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Dec 2019 · 191
bi and trans??
L B Dec 2019
I do not understand transitioning
to what?
to hormones?
to surgeries?
to maiming?

If trans is not new
what did
other times and people do?

Perhaps they accepted themselves
no matter how born or grown
Adorned the way they wanted
created by the beauty of the day
among the company they kept

Maybe they danced in the  continuum
of their music and sexuality
somewhere between the male and female
There lies the mystery
I have thought about this a lot.  Most people land at the ends of the continuum, but a fair number scattered in between.  Seems "trans" is a modern medical/surgical construct, forced upon many by denial and lack  of acceptance-- to make a person look that way?  My understanding is trans is hermaphrodite.  What do I know?  Why would someone endure disfigurement to deny themselves and any future choices they might have?  Seems this is a medical money-maker that could destroy the health of many young people whose expression is NOT abnormal.
Dec 2019 · 363
About the birds of vespers:
L B Dec 2019
There are no words that rightfully capture this. Not even human poetry....
Nov 2019 · 516
Harvest of Life
L B Nov 2019
The Harvest of Life Exchanging Itself

     “May I help you?” – More busy in my voice than hurried. A woman points to a quart of peaches she's been studying.  “Sure of herself.” I had been thinking,  “She won't buy anything else.”
Such delicate fruit—one at a time they must be placed in the brown paper bags. I've gotten quick at it.  Then the Standard: “Couple of those are pretty hard yet; Leave 'em out overnight in that bag, and they'll be ready to eat... Anything else?”

     “No nothing more,” small shake of her head.

     Late afternoon at The Farmer's Night Market in Scranton-- the intense bustle of of the early day over –  with its frenzy of bills and change and bags; a new line of faces every sixty seconds, waiting to be waited on.  Questions, peering, turning the fruit to see if one side's as good as the other, and it always is as the Michaels sell only premium fruit at their stand, where I've been “City Help” for two years.

     “No, we won't have cider till after Labor Day when the Miltons come in.”  Funny, I'm starting to sound like a farmer – even know the apples by their different tastes, appearances, and order of ripeness.  There are summer apples, fall, and the winter keepers; and a smaller, rather homely variety, MacCowans, are the best for eating.  I like Cortlands myself.  They remind me of making pies with my mother – the smell of dough and apple skins – the little scavengers waiting for the cores

     The customers have thinned now, scurrying like loaded pack mules – off to their trunks and station wagons.  I can even read their minds!  They're planning dinners, canning pickles!  Roasting corn for cook-outs, planning novel ways to prepare the bounty.  I know these things.  I've been a customer for twenty years from mid-July till Thanksgiving.

     Wiping my sweaty forearms on my jeans, I try to get rid of the prickly-itch of peach fuzz – small price to pay for the afternoons's sweetness.  Then leaning back against some crates, I watch the edges of the canvas shelters flap – storm later?  This place, I was thinking, not much changed from the markets a hundred years ago-- the gathering of life to exchange itself.  We city folk – dependent, fume breathers and asphalt beaters.  Machine-like, silly with wealth or lack; paying, playing, dining out – driving our bad-*** cars toward some goal – never enough – just to wait for old age on the steps of “check day”  Not that farmers don't have their desperate years.  Weather can't be trusted, and there's always the hosts of gnawers, crawlers, and rotters – the unexpected that comes with living things whether cows or turnips.

     I've seen it here: life exchanging itself.  The early yellows and greens of lettuce, squash, beans, and berries; ripening to August corn, tomatoes, and feathery bunches of dill.  Then descent with cooler days to pears and apples, corn, and squash. Late September brings the Indian corn and pumpkins, cider, bushels of potatoes, frosted concord grapes, and zany gourds.

     With the return of Standard Time, come the bare bulbs that light the stands of produce.  At Ruth's the sign reads: “Order Your Capon Here.”  There are hams and roasts and sausage for stuffing.  The winter apples – “Stock up NOW!”  Ideas for holiday decorations; recipes exchanged.  Bushels and bushels for the canners!  And, one farmer sells those branches, heavy with scarlet winter berries for the city doors...  “We close the Wednesday before Thanksgiving”  I always buy those berries.

Good-byes are brisk and sweet – cold breath steams the air.  City and country marking their seasons –  their lives by the market.  The warm greetings of July, “So good to see you again!”
...Marking their lives.  Our children grow so much between the markets.  Generations exchange.  This co-op started eighty years ago, 1939.  For so long, it was the last and only, farmer-owned, open-air market in Pennsylvania.  

