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3.6k · Sep 2014
Elizabeth King Sep 2014
Mirror Mirror
On the wall
Who is the fairest of them all?
It’s certainly not me
You tell me that much
But can you at least tell me
Who the world wants me to look like?

Is it Miranda Kerr, with her flawless skin
Or Megan Fox, with the perfect figure?

Mirror Mirror
On the wall
Please tell me
Who is the fairest of them all?
1.3k · Sep 2014
I miss you.
Elizabeth King Sep 2014
Hey, you
I miss you

I miss the time we used to spend together
I miss when we laughed

I miss the times we had fun
I miss when we had sleepovers

Now we’re just two strangers who know each other’s secrets
Now we’re just two strangers with memories.

And although I know I was a second choice

I miss you
1.1k · Sep 2014
Elizabeth King Sep 2014
My eyes sting with tears as people push me away

The giggles are loud
and the smell of rejection is in the air.

They’re pointing and laughing at me
more than usual.

I taste something bitter
my nose stings, like I’m about to cry

My head is filled with the whispers
‘you aren’t good enough’
487 · Sep 2014
Elizabeth King Sep 2014

I’m tired
Tired of being lied to

Tired of being told to be myself
But also be other people at the same time

I’m tired of being judged
Tired of being talked about

Tired of being hurt
Tired of everything.
481 · Sep 2014
Elizabeth King Sep 2014

Music is a soothing melody
the sound of love and heartbreak.

It is anger, and yelling at the world.
It is despair, hurt and depression.

It is happiness, a new beginning
and the sound of birds chirping.

It gives me a release
Somewhere to go when I have nowhere else

It describes everything I feel
in so few words.
471 · Sep 2014
A plant in the winter
Elizabeth King Sep 2014
The saddest thing I’ve seen
Is in winter
When all the plants die.

It’s because they **** all their colour into their roots
So they survive the winter

That’s how I think of me
A tiny plant
Stuck in the middle of an ocean of others
Trodden on

Winter is my teen years
Once it’s over
I’ll flourish
387 · Sep 2014
Elizabeth King Sep 2014
People tell me that
Everything happens for a reason
Is all the
Worth it?
If everything happens for a reason, tell me the reason for these?
Is it to make me a better person?
Because I’m not
306 · Sep 2014
Elizabeth King Sep 2014
Hell is loving you
and waking up

Hell is loving you
and knowing that you will
never feel the same way

Hell is you being the first thing I think about
when I wake up
and the last thing when I go to bed

Hell is knowing that I love you
and hell is you never feeling the same way.

— The End —