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Jun 2017 · 485
Battling the Beast
Eric VandenBrink Jun 2017
I've got anger issues
And I've just run out of tissues
My tear ducts have gone dry
Brain boils then starts to fry

It's too hot
too loud
You're too slow
Not my crowd

This world is not for me

An apple of a different tree

Finding where will be

The peace of eternal tomorrow
Oct 2016 · 377
Eric VandenBrink Oct 2016
I am resourceful

I will take this thick pain
And mold it
Like clay

I will create a melody
To the pulse in my silent ears

One must live out each day
And find inspiration

In the height of the clouds
Or the depths of the shadows
What will you chose to do with your fuel?
Oct 2016 · 349
I hope
Eric VandenBrink Oct 2016
I hope the pain I feel
Is the pain I caused you
So you can be free
And love someone true

I'll take it all back
I'll take it from you
Wash every black spot
Leave no clue

Only leave the love we found
Our dormant tree
Stuck in the ground

So that one day we may grow again
Oct 2016 · 346
The one like no other
Eric VandenBrink Oct 2016
Is love the dread
I feel inside?
Thinking of you
Walking in his stride?

This is what you wanted
This is what you chose
You let go of the warmth
Let the sacred door close

And if fate will have it
You'll be side by side
When mountains collapse
Pulled in by the tide

The love that we have
So delicate yet strong
Lives within me
Fuels all day long

Could this be the end?
Will we go separate ways?
Or in time can we mend?
And bask in loves rays
The process of processing
Oct 2016 · 268
Eric VandenBrink Oct 2016
Is the checkpoint
Between the end
And start
Of the flow of thought
Oct 2016 · 386
Eric VandenBrink Oct 2016
Our lives, seem to finally
Quantumly split
A pain lifted up
And new flames lit

Attempts to fuel jealously
I hope will soon quit
I intend on living
And to forget all the ****

I will only hold
The precious moments dear
To live in the NOW
And forget all the fear

Lessons learned
Respect earned

To the new horizon
I bid you adieu
Farewell my special love
Lord knows I not deserve you
Peace be for all. Without honesty, we fall
Jul 2016 · 283
Assumptions of Comfort
Eric VandenBrink Jul 2016
Being alone
Has surely shown
That connection is essential

Why when thrown
A heavenly bone
My heart loses pure potential

Give me the strength
To forget the past
To live each day
As it were my last

Embrace the love
From high above
My souls one true credential
Give love to the fear, don't fear love
Jan 2016 · 332
Some Time
Eric VandenBrink Jan 2016
Been awhile
Thought I'd trial
A little rhyme
To make you smile

Life simply IS
Flat and Fizz
A time
Of knowledge and wiz....

.....Dom! Dumb!
What have I become!
Oh wait I just IS...
No need to succumb
I don't know? Do you?
Oct 2015 · 342
Eric VandenBrink Oct 2015
A hand
Is not a foot

But they do belong
to the same body
Sep 2015 · 505
Fuck Booze
Eric VandenBrink Sep 2015
**** *****
You only lose
Every time you hit snooze
On reality

Decisions made
Cords frayed
To some, it seems

The glassy glance
Of liquid romance
Is only a dance for two
Sep 2015 · 914
It's Overboard
Eric VandenBrink Sep 2015
Will it ever truly be
Overboard? In my head?
Probably not
But surely in this vessel

I see the ships sails
They are a different color
Then when I was aboard

They've set new course.
Brash pirates of the mortal liquid
Banding themselves with inebriation

Been aboard I have
And in this life
Never again

When the fog clears
And the wreckage settles
I will gather the pieces

I am on my course
And my compass
Points true north
Don't do drugs mmkay
Sep 2015 · 829
Eric VandenBrink Sep 2015
How can one grow a plant,
And only water it when it's wilted?

How can one turn to love
Only when it is feeling guilted?

How can one change its ways
After years of growth stilted?

He must learn to overcome
Every obstacle, every day

Love should be respected
I feel I've only neglected
Aug 2015 · 412
Eric VandenBrink Aug 2015
Never fear, never fear, my dear,
Our souls, already, to each adhere
Though the now may fill with fear
Never fear, never fear, my dear

Fear of loving, fear of past
Tears from someone coming fast
Passion and pain, life at last
No one said you could not cast...

.....another doubt into the mix
Hurry! Run!  He needs a fix
Magic, voodoo, sorcery tricks.

Never satisfied. But why?

— The End —