     Generations born; some pass or retire in the winter.  Nancy never seems any older than her smile.

     The vegetables always look the same – they're not.  They are the children of last year's veggies.  I suppose if I were to come here for the first time, I would think everything hereå has always been this way.  And, perhaps, I wouldn't be so wrong.  It really didn't seem so different or so long ago in late October when I first watched the farmers huddled around kerosene heaters in parkas, rubbing their hands together, drinking soup and coffee to warm them – stamping a little – pulling off their gloves, reluctant to handle the freezing change.

     “Can I help ya?”
     “Yes... Where's the best place to store potatoes for the winter?...I'll take that one...Yeah, You got it!”

     Dust rose from the spuds, tumbling from the basket to paper bag, and I propped them in my red wagon on one side of my infant daughter.  She was bundled in a plaid wool blanket and wedged between the corn and apples.  Her cheeks were pink with cold in the midst of orange, red and yellow – the colors of life exchanging itself.
Okay, closer to prose and dated a bit-- around 1993.  Published in ergo Magazine  and this week on Facebook.  Check in now and then.  Ya never know.  I share my thinking there.
Nov 2019 · 214
Who Do I Thank?
L B Nov 2019
Did Jesus pass his hand over my wi fi?
and it's working again
Must have touched me too while here
as I'm starting to feel well
after a month of illness
skimming the rim of hell
It's bad when you can't sleep or eat
or care for anything
When real friends
become more real
Hold you up with their presence
Nov 2019 · 332
Black and White
L B Nov 2019
Images tattooed in two dimensions:
Oswald's gutted fatal gape
Ruby's black hat (as seen from behind)
Black horror
in the sheriff's eyes.
L B Nov 2019
They die  
I leave a ruined edge
They leave with someone else
Tectonic plates mismatched
grate life on time's most vicious rasp
Some people never find their mates
left anonymous to pages
The empty internet
all their beauty fed to air

watching others celebrate
their joys their moments

I struggle on
My girls did give me a lovely 70th birthday at the ocean.  I will always treasure the memory and their efforts to make me happy in a beloved setting.
Nov 2019 · 235
L B Nov 2019
When I have been most happy
time stands –  

yet races far beyond me  
Those memories become
the pebble jewels the bits of shell
glistening wet
from sun and sea

My pockets hold them deep
I walk along the sand
hear the waves--
I choose to keep

The jewels of memory
Oct 2019 · 222
He Stills Himself
L B Oct 2019
He stills himself
inside me
and I don't understand
Waiting beneath his weight
I fully sense him
filled with him
as I am
the purpose
His warmth, his heart
his breathing
I feel him all along my length

His sudden motion
startles at the edge of sleep
shoving me further
into his deep
as if to rend me
like the river does the land
as if to sift me
as the water does the sand
Crying out
In the pain
Crying out for more of me
Clinging to the child in me

The only moment
I am truly less
Than I am
L B Oct 2019
“...But Turkey is part of the story of Trump’s treachery. Erdogan, like Putin, Kim, and Zelensky, has learned that in the United States-- as in other authoritarian countries-- only one man really matters.”

I wrote this after the brutal ****** of Jamal Khashoggi. I highly suspect the timing and the players of this backroom agreement:

The timing of Khashoggi's disappearance and the release of the Evangelical pastor, Brunson are not coincidental. The players were all there and the timing in place.
Here's what I think happened:
Turkey plays middleman, gets rid of bad press and high-pressure detainee, American Pastor Brunson. Saudi Arabia gets rid of its problematic critic, the newspaperman, Jamal Khoshoggi. The United States gets Pastor Brunson back plus the huge photo-op with Trump on his knees right before the election, claiming to his evangelical base, “See what I did for you? Does that buy your votes?” Everybody gets what they want, except Jamal Khoshoggi, who is tortured, killed, and dismembered in the Saudi embassy in Turkey.
Too diabolic and smooth for Trump alone. I think Russia and high level, intelligence brokered this deal. The agreement for it came between Saudis, Trump, and Turkey's Erdogan. Russians standing just out of sight on this – waiting.
Gotta wonder what our economy is based on? More-so, the morality of our government. We should be outraged and deeply ashamed!
Feel terrible for his fiance--not knowing-- not even able to bury him.
Support the free press everywhere!

