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 Dec 2013 em nadir
Olga Valerevna
Beneath her ****** purple eyes the bandages unwind
Reveal the fruit of every hit she's taken to her mind
A stripe away from damages that cannot be undone
She whispers in her timidness, you are the only one
The seeker floats around the words she speaks into the night
And she can feel a quiet breeze solidify their flight
I'll be there soon, I'll watch the moon, I'll travel back to you
The bruises heal and she appears, she finds him withered too
I've missed the conversations we have carried through the years
A hope, a light, dynamic sounds surrendering my ears
I want to bounce until the day we reach the second stair
Repel the dark and sorry things that tangle up your hair
And so the strands were compromised, she let the pieces fall
Upon the fringe of sacrifice she floated through the wall
"I believe in things you can't see."
 Nov 2013 em nadir
Hazel McCath
Hey Alex,
I went to visit you yesterday
I wore the dress you got me on our third anniversary.
I brought daisies and dandelions, combination of our favourite.

Memories of you in the hospital, vivid.
Laying on the uncomfortable bed
Face paled, the faint blush you wore, long disappeared.
I clung onto your arm that was connected to the IV

Watching you fall into coma with that beautiful carved smile,
Reminded me of our cherished moments
Our sweet memories came and haunt

Remember Moo's Ice Cream Land?
Our very first encounter.
You said you were enchanted by
my beauty
Oh the charming excuse you used when you spilt chocolate mint ice cream on my blouse.

Remember Hails Overlook?
We watched the sunset together
I saw you tremble when you took out the ring
It was a promise, that we were forever.

I also remembered our fateful dinner.
You weren't well, but it was our third anniversary
As soon as the food was served,
You clutched your heart and screamed out with agony

Rushing to the hospital,
Cancer was devil, the doctor figured.
Your mother wept, your father shed a single tear
And I, ran as far as I could and.. and died a little.

The daisies and dandelions I brought
Fresh from the town's florist
I gently place them on your grave
And kissed your engraved name on the stone
Goodbye Alex.
 Nov 2013 em nadir
I love you on sunny days
when the radiant sun enlighten the earth
I love you on rainy days
when drops of drizzle pour from above
I love you in the morning
when the rays beam through the window
I love you at night time
when the moon sings lullaby for the stars

I love you in the summer
when waves crash feets on the beach
I love you in the spring
when birds greet the blooming tots
I love you in the autumn
when brown leaves gracefully touch the ground
I love you in the winter
when a cup of hot chocolate is bliss

no matter what season
nor what weather
without fear
without expectations
this feeling
my love,
is inevitable
 Nov 2013 em nadir
Daniel Magner
trying to
and knowing
in a year
I will leave
today I want
to cry
but my eyes

Daniel Magner 2013
 Nov 2013 em nadir
madeline may
it's three months later
and the tune of our love
still echoes through the labyrinth
of my prozac-poisoned cerebrum

it's the sound of rainy evenings
in whitewashed suburban neighborhoods
overwhelming me
as it ricochets off the cold stone

it's the ghost of your hand
holding mine so tight
and it feels like home
as I stand here alone

even as the symphony changes key
to red hair and bright blue eyes
the cadence of you
still rings in my mind
and it's making me dizzy
this is ****
im sorry
 Nov 2013 em nadir
I filled your veins with water and wrote you down on white paper so I didn't have to read you back anymore. Girl's got a suicide pact across the pacific and all I can do is taste the dust.
2. There is a certainty in the way your body moves out time with itself when you think too much.
3. You told me you wanted to be a saint but you were too afraid of the sight of god. When you asked what belief tasted of they told you: fresh buttercream and a wasp's sting. We didn't see you for days.
4. There is a certain tension and it only exists between the bends of girl's legs and the concrete which holds them stronger than any arms could.
5. I want to run every cliche by you and watch you hold hands into the night with it instead of me.
6. Some people can be replicated entirely out of candle wax.
7. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO ******* SELF AWARE ALL THE TIME. You can't even watch yourself.
8. You know you're a halfway house of cells and who are you to say I can't keep up?
9. Say would you tell me if I was just a little off key?
9. Would you tell me the answers to the questions I never asked?
9. Would you play that evening differently if you could turn back the hands that bind you?
10. I burnt you a bridge and sent you the fire like we could ever fill a room with your god. I want to ask him what he thinks of our sins.
11. There is a fluidity in the way your words turn back on themselves.
11. There is a fluidity in the way you turn back on yourself.
11. There is a fluidity in the way people leave doors open for you.
12. I don't think I'd even know what to say to you if I saw you.
13. I only feel comfortable on even numbers.
13. I guess I made myself an odd number.
13. I don't know what we're left with.
13. This is not how we were supposed to end up.
14. I wish you could see the holes you left in the back of my throat.
15. Loving you was as easy as leaving the lights on.
16. And that walk to your parents house was a floodlit symphony like you capitalised every word of every passage I wrote about you with
17 reasons to stay.
And 18 to leave.

The first was the last time I shook like a guard rail and you were a concrete staircase, and I swear, I ain't never seen nothing like you yet.
The second: my fist on your name. But I am here now, like a lit splint bursting into flames, you won't ever find a ghost like me again babe.
The third. And you just want to **** everything. I said you just want to **** everything in your Berlin Wall house.
Your girl's got a bullet hole for a mouth and when it rains, it really does pour round here.
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