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 Jun 2014 em nadir
I'm the type of person who can either sit by herself under a weeping willow
Reading quietly or writing poetry about life being an inside inferno,
Or who can go clubbing with her friends, get drunk and show up at 5 in the morning.
That's me, I either spend my day being in an immense joy, or spend it mourning.

I'm the type of person who is everything and its contrary,
I can fall in love with the same person whom I hated yesterday,
I can forgive in two seconds someone at whom I've been angry
I can be strongly willing to leave, and then I suddenly decide to stay.

Once I realised I wasn't in love with the person I had been waiting for, two years after
And realised at the same second that I wanted the person I had just lost.
My brain and heart didn't quite agree with each other,
But now it's to late to get back the girl I love the most.

One minute someone's my best friend, then she gets on my nerves
One minute I really want something, then I just change my mind,
One minute I find myself pretty, then I suddenly hate my curves
One minute I wanna open my eyes to the reality of the world, then I wish I was blind.

I suddenly realise why some people can't see me,
I'm so hard to live with, too difficult to stand,
I'm actually working on myself to be the person I want to be,
Because if I don't react, she's not coming back, ya'll understand ?

To all the Lost souls wandering around the Earth,
If you have problems, believe me they all come from you.
You'll have to give your life another chance, a rebirth,
Otherwise you'll be the person you never wanted to.
Wrote this at 4am, when I realised the reason people I love always leave me.
 Jun 2014 em nadir
The snow reminds me of every part of you
Your shimmering blue eyes
Flecked with shades of gray
They were iridescent
Resemblance of the sky at winter time
Without a slight touch of clouds
The depths of your deep chestnut brown hair
Reflected all the radiance in your smile
On the well-carved yet pale lips of yours
A smile that could cure cancer and wars
When your cold fingers touch mine
It sends shiver down my spine
You're no prince charming
Nor are you a mighty knight
Just someone for me to cuddle
During chilly nights
The way you laugh- oh its cliché
How it simply takes my breath away
Like a snowflake's delicate six-fold symmetry
Something about you is exquisite, indescribably
Without no fathomable sign I'm just drawn to you
Each and every part of your beautiful existence
Ever since then, I've always loved the first snow fall of winter.
 Jun 2014 em nadir
Running out of days
My breath is becoming short
The whispering wind begs me to stay
Hoping for a twist in this plot

Please don't take my soul
Not now, not just yet
But it's beyond my control
Must cherish this journey of no regrets

Let's build our own little fort
Where no one gets hurt and no one dies
Hopes and prayers are my last resort
As we bid melancholy goodbyes

Oh darling, take my hand
My grip is getting weaker
Prepare yourself to let go, unplanned
Since my skin has turned paler

Soon my sleep will become deeper
Craving for a final moment with you
Before falling into this eternal slumber
Before my time due

Oh darling, wipe your tears
Those drops are precious
Go to our little fort, take shelter
And reminisce how our memories were tenacious

Raising a white flag
One more moment, please
I solemnly begged
Alas, closing my eyes at ease
 Dec 2013 em nadir
Troy Curtis
It amazes me that it took until the last minute of my life-
once lived and defined by the sorrows and my strife,
While I stand below the gallows (at least not by a knife)-
To realize my merits and that my spirit, eroded by my pain,
Was yet still gleaming, and my heart beaming
Though i was about to die.

Yet i stand here above the rest of you, on a stool that i earned;
Below a fitted noose, looking down.
And i see the jealousy in your eyes because you know I've won.
All along, held inside me was the greatness i never felt
And the death i once pondered-the one i sought- was never dealt.

I've come to my ending
Guilty of being grim
Charged with ungratefulness
And convicted of having sinned

Though in the end all that matters,
Was that i fully lived
Though only for one last minute
Ive no more reason to misgive

As the wreath hangs about my neck
I look once more upon your face
I chuckle as i fall
And smile before i brace

The Merry Hangedman
 Dec 2013 em nadir
 Dec 2013 em nadir
my thoughts
my feelings
of you
carved in blue ink
scattered pieces by pieces
all over the floor
for a moment, i thought
i'm not capable
to go on
not anymore
these thoughts of you
they're killing me
from inside
like smokers
inhale and exhale
their cigarettes
with satisfaction
not knowing
the cells in their lungs
rot one by one
day by day
and you just lose yourself
 Dec 2013 em nadir
 Dec 2013 em nadir
The only thing I feel nowadays
Is empty
The last butterfly in my stomach
Flew away
Or died
Either way they're gone
I no longer feel
The blade going across my arms

The sharp pain
Followed by a burning sensation
I guess 'empty' is better than
And scared
But it sure as hell Isn't better than
 Dec 2013 em nadir
I love you
I know I do
But I can't feel it
The numbness has reached my heart
No matter how hard I try
No feelings break free
They're lost somewhere
In the darkness

I don't know how else to put it
I don't have words to explain
It's just these chemical imbalances
I hope you'll understand
I love you
I really do
I just can't always find it
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