...Latest: Trump's response:

But Trump also reiterated his earlier concerns that any punishment of Saudis shouldn't impact trade with Saudi Arabia, signaling that cutting off U.S. military sales to the kingdom may not be an option.

"I don't want to hurt jobs," he said...."

Fast forward--

Now we learn a little more about what Turkey wanted from the deal.  
Open season on the Kurds, anyone?

Trump's letter to Erdogan all but threatening him to cooperate with cease-fire in Syria allowing Putin into the territory he wanted.  Not sure who actually framed Trump's words as he is a a blabbering *******.  Jared perhaps?  

The letter does Not promise reward for cooperation-- but in carefully couched words-- threatens Erdogan that he could end up like Khashoggi.  As Michael Cohen testified, “Trump never says anything directly.  Sorta like a mafia don-- everything is in code”
I know it's not poetry, and it will be removed shortly  Poets traditionally have always had a voice and a love for justice  and peace, so I post it briefly.  Any other thoughts on this?
Sep 2019 · 378
I Try to Start
L B Sep 2019
House feels damp
in between
seasons of life
where I try to start a fire
Sky tonight was an amethyst fan
on a ruby line
the sun an ember
rolling golden years  
down the Hills of Scranton
to the city's lights
Across the town
toward that bend in the river

a driving dusk
Driving to the Hill section at sunset to pick up milk and eggs.
Sep 2019 · 375
L B Sep 2019
Luis was lured from the chicken coup
by a cold lunch meat sandwich
Luis who knew nothing of clothes or care
nor when to eat  
nor what to do
nor who to love
Nor how to plead
nor what to say

Where does love go...

Sweet love...?

...for the boy
...become man
"mentally deficient"
of a Mom
"mentally deficient"

confined to the scraps...
in that hospital
of days...
such as they were
of cold and lack
of anything approaching care

At a group home at last
with what was allotted, allowed
in a room of his own
A record by Patsy
played over and over and over again--

“Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue”

Why might-- your little heart be so broken?
Till the Sunlight came
in the woman
"The Mommy "
of dinners
and Christmas
and music
and showers and bedtime
Dropping your pants in the bank for attention of--
whose scoldings you craved
whose lap was a pillow
for flicking your ear lobe
to smiles and giggles and singing
so desperately missed as she washed the dishes--


of part time and sometime
of someone
who loved you
a while
while she could
in the aching of life

For what it meant for a minute
to Luis--
a lifetime of love in your voice
that the angels of heaven could never replace
so they envy
so you go
so she comes
to you Luis
a gift
of the God
who could never forget you

“I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you”  

To my daughter Phoebe, the bright and shiny one, for the time she gave in this group home.

Lyrics by Patsy Cline
My oldest daughter, Phoebe, worked here and loved them: Luis, Alan, and John.  I am unspeakably proud.

To all the underappreciated and caring residence workers.
Sep 2019 · 403
Definition of Injustice
L B Sep 2019
"If you have too much, You probably have someone else's"
The first time I heard this, I was stopped by the purity of its truth. Thought about it a long time.  It does not matter if you earned it by the sweat of your brow,  If your inherited it, won a card game, or came into a streak of luck.  In the whole world there is only so much wealth.  Those who control it have huge responsibility to give--to consider others. It is those with resources who must affect the changes  for good because money always moves toward more money.  It moves away from poverty.  The way it is.  That's all.  Reading today how someone is afraid to give up to taxes from what she earned or inherited-- or what grows by itself in the field of  usury.

"...Them that't got shall get; them that's not shall lose
So the Bible says, and it still is news
Momma may have....and Papa may have
But God bless the chile that got his own
that got his own...."  --Billy Holiday,  "God Bless the Chile"
Sep 2019 · 297
I Will Be Sought
L B Sep 2019
...or I will not be
I will not beg for love again!
I am worthy of you
or I am not!

I know how to love
I know how to be alone
Sep 2019 · 317
Ruth to Boaz
L B Sep 2019
You returned from the harvest?
I uncovered your feet
to the night's cold
As I was told
to lie by them
in the chill?
To hope?

Yet another mistake?

A miscommunication?
An error in our ways?
You are the wrong man?
The wrong time?
Yet again?
Can this be true?

In my old age?

