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 Jul 2013 Esmé van Aerden
i keep walls built up inside of me
and thorns have grown around my heart
to protect itself from any unwanted affections
to stop it from giving too much, too soon,
because that's what i do

i am afraid of falling
because you could never trust the arms
that promised would be there to catch you
the cliff is so high and the pit so deep,
and the huge gap in between
terrifies me

so this is what I do
i push people away
but once I've realized this mistake
they'd have been pushed too far,
and it's too late.
There was this knight in shining armor who took pride in his sword
Being the mightiest hero in his village
He charmed the hearts of ever girl
All women were mesmerized by him for he was the strongest warrior around
They’ll drop to their knees in his presence and tremble at the tender of his sound
His frame was as if it was built with God’s greatest passion
He was courageous and perilous, it displayed in all of his actions
One day while riding his horse he noticed the most beautiful face he ever seen
He was never impressed by the women in his village, but she seemed to be the lady of his dreams
She was sitting by the lake, gathering water for the villages feast
Fascinated by her beauty, her heart he had to meet
He descended from his horse to approach her with care
He concentrated on the glow of her skin and the sway of her hair
With his charming eyes he introduced himself as Prince, the villages bravest knight
She blushed in awe and whispered Rose in return and his eyes grew so bright
Rose indeed. She was as beautiful and savory as one as well
He offered to assist her for she was to gorgeous to be working herself
She graciously rejected his offer,  being the daughter of the king
Her temple was off limits and no man was granted thee
“My father is your King, and I am not allowed to take heath of a man, but you’re a brave knight so I hope he shall understand”
He lifted her on his horse and took her to his land, where he was the first man to touch her, he made love to her despite the circumstance
When she returned to her father he requested to know where she have been
He can see the fear in her eyes and the prints on her skin
“Who have touched you, what have you done? You layed down with a man and I must know who was the one”
“No father!” She trembled “You cant touch this man, he is a prized possession of mine and our connection you would never understand”
“I demand you tell me now! Or off with his head. You tell me willingly or I’ll hunt him down instead”
She stared with tears in her eyes and whispered “ His name is Prince he is the town's strongest knight”
“Prince?!” he replied he quenched his fist and yelled “ With all my might!!”
She cried “No Father please don’t hurt him, He is the man of my dreams, if you shall shed his blood my soul shall not sleep”
“Get her out of here!” He demanded to his guards his anger was so furious and hurt grew upon his heart
Prince, laying in his bed then he heard some knocks on the door
Boom,Boom,Boom, "Open it up!!!”
He ran to grab his sword
But he was outnumbered by the gaurds they seized him and threw him in the cell
He knew what he was being punished for, because it was for her love in his heart he held no fear
The King approach him, he could see the anger burning in his eyes
The knight rose out of the bench and positioned hisself for a fight
“You touched my daughter, what you did was forbidden, you laid hands on her before proper marriage”
“I wasn’t aware she was your lassie, I wouldn’t cause trouble to my villiage but she’s a beautiful Queen and in my heart I couldn’t resist it”
“I would fight for her love my King, to prove to you I am worthy, for no man is a threat to me only her disappearance would hurt me”
“Fairly well Knight your request is granted you shall battle Hollow, a knight who never been in deaths shadow”
With no hesitation he rose and grabbed a sword and marched to the scene
He fastened his armor took stance to fight for the love of his queen
He looked up in the crowd and in his eyes was his beautiful lady
His heart grew stronger and through her blessing he was motivated
He took the first swing missed and was struck in the side
The fight gotten intense and they was so much fear in her eyes
For Prince never been struck by the sword of another man
He was just as shocked by everyone in the village but he was determined to win
All that was heard was gasp of the audience and the clinging of the swords
Prince was growing tired by the minute and his energy was getting lower
He looked up at the princess and realized what he was fighting for
His concentration was knocked off and he was he was knocked down to the floor
A **** layed by his heart and stars formed in his eyes
Surely everyone thought that any minute his death would arrive
He layed in his blood and thought that his love couldn’t be cheated
Like being revived he regained all his strength and struck Hollow in his chest, he was defeated
Tired from the battle he fell down to his knees
Then come running to his rescue, his beautiful Queen
She ran and kissed him for she knew that he was her Knight in shining armor
Tears grew in her eyes and her love for the knight grew stronger
The King kept his promise and rewarded the Knight his Queen
For the Knight had scars of love, but because of his prize he was showered in glee
He fought the hardest battle and shed tears, sweat, and blood
He fought for his golden life, and for the woman that he truly love

