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 Sep 2013 Elise
the sun slips
through my cold hands

this wasn't suppose to be a love story
and yet I fall in love in your eyes
Its unfinished and makes no sense.
 Sep 2013 Elise
Elemeno P
 Sep 2013 Elise
White walls
White walls
Brick walls
Small walls.
Don't be fooled.
They can hear you screaming.
They just don't care.
 Sep 2013 Elise
LJ Chaplin
 Sep 2013 Elise
LJ Chaplin
I feel them,
Creeping beneath my skin,
Breaking down my resistance.
I am trying to pull away
But they are clawing me back,
Dragging me back to the top drawer
Where the skeletons encased in a little white box are waiting.

It seems to be a repetitive process,
No, a ritual
"I've been clean for four weeks, I can do this"
"I can't do this anymore. I can't cope."
"No, I've come this far, I can't give up now."
"**** it all."

It is a drug,
Injected into my veins and swirling around my brain,
Metallic nicotine

The worst part is, is that I have these urges because I can't even bare the smallest thought of sadness.
I can't even go through five minutes of brief heartache without wanting to throw it all away.
I don't even have a reason to feel this low,
I am weak and selfish.
 Sep 2013 Elise
LJ Chaplin
I know you'll survive,
I know you can still hold on,
Please don't give up yet
 Sep 2013 Elise
LJ Chaplin
I Tried
 Sep 2013 Elise
LJ Chaplin
I have tried so hard to stay afloat,
But right now I could easily cave in
And let the waves push me down,
Let the current pull me to the bottom
Of the ocean and leave me there to die.

I am trying to keep myself alive to help
The ones I love the most from dying,
I can't bear the thought of losing them,
But in the process I am losing myself
Because I feel helpless and useless.
I fear that I can't do enough because I'm not strong
Enough to fight for them.
I feel like I have let everybody down.
But I'm not giving up yet.
 Sep 2013 Elise
LJ Chaplin
Done with this sad world,
If you need me I'm in hell,
Still better than here.
Not even sorry with these poems. I need to vent. I need to bleed my thoughts into poetry otherwise that's it. Gone too long bottling it all up again.
 Sep 2013 Elise
 Sep 2013 Elise
Spoke to an old friend today
It kinda went okay
Although I felt this
A little emotion
A fire struck
Inside of me
I cried for an hour
I simply couldn't breathe
But speaking to you
Made me feel
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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