What now
will I do?
Sep 2019 · 674
Dreadlocks of a Scream
L B Sep 2019
9-11 POEM:

Dreadlocks of a Scream

Fever too high

...into the blue sky
and watch the tracer upward
and turn toward earth
Split apart
in the widening dreadlocks of a scream
One that took the whole world down with it

A woman is standing on an edge
hundreds of feet up in the open air--
Just standing....

“You-- who have mounted to the sky
will be cast down
with great violence
You, the golden cup”
set down

I am burning up at 103
Toss in the arid sheets
Chafed flushed cheeks
against this living desert pillow

Can't get a GPS on where I am
or what's the time
But most of all – what just happened?

I toss and wake to slivered light
coming from another room
Hear the whispers
See their vacant faces
Must have walked into the den
Feel their shivers hush
My questions
Between the aisles of candlelight
and murmured prayers
I'm walking
Still in my right mind

“It's on the screen”
for all to see
without electricity

I have a fever of 103
--and the main question???

Why everyone's transfixed


1-28-86-- Space Shuttle Challenger explodes, killing crew.

9-11-01-- World Trade Center

“...Now so that your heart does not grow faint,
And you are not afraid at the report that will be heard in the land—
For the report will come one year,
And after that another report in another year,
And violence will be in the land
With ruler against ruler”— Jer 50:46

Where Did the Towers Go-- by Doctor Judy Wood
I know that one of the "reports" was 9-11.  Not sure about the other, but I sensed something about the Shuttle Columbia's loss was significant.  In any case we are on borrowed time if Jeremiah's words are right.

Dr. Wood's book is hard to get, I understand.  Much of her scientific observations are on You Tube.  She does not speculate beyond what clearly DID NOT HAPPEN-- but does attempt to understand "WHAT" happened without conjecture as to "who or why or how."  Her observations are from many thousands of photographs and other accounts.
Aug 2019 · 287
We Could Be Anyone
L B Aug 2019
Scuffing to where you lay in the sand
on your back on a blanket
eyes closed in sleep far behind
Not looking for me

I look out to the sky fading white
agitation of breeze
I sense it
Change coming

Settle beside you
watching the afternoon
as it leaves the shore lost
in my thoughts

I don't notice but feel
the warmth of you
curl in against me
my legs now
exposed, soft
with your arm thrown behind
to reach around hips
as if to ask
for something you cannot....

Tossing a glance with my hair's
Checking our camouflage
among beach-goers

We could be anyone
just anyone—right?

Turn from the world
from its judgement
Lean in close
Stroking silver of hair
with comb of my fingers
Feel your arm brush my chest
Noting the scent of you--
like caramel to melt
in the closing of distance
my mouth to your temple tastes

surrendered to kiss
Aug 2019 · 295
How-- Do I Wear This?
L B Aug 2019
A storm swept through
with wind enough to tear the trees out
by their roots
whip the rain in sideways
streaks of darkness –



Sirens and the engines roar
to underscore by thunder
some emergency

The wailing
dives and sinks and sets by decibels
in the miles of impossible...

In those jewels
of distance from you
have I been set?
In gold
of eventide?
A masterpiece of sorrow

Am I
to live another day without you?
A storm rolled through about an hour ago while I was watching  a You Tube  program about the jewels and royalty of India.
Aug 2019 · 816
Sky Rat
L B Aug 2019
My sister – camping on the coast
Muttering over macaroni
Fixing salad
Talking to a seagull

“George” mews like a cat
awaiting dinner
Waddling web-foot along the stony cliff
To him – life is a handout
against the backdrop of the setting sun
Garlic bread, spaghetti, chocolate chip cookie –

My sister adopts things
What was ever wild after?
Even this “Master of the Wind”
eats Italian tonight!

Till the “Alpha Bird”
younger stronger
spots the eye of orange on plate of white –
Whirls in on protest and demand
George responds in kind
Intruder seizes a meatball
George squawks and lunges
his last...

The sunset on the Maine coast tonight
enthroned in vaporous haze
Imbued with fragrance-- ocean rose
The sky-- delicate
mountain laurel pink
bleeding into purple
where the tallest spires of spruce
have stabbed upward
From the coastline's rock
comes qweedling of the robins
calls of sea birds in the peaceful distance....

