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 Apr 2016 Foo Faa
Dawn Lambert
Imagination game
Is it real
It's in my head
I'm screaming that it's not
I imagine what would happen if it was
I can feel water in my eyes
I can feel the sob building up
And I hear myself speaking to God
Something I never really do
And I'm begging and asking
And I'm hoping I'm not sobbing
If this is how I act just thinking about it
I know I'm done for if it is...
I think I'll be a zombie
Alive but not
So please God
Don't let this be an imagination game
I don't want to be an imagination game
 Apr 2016 Foo Faa
Dawn Lambert
He came out of nowhere.
Ripping through my life
like a tornado meant for destruction.
He destroyed everything around me.
It was both good and bad.
He became everything.
He made me feel everything,
ones I never thought existed.
I couldn't be anything without him.
I was nothing

without him. He is my energy. He is mine.
 Mar 2016 Foo Faa
foot fat
 Mar 2016 Foo Faa
foot fat
you are the Austin to my Uniqua
you meet me in the backyard
Pablo watches from inside the house
Tasha cries in the corner
and your still here
but Anthony's not
To the backyardigans...
 Mar 2016 Foo Faa
Kolby cortis
A burrito is like a Dorito A burrito is like a Dorito but it doesn't even Fritos but is a Frito even free tho like man I wanna be tho the one who can eat toe like that ain't me tho no ******* is in me yo like you know how I be bro like u know the beat tho therefore a burrito isn't like a Dorito unless it does the free tho frito txt me m8 248 880 2231
I love you

— The End —