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 Aug 2015 Em Glass
Mitch Nihilist
at 16 they taught u
s about shakespea
re, how? but now I
realize there was m
ore learned than bl
ank stares at teache
rs waiting for bells
to slide departures
under the doors of
blank minds. balco
ny preachings in fr
ont of loveless tang
ents foreshadowing
the curvature of the
then mindless. 5 ye
ars gone i still find m
yself wandering aim
lessly to the next cla
ss with the thought o
f the useless priors a
nd the books are get
ting heavier
 Jul 2015 Em Glass
A Vacuum
 Jul 2015 Em Glass
Birds without song might fly
on languid currents
whipped into life
by their own impetus.
A desire to
continue moving
through a room without walls.
A room marked out
by the stagnant weight
of its atmosphere.
The seemingly endless
closing in with
a presence found
only within the abstract.
A solidity created
first in the lungs.
The cramped panic
of finding yourself
in the belly of a snake.
Swallowed whole.
Sometimes I'm a flock of birds that are lost to each other, side by side in the dark.
 Apr 2015 Em Glass
Joshua Haines
How she sat there
with movement in her head.
A churning of learning
the ways to get ******
and slaughtered by
other people's
sons and daughters.

And how I sutured a gust
of her brain exhaust
into my chest, into my lungs--
I breathed her like I was
******* the end of a

Her hands ran like busted tires
as she massaged my temples,
revving her voice,
my ears on her
suicide door lips.

There is no green light
in her red light country.
 Apr 2015 Em Glass
Bruised Orange
Mama's in the hospital again; this time she's a saint.

Seeing Jesus in the laundry,
she strung my little brother from red overalls,
pinned his palms to the clothesline.
Martin's small, bare feet kicked his dissent
until his weight brought him to ground.

Now Daddy's in the kitchen making waffles.
His wrinkled trousers wear yesterday's doubt.

All us kids at the table, hands pressed
on knees, trying our Sunday best to not see the images:
the glazed panes,
the way the butter slides and dips,
how the syrup pools.

My gaze falls out the window at white sheets snapping
on the wire. Disappointed angels, their great huffing
wings strain to flap away from here.

I want to say a prayer but my mouth is full
of statues. Fissured
words scrape across the plate. I swallow
each one, sticky-sweet, unyielding,
with eyes closed.
NaPo #1
 Apr 2015 Em Glass
Are morning glories sad
because they've never seen the moon?
 Apr 2015 Em Glass

Come sit and listen to my tale
I’ve written out in rhyme
About this very special girl
Well…Once upon a time

I watched her as she grabbed her sword
Through castle doors she strode
Her steed a mighty bloodline breed
Upon its back she rode

The villagers, a mass each side
Did cower deep of shame
To hide their faces, dark engulfed
Yet they were not to blame

The dragon, oh a wicked beast
Its flames their village feared
Roaring loud till mountains fell
This path of death it cleared

As she, so brave with golden shield
To not back down this day
Her hair a flow of springtime breeze
This dragon she would slay

While in their homes the people wept
Afraid to greet the sun
Curtains closed, bolted doors
As if their lives were done

This monster with its piercing eyes
Just laughed at their disgrace
Clawing mud and slinging guilt
A smile on its face

She raised her sword to touch the sky
So sharp this flying steel
To take this creature from its reign
Its fate her goal to seal

Through shutters, cracks of woven walls
The villagers did peer
To see this girl with maple eyes
Not show one ounce of fear

A fire like a raging wave
The dragon’s mouth did spew  
"You dare to face this charge of me
Your days I count are few"

With lightening speed she swung her blade
The likes of fables wrote
To slash this demon to its grave
So swift across its throat

The villagers came running out
To watch the flowing blood
And cheer when now their monstrous foe
Collapsed in one loud thud

She turned to face the growing crowd
Her beauty filled the air
Climbing down from on her horse
This moment she would share

"Our hero," shouted one and all
"A wondrous victory
You saved us, you are now our Queen
A place in history"

She blushed and offered this to them
"No hero, I’m no queen
This battle we have fought as one
You all have stood with me"

"This village it shall be our home
No matter what will fall
I am no different than you
No different at all"

"Together we shall face these tests
And battle ever true
For you are what makes this a home
In everything you do"

A celebration held that night
With lots of fun and laughter
For now they knew their world had found
Its happily ever after

So now you’ve heard my story long
Some truth, a little blur
You see this woman is my friend
I am so proud of her
A friend won a long fought battle today and in the process made things much easier for others around her as well.  I am so proud of her.
 Apr 2015 Em Glass
cloud suicide.
 Apr 2015 Em Glass
i'm telling you.
the clouds were meant for the ground.
but they hung themselves.
 Apr 2015 Em Glass
Joshua Haines
Everyone sat
in our hearts.
Perfume is made
with dead things, right?

I try hard to sound
when I write *******
there are bodies
reading this *******.

And bodies grow and wither.
They thrive and survive.
They get married
and die alone.
They die.

To become dead.

Perfume is made
with dead things, right?
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