        ….George struggles in Alpha's grip
on windpipe
Meal forgotten
as nature serves its worst
His neck arched back
Wings fluttering desperate
in his last display
a spray of feathers
Strength will take this day
Plunge it into faint squawks
George dissolves limp in quivers

as Alpha--
weightless victor
lifts away

Suzy cries out
despair at loss of little friend
        “I can't! I can't!

I rush out to hold  
his last limp sigh

...tossing his gray and white into another sky
This actually happened.  Hermit Island, Maine.
Written several years ago and lost the second half in one of my forays into house cleaning.  :)
A painful rewrite, but I think I finally caught it-- even better than the original.
I don't know where the italics came from, but they are perfect!  Thank you.

For my sister, Suzy
Aug 2019 · 265
How To Talk to the Dead
L B Aug 2019
The angel tried to show me
'bout the button on the bottom
of my phone
that if I pressed
could talk to her again
and she to me
Momentary static and
It was her again!
Like we never stopped
our goodnight calls
Her conversation still
strewn about in her dementia
But I understood it all
her love, I mean
Asked her
"Can you feel me hug you?"
She could, she said
But then my cell slipped off the bed
with our connection
Tears of sleep
Aug 2019 · 816
L B Aug 2019
What is it about the moon
That I miss so much
Hiding in the corners
Of the sky
Peeking between
the shrubbery of the clouds
It's no use, bright thing
I still see you
Jul 2019 · 357
Lessons of Alone
L B Jul 2019
Why talk about it--
as one
is breaking down
in loveless lessons of alone
rumbling 'cross the sky
running lightning's fury
into ground
as if a voice could shake a soul
so softly form its leaping dance
Could call the world
to ground itself
so softly
among the words
to make a landing in the difference...

be enough...

to turn back time
from last, its mission
To tell its vision
like it was
the way it went
to tell the truth
of what it truly is
the way it had to be
to call it down from heaven
Just this once
to say--

I love you

I could not recall the lyrics to the songs
Except for maybe one
“Que sera, sera...”
had no meaning besides its fun
Swing set in the yard
where I learned to fly
to overcome
my fear of
music in the trees
to sing to leaves
to green and blue of sky

Que sera sera
and back and forth before the rain
Que sera
of all this reckoning and rocking back and forth
Que sera...sera
What will be,  will be
the future's not ours to see...

Que sera sera
Jul 2019 · 495
Big Frog, Small Pond
L B Jul 2019
Small pond under the tree
dark, deep
filled with rainwater
and relief

One frog
only one
has made it home
Resting in the soupy duck ****
by a fallen branch
in muck of rotting leaves



in quiet of the green

A queen

Does not call for mate
as if she knows
they are not listening

Having found the ones they need
...and so she
being so different
in her view
of on/off fireflies
by night
in their searching of July

Like days
...of goldfinches
with cursive flight
that sweep the day in loopy strokes
that mirror close their seeking song

Frog has found
can be so precious
Jun 2019 · 245
June 21st
L B Jun 2019
...And with the passing of the Solstice
I'm left to wonder...

Birds do not yet have the news
singing as if it all goes on forever

But the wind has told the chimes
who whisper it to the trees
Jun 2019 · 417
Will the rain...?
L B Jun 2019
Will the rain never stop?
I sigh
and hear the cat snoring
in her box
The room is breathing just enough
I sigh and listen to it
racing through the eves
my thoughts
are rain
My house --  too quiet for it
My life?
My Love?
I am too tired to be restless

Drifting in mosaic
Tea berry
green  grows
between rotting leaves and pine needles
Everything is rain
I never get to hold...
Jun 2019 · 703
Lantern on a Rock
L B Jun 2019
Lantern on a Rock

Sometimes I would look at him and know--
by his focus in the distance--
more often than we knew--

and far off
in the hills of Hatfield
walking with a stick
and can of bait in hand
Past some fields of corn and shade tobacco
like a **** along the road
he made his way

Sometimes to accompany the sun
toward its western home
He lay across Old Jerry's withers
as they clopped along
watching it set over the Connecticut
that curled its orange meandering
around the mountains
of imagining
its contentment

after mother made the diner
with all the colors of a summer's glory
he went fishing in the moonlight
of his youth
with dearest friends

Lantern on a rock
of memory
to light the way
I have Dad's old milking lantern now. On my last visit with him, he talked about night fishing on the Connecticut River with it.  On another last visit as he gazed out across the valley, he said he wanted to be out hiking in those mountains.

