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Soft is the tone of your mellow heartbeat,
electric is the feeling when our lips meet.
manipulating are your illuminating eyes stripping me of all my control and will power.
Seductive you are, this time, this hour.
The silent ballet of your moans play through my ears like a first string quartet,
I can't fight it,.. the thoughts in my head,..
this is what resulted me in your bed.
You have toyed with me for the last time.
I'm letting it all out,
I'm trying to unwind.
Both bodies adrenaline beating in unison,
both bodies still in motion with the wants, the need of a ****.
To feel close again,..
But after.. I'm A
                               ­     O
                                                                ­      E... AGAIN
The lust you portray is no greater than your desire,
The power I feel of your red lustful fire.
I know I feel you, I can feel your warmth.
I know your here, so please don't torment.
My small,
You lay your body across mine,
both of us vulnerable,
skin to skin.
this is it..
****** me.
Your hands, I can feel them,
Your chest also heaving against mine,
back and forth we commit the lustful and desirable sin.
I've had my fulfillment,
my satisfaction.
I've been seduced by your bewildering attraction.
Now it's my turn to make you feel alive.
This is a bitter hallucination.
A group of love longers and constellations,
that fill and **** my heart.
If it was only I could touch the sky,
feel the wind as I start to fly,
higher and higher,
I dare to go.
Just to descend graciously to the ground and show that I'm no stranger to the lengths that I go.
Have mercy on me,
on my tantalized heart..
you were just a fixation, a hallucination.
You had me by every word,
every curve of you swaying,
as if the motion was made by angels.
if love is a noose then I am the hangman,
hanging there effortlessly,
with life no longer ripe upon my cheek.
Only the angelic voice of my hearts true beholder with held the mellifluous tone of my broken days.
I grimace at the thoughts that lead me to believing in your leechy ways.
The grotesque touch of your filthy ****** hands on mine making me cringe and imbue nothing but the shame of falling in love with a hallucination.
A bitter-sweet,
His hand lightly floats above her back,
Seeming still to the rest of his moving body,
Tips of fingers gently touch, stroke,
her bare skin.
She dances closer,
They move to her hips fit perfectly along her warm flanks,
hip bones protruding under her thin dress.
Shadows tremble across the ceiling,
together they move bathed in green light,
Red on closed eyes and open mouths from which the sounds crash into music before them,
Yellow illuminated empty bags strung on the wall,
and baby christmas lights flash above their heads.
The shirtless drummer slams the beat, pulsing through the wires out the speakers into waiting ears,
like a hose whose knot is suddenly uncoiled,
as his super-sized slushy melts.
Big boots bang the floor,
arms pump,
she wails into the microphone.
Through throngs of laughter, body heat and cigarette smoke outside the door, hidden in the darkness the saturates the parking lot,
hunkers a ***** truck.
Mud splatters like exploded glow sticks.
What are you sitting on?
Bass Nectar throbs into the seats,
is absorbed into the tires,
one window is open a crack.
Inhale. Inhale. Again. Again. Exhale.
Still, through the smoke, and the ***** windshield,
the stars still glow.
Dance with me?
Let me play with your hair.
It's mine.
 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
Sam Lopez
The steam, your lungs pumping the breath in and out.
Your voice, as smooth and dark as obsidian.
I'm holding you, but the nights freezing touch takes away the heat.
The curves and ridges of your body fit perfectly with mine.
I can hear your heart beat, in sync with mine.
Our limbs tangled.  Your eyelashes, fluttering against my skin.
Our lips barely touch, yet you pull away, smiling. Teasing.
I pull you in, over me, your lips, as soft as clouds.
You wrap your legs around me and pull me in closer.
I lift off of you and I open my eyes to see you smiling.
You laugh at the gravity of the situatioin. You laugh at the fact that you won't be able to let go.
And neither will I. But we don't know it yet. The black holes where our hearts should be. ******* in everything we are and everything we will be. We won't let go. But we don't know that yet.
We are covered in a veil of love and blindedness.
The steam, your lungs pumping the breath in and out.
Your voice, as smooth and dark as obsidian.
Another night awaits us, another night filled with sweat and love.
Wild roses,
Plucked from fields
Full of croaking frogs:
Float them in your wine
And enjoy every minute!
Three weeks and some odd days,
A beginning, just a start,
So much to learn and do and say,
Yet you’ve already stolen my heart.
Maybe that’s what scares me…
The fact that I cannot turn around.
I couldn’t run now if I wanted to,
My wall is already broken down.
I want to tell you everything,
Sit you down and let it all out,
But inside me this tension is burning,
Frustrated and emerged in doubt.
When my eyes meet yours,
Do you catch your breath, too?
Do you feel even close to what I do,
When I take in the beauty of you?
Why does it feel like I’m losing you
When we’ve only just begun?
You feel so unbearably distant…
Just how far have you run?
My innocence and joy, thriving and burning brightly
Beaming like the sun, then flickering like a flame
Slowly dies down to embers
Smolders, wanes.

My laughter and hope, spirited and whirling wildly
Astir like an ocean, then grows steadily tame
Becomes languid and lazy
Stills, drains.

My ambitions and dreams, alive and beating fiercely
They thrum like a heart, then turn tired and lame
Lose their pulse and fade away
Bleed, stain.

I can taste your misery, and it's killing me.
 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
The bullet whistled,
And a number fell.
I watched the life drain from him,
His clammy features grey,
And he reached a cold numbness.

I can not fall to this fate.
Born lifeless, the stars have no hold over me.
I am invincible.

I am gone.
Lie by my side
that I may share with you your dreams
and let me once more
the rest of angels
that I may taste once more
the sweetness
of your warm breath
upon my aching naked flesh...

pressing softly
mine own lips to yours
to whisper in silence
I love you
with now muted tongue
for fear
that I should wake thee
and like the dream
you too
would disappear
let my arms comfort thee
as I am comforted in holding close
thy beating breast
that lulls
the agony of these
solemn moments parted...

so dream sweet dreams my love
and may my heart beat
guide you home

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