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3.0k · Jul 2016
Why are you so nice?
esperanza torres Jul 2016
Someone asked me why was I so nice?
Why did I greet people with a smile?
Why didn't I reply to a nasty comment with an equally nasty comment?

At first I was taken aback with the line of questions.
I couldn't quite grasp the shock in their voice.
Why was being nice such a novelty?

And then it hit me!
Niceness isn't expected anymore,
Compliments are never given anymore without expecting something in return,
Smiles are nonexistent,
And kindness is a thing of the past.

Why am I nice?
In a world full of hate,
Full of fear,
Full of ugliness,
Why am I nice?

Why do I smile at strangers?
In a world where the mean excel,
Where the bullies rule,
Where being bad is applauded,
Why do I still smile at strangers?

Why do I compliment my peers?
In a place where putting people down is winning,
Where we try to compete for beauty,
Where calling someone beautiful or handsome is considered "flirting",
Why do I compliment my peers everyday?

Why don't I reply with hurtful replies when offended?
In an environment where I'm supposed to curse at a peer for doing the same,
Where I'm supposed to yell when being yelled at,
Where I'm supposed to show how hard I am in a very hard world.
Why don't I reply with hurtful words?

It's very simple,
I smile because you don't know who needs to see a smile,
I compliment because i believe that everyone is beautiful,
I'm not hurtful because I know how it feels to be injured with words,
And most importantly,
I'm nice because this world needs a light,
It needs kind words and gestures.
I don't want to feel hate, remorse, or coldness.
I need to stay soft for those who need a soft place to land.

This is why I'm "nice".

-Espe T.
2.2k · Jun 2014
Second Chances
esperanza torres Jun 2014
Everyone deserves one.
Everyone messes up.
Second chances save lives.
So why am I so worried now?

You asked for forgiveness.
Said it would be different now.
Never leaving me again.
So why am I so worried now?

Second chances help.
They fix what has been broken
Repair what has been torn.
So why am I so worried now.

Giving you a second chance
Is giving me a second chance.
So why am I so worried now?

2.1k · Jun 2014
esperanza torres Jun 2014
The clock says 11:11,
but not a wish is made.

We step through a field of dandelions,
still, no wishes are made.

A shooting star above us,
no, not a wish in mind.

All those things are just simply beautiful,
but not for wishes anymore.

You, my love,
are all my wishes come true.

1.5k · Jun 2014
esperanza torres Jun 2014
My weakness was not the alcohol.
My weakness was not my writings.
My weakness was not my ambition.
My weakness was him,
He was my greatest downfall.

911 · Jun 2014
esperanza torres Jun 2014
Every kiss,
Every touch,
Every 'i love you'
Stays tattooed on my body.
You'll always be there,
A constant reminder
To anyone who comes after you
That they'll never live up to your memory.

728 · May 2014
I should
esperanza torres May 2014
I should hate you
for making me fall in love.
I should despise you
for breaking my heart.
I should curse your
memories for always being there.

I should feel all of that..
...but I don't...

I love you
for teaching me to love again.
I love you
for making me feel again.
I love you
for the wonderful memories you bring.

Yes, I should hate you,
despise you,
curse you,
but instead,
I love you.

715 · May 2014
back to you
esperanza torres May 2014
A light touch
That leaves a trail
Down my spine

A sweet kiss
On my neck that
Brings me to life

An exchanged look
That ignites passion
In my soul

A sigh from your
Mouth that gives
Me air to breath

A whispered promise
That you'll never leave

All of those things and more
Always bring me back to you...

698 · Jun 2016
esperanza torres Jun 2016
Cover my wound and I'll cover yours.
Protect what's healing;
Be the time that's needed.
Act as each other's waterproof shield,
guard what's bleeding under our sleeve.
Cover the wounds until it's time to show off the scars.
One day, I'll show them off with pride.
But until then...
Let's be each others bandaid.
I'll cover your wound and you cover mine.

695 · Jun 2014
esperanza torres Jun 2014
I fell for you without
knowing how to fly.
You let me land softly,
Then taught me how to soar.

660 · Aug 2015
Touch me
esperanza torres Aug 2015
Touch me like you've never felt
Anything as soft.
Touch my hair,
Run your fingers through
The chocolate brown strands.
Touch my lips,
Feather kisses or
Breathless wonders.
Touch my face,
Outline it like it's
A work of art.
Touch my body,
Explore it as if
It's unknown territory.

Touch whatever you want,
But don't you dare try to touch
My heart.

509 · Jul 2014
esperanza torres Jul 2014
what is that feeling?

you want to smack them,
but you want to kiss them.

you want to scream and cry,
but then they make you laugh.

their snoring keeps you up at night,
but you love being next to them.

they annoy the hell out of you,
oh but how you love being with them.

they drive you crazy
but i learned something new.
What's love without a little crazy?

Is that what this feeling is?

488 · Jun 2016
esperanza torres Jun 2016
Someone once told me that intimacy
Was more than two naked bodies.
It’s two naked souls.

Heart to heart,
Brain to brain,
Soul to soul.

Words aren’t needed.

It’s a connection so deep that it shakes
you to your core.

No, words aren’t needed.

Two naked souls can find
a deeper meaning than two naked bodies.

No boundaries,
No limits,
No restrictions.
Just two souls.
476 · Apr 2016
esperanza torres Apr 2016
When  did everything change?
When did I become fuckable,
Not dateable?
When did I become a late nite visit,
But not a dinner date?
When did I become a "need company?" text,
But not the "let's go out" call?
When did I become a 2am text
And not a 2pm "how's your day" call?
When did I become that girl?

Not dateable
Not human
Not a person
Not a soul
But just a good time.