Happy Father's Day Dad.
Jun 2019 · 425
L B Jun 2019
Lies, manipulation
Topped with respect

How does that work?
Jun 2019 · 563
L B Jun 2019
An ant crawling on the edge of my hankerchief.
Testing the summer air with hopeful antennas
I let her stay
Jun 2019 · 248
Hope Blooms With Roses
L B Jun 2019
I rolled over in bed and saw the letter
from mom
written 2004
Postage was 37 cents
Surely one of her last
Dug it out clearing through an old dresser
Must have blown from a pile of “keepers”
out onto the floor
My sleepy eyes still recognize
her writing anywhere
even as it faded...

She believed in me always
sent that letter with St Theresa's prayer
to say hope blooms with roses
every Tuesday
Her day to ask
for special needs and people
she believed in
...that someone will see
the roses in what I wrote
Maybe Saint Theresa
“The little Flower”
I tuck her away
with my Mom
in the drawer of my heart
Although I don't share my mom's older Catholic Ways, her faith in God and in  me was a constant always.
Jun 2019 · 230
Not Having Seen Her
L B Jun 2019
Reached over, grabbed my phone
to read
He had died
not having seen her--
His daughter
with her eyes black like his
Night in hair and features
He could never deny
Their voices
both carved
from ballad and timbre of oak

in the beauty
between them
My daughter is 37 now. She never met him.  No need to speak of how he treated me.  She, however, has found both of her brothers and turned them into family.
May 2019 · 826
Personne Si Timide
L B May 2019
No one so shy
as moonlight on waterlilies
of a blue-black night

         Personne si timide
         au clair de lune sur les nénuphars
         Ce soir, bleu-noir
Written first in English as a poetry assignment to be translated to another language.  I realized  immediately that my translation was far more beautiful.  It usually works the other way around.
May 2019 · 1.1k
St. Michael's Cemetery
L B May 2019
Memorial day
playing "hide and seek"
among the graves

--lugging water to them
My mother forced--
our childish "signs of the cross"
By her parents' rest
we prayed

She-- still 13 there
rubs her tears away

Stealing flags
off other's memories
to keep them as my own

Once while hiding
a discovery
of rain-worn lamb
on mossy stone
I read--

"...Our darling girl,
Never any flowers
May 2019 · 223
"Do You Like Butter"
L B May 2019
The sturdy dandelion
rosette of the grass
Gold of the green
Of spring, the queen
Every part-- good for food
and roots, a coffee
Dandelion, good for food
and pleasure to nose and eye

Dandelion-- a provident of God.
The title is what my mother used to say when she held them below my chin.  The reflected gold on skin meant you were a butter lover.  Always.
May 2019 · 557
Samaras of Silver Maple
L B May 2019
A winged seed just took to wind
and landed on my lap
like hope and babies--  
I imagine
I have never had

like memories
of walking home from school in May

Stunned by perfect curl of comma
by design
Veined paper
with spine
of strength attached
to guide its flight
of swirling fertile
to the ground
of mind

To love--
the tan and winged snow
to the heights of trees

on both sides of this moment

a child
in a future forest
May 2019 · 745
Lucky, Yucky Me
L B May 2019
The critters got my trash last night
Left it on the deck
Till the ones with night shine
in their eyes
feasted between
cat litter, coffee grounds
chicken bones and wraps
A lovely chore to start the day
before sunlight and my coffee
picking through the mess
What I really want to do
is plant
tomatoes, spices, squash, and
Packman broccoli
things that grow
in sunlight

I suppose that raccoon
feels the lucky, yucky same
about good fortune of my trash
about the moonlight
that he dines by
Apr 2019 · 718
My Experience
L B Apr 2019
Love is something
other people ❤️ do
Apr 2019 · 473
Things That Fly Off
L B Apr 2019
Not exactly that swan
lifting white grace
to the heavens
but thud and tug and ping
and whipping thud again
taking flight out across the highway
in my rear-view
Scuttled dust  
fiberglass flattened
by the truck behind
White-knuckling wheel while
       mentally    compute
split-second sounds and feels for damage...

I guess?

