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My friend stands still as hours pass
and mocks me through the looking glass
Through whispered words of discontent
she breaks my heart with dark lament
and if I were perchance to die
She would not care and nor would I.
 Nov 2015 Flo
I used to wonder if fire ever felt guilty for its destructive nature but if you think about it a star died to put the morrow in your bones and it was Tom Robbins who taught me that fire is just the reuniting of matter with oxygen

Everything is temporary and I know everything ends and every end is also a start and out of the ashes of beautiful things sprout more beautiful things but I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not ready for another beginning or maybe I'm not ready for your next beginning but I can't tell you that

Listen, when I was seven I learned to patch up my bones with calcium and superglue but sometimes when the sun comes up too slowly they still rattle when I think about how trivial I am to you
and I know you don't want to hear this but it's the truth of my tears and every inch of my skin
i don't know
 Nov 2015 Flo
Keith Edward Baucum
Her love is destructive like blue suns
turning my black sand beach into glass
boiling away oceans bringing an end to my world.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
 Nov 2015 Flo
Denel Kessler
 Nov 2015 Flo
Denel Kessler
A shock of venom
oh, succulent hate
like honey to the most avid tongue.

We could turn away
carve a shallow life from the thin bone of oblivion
construct intricate vortices in which to endlessly swirl.

We could withdraw
terminal distrust gradually withering our lives
it would not still the voices screaming.

I seek the source of my own complicity
backtrack to the point at which I swung
from disillusioned to disengaged

my apathy mistaken for acceptance.
 Nov 2015 Flo
Mike Hauser
Lovers often say
I would die for you
What I would rather do
To tell you the truth
Is to live
For you instead
Not just a memory
Lodged inside your head
While it is I'm here
I'd give you my all
Often I would call
On the phone we'd talk
All about the things
Ahead of us in life
Which I couldn't do
If for you I died
place high
hopes on low grounds.
High hopes must be connected to high grounds(reasonable basis),
Eg, if one wants to become rich but doesn't work hard enough and still hopes to become rich,that's an example of placing high hopes on low grounds..coz the chances of winning the lotto jackpot are pretty slim(sadly)
Build a solid ground for your hopes,
Also if one is in "darkness" today,hope needs to be placed on a high ground even just in the future itself and life itself and faith.
life = hope
 Nov 2015 Flo
Catch of the Day
 Nov 2015 Flo
o                    oo
oo                       oo
ooo                       ooo
ooo                    ooo

eternity it
   seems like•dang-
ling your hook in the
sea of life•hoping for bre-
am, salmon or pike•one of
which would make the perfect
wife•many a fish in rivers and lakes
•plenty more awaiting in oceans and seas•
many would do whatever it takes • battling
the days' heat  and  nights' breeze • wishing
upon      many moonbeams•followed      by
•            the  passing of indifferent          •
sun-rays •waiting an
entire  lifetime
it seems
•just to
finally land
that coveted catch 
  of the                 day 
   •                           •

Concrete Poem 6 of 30

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