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962 · May 2016
Cinnamon Nightmares
Emma B May 2016
I still crinkle my nose when I smell your potent cinnamon scent waft my way even if you are not here. My stomach turns, my heart races and my eyes burn like that moment when you’re so cold and frostbitten you get an unpleasant tingly warm sensation in your toes. The night mama burned a cinnamon candle while I slept next to her, I had cinnamon nightmares. I woke up in sweaty sheets and with a beating heart. I will stand in a front of a pack of thousands of angry,hungry wolves as long if that means I don’t have cinnamon nightmares. Remembering the way you would pretend to be so sweet in visible light, but when the candle light lost its flame your true colors were so apparent. Tonight when the moon and stars come out, in my tank-top and shorts, I will be ready for you, with lavender on my wrists and my heart on my sleeve ready to have peaceful lavender dreams.
302 · May 2018
The Condom Broke
Emma B May 2018
The ****** broke, I bleed again you tell me to hold on, you say you can feel everything, but so do I. I feel, I  feel the abraisons, the scars but who the **** cares when my feelings are drowned out by the lingering smell of cigarettes on your breath. Do you remember when you told me about your son, who you never see, but ***** lies about a future family bore from me. My ****** ripped  and streched, bleeding and bruised.  You assume we'll have children, yet never ask me what my favorite names are. I love David, Matthew, Katherine & Audrey. But why would you care, if you don't stop to care about the words "NO", some of the first words we learn as a tot. When you cry and complain about missing your sons milestones but don't do **** to be a father to him and fight for him, that speaks measures. Thus next time, I will buy a bigger ****** and perhaps, I won't have to think about whether or not you know all these things?

— The End —