First it was that blowout
Then one by one
the hubcaps lost their grips, their minds
and went their ways
to join the trash
of butts and chunks of mattress
fast-food wrappers, road-****
by the guardrail
of another day

Most recent--
Antenna disconnect
Fixed with tape 'cause
Gotta have that music
heat, AC, tires, breaks
Ya know-- important things
like that steady humming engine

Destined to be--
buckboard to the beach or heaven
whichever's first
by the time its twenty
Much nearer than I'd care to say
Ode to Car and Driver
who get there--

in all good hope, together

Thankful for Thomas, my Toyota.
Thomas is now on Facebook with poem.
Piece of the fiberglass wheel liner
L B Apr 2019
Massasoit and me
driving under signs
from the spirits
that should have warned us...
what was to come
that Cotuit got Pearl Jammed for...
"one great brass kettle seven spans in wideness round about,
and one broad ***.”
Read as you need

From Wampanoag:
“she lies and says she's in love with him--
Can't find a better man...”
Perhaps she can't
Perhaps she can't?
Read as ya need

495 South
on-- and out to sea
“You don't have to live like a refugee”
Not when ya got
Music and the road

sachem: great leader
cotuit:  place of the council
Apr 2019 · 281
Where I Left Them (repost)
L B Apr 2019
I know where I put them        
that small pile of lovely
in the back of a drawer
Stuffed away
from my every day
not fit nor fitting
for an evening

Can't bring myself
to throw them out
Hope is something
you just don't...

'Cause ya never know
when life might pick you up
spin ya round
where it left off
so long ago--

or something like...

But anyway--
I came across them

...on that first  
truly warm day of spring
splayed across the mountains
of New York on my way back to PA

Driving through those
Scalloped edges not quite yellow
shy of green
Lace in layers
close to shedding heaven
or from storm's
oblique winds shredding 
that sheen on the foothills
from the humid cool
of earlier that day

Spring knows
where she put them

Spring knows exactly what to do
with golden light
...and songs'...
preposterous possibilities
of bloom

Frothy silver
creeps amid the white
reflecting light
in every threaded islet
between the mountains' stream
of silk voile
and overlain mauve and pink
Those French knots and ribbons
thrill the edges of the road
reaching through the heated veil
longing for the gauzy air
Dogwood hands
sooth the swelling
above—so pleading—


to touch that dark
of naked woods

...where I left them

A year since I wrote this...another one.  I was thinking about this poem and couldn't find it here.  Concealing its death in its buds.  Spring is always gone before it comes
Apr 2019 · 287
Before I leave This Place
L B Apr 2019
My apologies to the individual(s) I rather fell for.  I'm sure he thought he was getting somewhere.  I kept trying to dismiss it as nothing, hoping maybe we could find a way., but something was wrong, and I was wrong to even entertain "love in the background."  
I have probably misled.  I was wrong and I'm sorry.  I can leave you only with The Lamb, slain before the foundation of the world and His blood for you to bathe, left below the Mercy Seat in Heaven.  His resurrection was entirely physical and mine will be the same.

John:  20 and 21
Luke: 24
Apr 2019 · 1.1k
April Wind
L B Apr 2019
The wind is up and roaring mad
Birds and insects fly between its gusts
There is no other way
to get around
They can hear it coming
Between the crying aching limbs
and begging chimes
The wind is having at it
tossing trash cans down the street
Robbins grounded to the lawns
The wind will have its say
or pitch them against the buildings
like a threat
Mar 2019 · 469
Bright and Shiny
L B Mar 2019
My bright and shiny little girl
with dark smiling eyes and yellow curls
who learned to talk before she walked
Who lifts sorrow
like an offering to joy
who waits
and gives and gives-- and gives again
to everyone whose path she's crossed

It didn't matter
Yes, it did...
Those bride's maid dresses
never fit
Made for tiny friends and frames of dreams
a day to hang a life on...
For others always
She made their days
She spent herself
Not telling tears
of sausage dress
she could never wear
"What were they thinking?"
"Maid of honor" she became
--in name only
She stands aside of honor by design

Awaiting honor to grace her
in its own time
The name Phoebe means bright and shiny one.  She is the tiny child in the poem, "Yellow Waking Mother."  

