Are you able Captain to fill my folds
So I may howl like the Sirens of old?”

Rising like Poseidon out of the surf
I placed her on my four columned berth

Opening wide her ivory legs she called for my girth
“Come, My Captain unload your treasures and bring forth great mirth”

A hot toddy…a hot bath
Is the way she drew me home
To the steamy waters of love
All covered with foam
1.3k · Aug 2016
Fellowship Below
For My Lover Aug 2016
Under the new bridge we enjoyed our champagne
Seeking solitude a refreshing refine

The cool rushing white waters flow                             conceal our fellowship below

Our fears and doubts were washed away
By His blood our sin does not have sway

Each embrace reminds us of His Grace
Doubts, fears, failures have left not a trace

Under the bridge our love did glow
He heard our fellowship below
Healing, ***, Forgiveness

— The End —