445 · May 2014
esperanza torres May 2014
Knowledge intrigues me.
Lust blinds me.
Passion ignites me.
Compassion softens me.
But you, my darling,
You completely overpower me.
400 · Jun 2016
esperanza torres Jun 2016
I have no say over you.
What are we?

Always a could have,
Always a should have,
But never a would have.

I can't call you mine,
But I was always yours.

I can't hide under you
When you don't let me inside of you.

What are we?
What were we?
What will we never be?
389 · Aug 2014
walked away
esperanza torres Aug 2014
He told her he loved her,
Then walked away.

She just stood there,
Asking herself if she should
Believe him.

She still doesn't know.

382 · Jun 2016
What now?
esperanza torres Jun 2016
Late nights,
Long thoughts,
Memories come to life.

Heart racing,
Mind wondering,
Missed breaths .

I think about us,
What should have been us,
What could have been us ,

I don't miss you.
I don't want you back.
No regrets.

You taught me to care,
To find trust,
To speak my mind.

I don't miss you,
I don't miss us,
I don't want us back.

I miss what you showed me.
I miss what I was,
when I was with you.
377 · May 2014
She Fell
esperanza torres May 2014
It was a regular day
And you were a regular boy
But that day,
you looked at her in an extraordinary way.
She fell for you.

The girl whose walls were up so high
Fell from those very same walls.
The fall was long and hard
yet, carefree and untamed.
She fell for you.

Passion and love were her parachutes.
She was free to fall,
No doubt and no concerns.
She fell for you.

The problem was that you didn't catch her.
You let her crash.
As strong as the fall was,
The crash was even stronger.
She fell for you.

She fell for you and she broke for you
Now the pieces are scattered
She’s back on her high walls
She fell for you,
but you didn't catch her.

348 · Aug 2014
esperanza torres Aug 2014
Towards the end
We always think
About the beginning.

We never
Stood a chance...

339 · Mar 2016
His ghost
esperanza torres Mar 2016
His ghost haunts him..
   She roams the halls of his memories.
   Making her presence known,
   Sounds of her voice
   echoing through the walls.
   The allure of her shadow burns him,
   The lines of her silhouette engraved
   In his mind.

His ghost haunts him day and night.
No hiding from her,
Refuge can't be found.
She'll be with him wherever he goes...

...I've gotten used to her being there...

His ghost haunts me..
No hiding from her.
She's become my ghost.

-Esperanza Torres
336 · Aug 2015
esperanza torres Aug 2015
"Don't fall for him,
Don't get attached,
Don't think there will
Ever be more,
Don't set yourself
Up for heartbreak"

Hell, there I go again...
331 · May 2014
I don't think about you
esperanza torres May 2014
I don’t think about you

I don’t think about you every
Second of every minute.
I don’t think about you every
Minute of every hour.
I don’t even think about you every
Hour of every day.

No, I don’t think about you
All the time,
.. Oh, but when I do...

Your memory consumes me
It swallows me whole

All I see is your face
All I hear is your voice
All I feel is your touch
All I smell is your scent
And all I taste are your lips

All my scents and feelings
Are completely and utterly
Consumed by you.

No, I don’t think about you
All the time,
.. Oh, but when I do...

331 · Jun 2016
esperanza torres Jun 2016
The one that got away?
The perfect one?
The best thing that ever happened to me?
No such thing!

If they were the ONE..
They wouldn't have gotten away.

The perfect one,
Wouldn't have been replaced

The best thing,
Wouldn't have easily walked away.

No such thing!

The ONE, the best, the perfect girl
Should have been fought for.
Should have been priority.
Should have been IT!

Dont tell me they slipped through your fingers.
Don't tell me they escaped your grasp.
Don't tell me they failed you.

I don't believe that,
If she really was worth loosing then
She wasn't meant for you.

330 · Jun 2014
in the end
esperanza torres Jun 2014
...And in the end,
All we had were our memories.
Those were more than enough .

326 · Aug 2015
esperanza torres Aug 2015
Midnight talks.
2 am kisses.
4 am caresses.
6 am goodbyes.
Wait a week or two..
298 · May 2014
esperanza torres May 2014
I could never sleep
When you were next
To me in bed.

For you my dear,
Were far better than
anything i could
Ever dream of.

Now that we're far apart,
I cant wait for
Night fall to come.

For you my dear,
Wait for me there.
In my dreams and in my memories.

And nothing is better than
Dreaming of you.  

260 · Jun 2016
Lovely Scar
esperanza torres Jun 2016
Rip it off.
Tear it if you must.
One quick tug,
One swift move.
Don't think about it,
No second thoughts,
No questions asked.
It's finally time...
I don't need my bandaid anymore.

The hurt is gone,
Cuts have closed up.
All that's left is a lovely scar,
Neatly tucked under my sleeve.
Time to show it off,
Let it breath.
Turn it into a story that will
Never be forgotten.
I don't need my bandaid anymore.

Espe T.
253 · Oct 2019
esperanza torres Oct 2019
Do you hear that sound?
Thump thump thump...
It’s put me to sleep on many nights
Thump thump thump...
So strong that it calms the wary mind
Thump thump thump...

Held in a special place made for me
Thump thump thump...
Made for me?
Thump thump thump....
Yes, there can’t be another explanation
Thump thump thump...

It’s become my safe place
Thump thump thump...
It’s become my happy place
Thump thump thump...
It’s become my place
Thump thump thump...

Do you hear that?
Thump thump thump...
My very own lullaby
Thump thump thump...
My heart beating in his chest
Thump thump thump...
240 · May 2018
Tell me
esperanza torres May 2018
Tell me I’m Damaged
Tell me I’m ****** Up
Tell me I have Baggage
Tell me I have Trust Issues
...Baby tell me something I don’t know

— The End —