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 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
You were a *******.
And I really hate you.
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
Some people are madly in love with me,
And it makes me so sad.
I know some of you might not think of much me,
But I regret to inform you that I'm a real heartbreaker.
The way I walk around this earth,
With my high heeled attitute, my mermade hair, and my blue dragon eyes.
"She'll save me,
She's magic."
It's completely false.
And completely tragic.
I can only reflect what you're putting into me.
I try not to use you all,
I really do.
I didn't want to be your first time baby girl,
I didn't want him to give me his heart on a silver platter.
It didn't matter.
I was only playing a stupid little game.
I can't quite remember the name.
But it's all I know to do.
I'm sorry I'm such a good ****.
I'm sorry I'm so **** cute when I'm high.
I'm sorry I have the voice of an angel.
I'm sorry I can read you so well.
I'm sorry every time I say one of your names there's an electric current
Running from your stomach,
To you fingertips,
And back.
I'm sorry every slip up is precisely planned.
I'm sorry I have you in my hand.
I can't tell if it's a conscience effort or not.
I guess I forgot.
I'm just an alcoholic nympomaniac.
But the real problem with that,
Is that I am unbelievably brilliant.
And I am unbelievably sorry
That you all ran head on into the little web I forgot to unspin.
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
Sometimes I see a little boy,
In a blue and yellow striped shirt,
In the corner of my eye.
He told me he is a lost spirit,
And that I was to adopt him.
The boy did not remember his name,
He only knew that he was four.
So I tried to call him timothy.
He gave me a headache,
He does not like the name Timothy,
He prefers Collin.
Sometimes he is in my dreams,
And he asks me to sing to him.
He cries when I sing church songs.
And he cries when I smoke or light a candle.
I think he died in a church.
I think he died in a fire.
Poor Collin.
Sometimes he just watches me.
And he sings a little song.
"The wind moves the tree.
And I move too.
But what moves me?
That is up to you."
Poor Collin.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
When I was little
I read Goodnight moon every night.
And I'd goodnight kiss my bed.
And my door.
And my rocking chair.
And the floor.
And then I'd set up four little stuffed animal guards,
Back to back,
To watch the four walls of my room.
So that all the demons couldn't get to me.
They were my troops.
If I closed my eyes,
The ceiling was made of raindrops,
Frozen still.
But they weren't cold.
If I layed flat on my back,
I could hear the sound of my guards talking.
Mutiny they said.
They were going to over throw me.
They had secretly been the demons the whole time.
Those sneaky little *******.
So I crushed them under the weight of my toys,
That very second.
And the next day I pierced all their ears with a bidazler.
And I drew them tattoos.
I made them the thugs they wanted to be.
They didn't like it.
Repented for their sins.
But I used no crayola.
Punishment is a sharpie,
I had told them that before.
And that was the night I realized
I'm so much stronger than the demons.
I do not need a guard.
Goodnight moon.
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
My Apologies
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
Awh honey,
You didn't do it again did you?
Don't fall for me.
I already told you I was broken.
I'm a warrior.
I've been to battle.
I created the battles.
I shot myself.
I'm like a siren.
My bad.
Awh honey,
Just stop.
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
Can I make a sandwich at midnight?
Yes I can, actually.
Shut your
I like to ****.
I like to eat sandwiches at midnight.
I like to smoke.
I like to write poetry.
And make out in elevators.
And be young.
And I will **** **** if I want to,
And I will be  **** if I want to.
Try and stop me?
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
Kira Harmon
Remembering you is easy, I do it every day.
It's the heartache and memories, that will never go away.
I stop the tears from falling, trying to be strong.
stiffening my upper lip, what you wanted all along.

Remembering you is easy, I do it every day.
It's the heartache and memories, that will never go away.
I'm growing up now, without you.
always asking, what would you do?

Remembering you is easy, I do it every day.
It's the heartache and memories that will never go away.
I'm a spitting image of you, people say.
I promise, nothing of you will ever fade.

Remembering you is easy, I do it every day..
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
Kira Harmon
If you paid attention, you would see
The side you know, the one I show
Is not me. Just simply
What you wish to believe.
I make myself into what you want me to be.
If only you could see my hidden destiny.
I'm a writer and a singer.
Part of the plan is you putting me through the wringer.
I'll be famous one day,
I'll look at you and say,
if only you  believed  from the start
*there wouldn't be emptiness, in my heart
I wrote this off of what little understanding I have for my friend's life. I hope she likes it even just a little. I have faith in her. If she reads this, she could probably figure out which person in her life that it's about.
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
I lay here trying to numb the pain. Am I really all to blame?
Alcohol no longer does the trick, Hopefully this death will be quick.
I really wish it didn't come down to this, But I've been dying for far to long in this dark abyss.
This noose around my neck, I'm just an emotional wreck.
My lungs slowly begin to close, I'm barely even on my toes.
So close now, the voice whispers as sweat drips down my brow.
I wonder where I go from here. All I know is that I just want these demons to disappear.
Tears fall from my eyes, As I tell you the last of my goodbyes.
I just wish my choice was more wise.
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
 Jul 2013 Emily Rene
Here I Alone I Sit. So Sad Isn't It.
I Keep Saying This Little Prayer, But An Answer Back Is So Rare.
All I Wanted Was A State Of Bliss, But It Seems Like I'm Falling In A Deeper Abyss.
I Roll in Pity, Awaiting For My Entrance Into The Holy City.
Some Tell Me To Take Action, But I've Only Found Myself To Be The Tourist Attraction.
A Joke Of Myself I Make, People Just Laugh And Do A Double Take.
Tonight Once Again I'll Dine Alone. Awaiting For An Answer From The Man Up At The Throne.
To Once Again To Be Shown That I Am Unknown.

— The End —