Did I say that I adore her?
Yesterday, her love gave her the ring
Birds and angels in the heavens are not enough...
today, to sing!
Mar 2019 · 451
Out Like a Lion
L B Mar 2019
March roared and rained and ripped
itself from winter
a wounded lion

Last seen following the snowbirds
Juncos leaving for the arctic this week
Mar 2019 · 501
L B Mar 2019
Funny how her hand
was gardener's green
But on one finger
there it gleamed
My daughter and her Love had been sick with March colds all week, but still spent Saturday planting in the yard and pulling old growth and weeds.  later before going out to dinner, they did the laundry together.  
"Throw me that germ-infested red blanket on the couch!" he yelled-- the one  they had cuddled in recovery.  She picked it up to toss it down the stairs, and out fell the little box.  :)
Mar 2019 · 419
Balloons-- Bad
L B Mar 2019
No more red balloons let go
Strangles wildlife of sea and land
Thought you should know

Oh, for the innocent days of balloons
birthdays, parades, life's bright cartoon

Back before we knew
Even our joys end the world
We are not right.  Sadly
Mar 2019 · 1.9k
Betty Drives Us to Catechism
L B Mar 2019
Betty Coutu drives a mean Rambler
takes us public school, heathens
to catechism on Saturday morn
Smokes a cigarette like a prima-ballerina
Shifts three on the wheel
drives that clutch to the floor
with her thick leg
Makes the engine roar
a little
“to warm it up”

Turns with the grace of swan
Pavlova or belladonna
Something of beauty
just to watch her
three-finger the wheel through a turn around
all while taking a drag
exhales to ceiling
to music on the radio
Elvis? Roy O, Patsy Cline
circa 1959
Betty's hair is short, uncombed
but she's not without lipstick
lights her smoke with amazing matchbook skills
like a woman who does it often
takes on wear
with I'm in love, and I don't give a care
She shifts and turns
cigarette balanced like gossip on lips
or between
those first two fingertips
Smoke swirling
amid kids squabbling and whining
in the back seat
No belts back then
till Dad got home
to keep them in line
But, I bet on Betty every time
to get us there
I want to drive like her, so badly!
I sit beside her-- ossified
her smoke and handle
like a total expert
I am distracted
and will surely fumble
my catechism answers
for the nuns

She drops us off by an icy foot slide
I swear to God to stop back later when we're done
...with prayer and penance  
recitation... and resolvings
to sin no more
Once we're out the door--

back to that forbidden foot-slide

Always had a plan for fun
So did Betty's son
the hemophiliac
Bless myself like an Olympian
and pray for Johnny
before he joins me for a run

a medical condition in which the ability of the blood to clot is severely reduced, causing the sufferer to bleed severely from even a slight injury. The condition is typically caused by a hereditary lack of a coagulation factor, most often factor VIII.
Lighting a cigarette from an old time matchbook while driving a standard shift takes some skills.  Betty was an 'effn ballerina at the wheel
Mar 2019 · 342
Running Over His Name
L B Mar 2019
I used to run in Nay Aug Park
A natural spot in Scranton
On the road below my feet
Was painted two feet tall
"Free Bobby Sands"
My heart bounced off the words
To know
how he died
Didn't know I could care
that much for anything
I was to learn
Learn how to care
about despair
The list of others is shockingly long.  Not counting those who almost died during the Irish Republican Army Hunger Strike in the 1970s and 80s, many died in riots and street fighting.  They were protesting the British treatment of the Catholics in Northern Ireland, a situation that had gone on since before the "great famine."  Many in Northern Ireland still long to be part of the Irish free republic, outside of British rule.

When people go as far as starving themselves in protest, you know they mean business and believe in their cause.

Later, through the pressure brought by the organizing of both Catholic and Protestant women, they were able to gain some autonomy and peace in Home-rule.  
As with all revolts, the reasons are deeply economic and based in the bigotry of who were the "righteous and the chosen" people.  Sounds so tragically familiar to the conflicts worldwide, like American racial strife, the struggle between Israelis and Palestinians.  These situations are not truly over, I fear.
Mar 2019 · 576
I fell Once
L B Mar 2019
I fell Once
for a banjo
and an Irish tenor

I have this rebel
Mar 2019 · 182
I Take it back!
L B Mar 2019
I own it
I Wrote it!
I lived it!

It's mine
...and to whom it was intended
You have rights to read--only
Maybe you're the only reason I wrote it

Hope it gets to you somehow
Mar 2019 · 213
Song Again
L B Mar 2019
Robins reassure again with song
a millennium of winters...

They still got it
goin' on
Male robins steaking out their territory
Mar 2019 · 696
L B Mar 2019
The sun is going down
I'm just lying here
Letting it
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