Copy Right 2013
     Patty Ann
she  is
          an eagle on the wing,
he is
          the wind on whose carpet she is buoyant;
they both depend on each other's might
to be together, they are conscious,
a little too much.
The higher she goes
she is beyond his ken,
the more he holds
her powerful wings down,
to control and limit,
she is more than a captive,
without her true expression.
They are
passionate lovers,
unaware of making
each other dependent,
and believe
they are in a perfect relationship.

When would they learn,
to make freedom their
true and trusted friend.
I feel like I'm breathing but I'm not really alive.
The blood pulsing beneath my skin and the air going through my lungs
Means nothing when I feel dead inside.
I am a ghost. Walking through a hall of smiling faces and joyful laughter.
Feeling insignificant and invisible.
Although the scars are fading, my past still haunts me.
My wrists are clean but my heart is not.
Its been beaten, scabbed, broken, and bleeding...but it continues beating.
Death seems peaceful, easy, but I'm not finished here,
Even though I'm in a season of a nightmare.
No matter how hopeless and dark it seems, I still see traces of beauty in the breakdown.
Hope shining through in midst of adversity.
Maybe a smile from a stranger
A flower from a loved one
A kiss, a hug, a touch.
Your beauty is weaved through this storm.
True love is waiting for me, not with a box of chocolates, but nails in His hands, pinned to the cross
Its time to let go and thaw this heart of stone.
My demons have no match to the power of Your name.
My wounds will heal, my heart will stitch up, and through Your power, I will recover.
I wrote this more than a year ago...funny how so much changes...but in a way everything's still the same.
I am evening's alpine glow, drawing you out west across the canyon
I am the stranger who comes to you in dreams even though
They say you can only dream of things you know
I am
A brass bowl of your hopes
No more than some faraway notion
I taste of the ocean
I am the beat of your future heart
Barking at the moon, a little fool, a little sad, but
You're the one who dreamt me up on some lonely summer's day
And I am
The grass you laid upon that day
I make you itch
And I am
The stones that bruised your feet as you walked the river's edge
You thought that you were ready
I make you ache
But when this year comes to an end, too
I'll be
The dust you shake from your winter clothes
The spider you find hiding in your sheets
And the scrap of paper you use to set it free
I am the perfect lover you will probably never meet
The secret you could never know or keep
And all you can do is watch for me in your sleep
And all you can do is wait
Or not wait
For me in all the quiet places
And don't forget your dreams in daytime
We had 104 days of summer vacation, then school turns to life just to end it
So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it...
Working and working until you are sore, only to come home and plop in bed
Forgetting your taxes 'till the last minute or getting pulled over by feds
Surfing the internet, pinning on Pinterest, or downloading pirated songs
Get halfway through a book, changing your kid's diapers, and watch TV to see there's NOTHING ON!!
As you can see, growing up just ain't easy, but we're in for the overhaul
But we can sit back and laugh at the fact WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL IN FALL!!!!
Three days for by
too fast.
Faster than the sun rises
and sets,
it seems.
The night before,
brings me to tears
as I hug you,
forgetting to be glad
you are here now,
not that you will
be gone tomorrow.
Though, tomorrow,
it will hurt.
An emptiness
in my stomach
will ache.
So why tonight
must I cry too?

Ah, that is for

I cry when my
arms are around you
and your head lays on mine
for the beauty of love.
I cry when I play
with your fingers
and tell you
"you're perfect"
because of this
tragic ecstasy
called love.
I cry when you say
I'm a beautiful and
strong woman
for love.
When you are here
or when you're gone,
I love you.
States away and
months away,
I love you.

So the night before,
while your  body
is near,
I cry and hug you.
while your body is far,
I will cry, too
I love you.
April 22, 2013
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