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People say it’s raining cats and dogs
no, it’s raining teenage tears
the people have been ignorant
all while our worst of years
we weep and cry, until some die
and people stand in shock
the people that could have saved them
they stand, then resume to walk
they could have saved us
they could be better
but they care more about the weather
than all those people big and small
those people that could change the world
well, you could save us all.
this city wraps me in cellophane,
i can never breathe right.
its harsh winds and harsh words beat me.
i wake up to the sounds of grinding metal.
i can't escape, as our unrequited love will never end.
the city that hates me for loving it.
the city i hate to love.
this city will always be black and white,
not to be softened by the innocence of color.
it must remain strong.
i must remain strong.
i must clock in and clock out.
enslaved in a life i never wanted to live.
in a city i never imagined i'd love.
trapped in a cellophane life,
in a cellophane city.
chicago-this one's for you
It's thrilling and it's terrible,
it's wondrous while unbearable:
the piquing mind
which seeks to find
the riddle in the parable.
Traverse the universe
like it is yours
for the unwrapping--
the only thing
of anything
to ever free its trappings.

an exaggerated feeling of physical and mental well-being, especially when not justified by external reality

a disorder of affect characterized by depression and anguish

any tendency to deviation of the eyes from the normal when fusional stimuli are absent or fusion is otherwise prevented
 Mar 2015 Levi Franco
SG Holter
I never saw the value in
Getting back together.

Gone is gone.
Dead is dead.

The world is just too huge an

To give up a new one to
Go back.

Life is too short to

Embrace anything that begins with
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