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  Apr 2014 evphxric
Kerrigan Reyes
You brush your cheek against mine
and for a second, or an hour, or a lifetime
we just stood still like a picture
and in I was lured
like a tiger to the meal
my doom was sealed
with a cherry flavored lipstick
that made me giddy yet feel sick
because you would never be my love
with blonde hair soft as a dove
and blue-hazel eyes like the ocean's melody
that sing me to sleep every night in my dreams
You lure me in with a smile, a wink
until at the bottom of the ocean I finally quit sink-
ing to the bottom of my despair
this concoction of feelings playing with my hair
pulling and ripping out the brown strands
with their tiny, venomous hands
that cut my throat with their daggers
just like she did with her
lovely blue-hazel eyes
with a smile, a wink
I creak by knowing shed never be mine.
  Apr 2014 evphxric
You're all that's on my mind.
For the past 19 hours and 4 minutes, but who's counting?
All I can think of is how much I want to touch you,
And kiss you,
And feel you,
And love you,
But I'll never get the chance to.
All I can think about is the next girl you're with.
And how she won't be me.
I'm dreading that day.
I'll be happy that you're happy with her, but I'll come home and cry,
Knowing me.
I'll tell you she's sweet, but in the back of my mind I'll be thinking that I'm better for you.
My jealousy will hurt me.
She'll be the one who gets to kiss you,
And touch you,
And feel you,
And love you.
The way that I want to.
evphxric Apr 2014
I once had words spilling out of the ink of my pen
Spinning intricate tales of sorrow.
Words captivated readers
Made their heart swell.
All I have left is empty paper and a wordless mind
It's as if once the sorrow was taken,
My mind was too
Leaving me with nothing but empty happiness.
evphxric Mar 2014
Our love was artificial
Never real-
At the time I was euphoric
I believed you were the love of my life.
How fickle I was
My eyes have opened
My heart has started to come alive
I am becoming whole
evphxric Mar 2014
It's never ending,
This loss of control.
I can feel myself slipping
From everything I've ever known.
Who am I?
Who have I become?
evphxric Mar 2014
I know not who I am
But I have been many things;
I want none of this anymore.
I wish to be someone greater
Someone who can change
Someone who can love
And be loved
evphxric Nov 2013
mind blossoming
orchids and lilies
ribs intertwining
sprouting winding tree branches
limbs folding
recreating their art  
old soul awakening
beginning a new life

— The End —