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Trouillot once said,
"We all serve as actors and narrators
That compose the truth of history"

Your 'now' is tomorrow's history,
Your decisions will echo and ripple,
Will you act a courageous scene?
And speak truth,
To cut through pools of lies?

Never let anyone silence you,
And that includes yourself
Just a belief I have and a chance to mention a tremendous historian.  Grab history by it's (insert appropriate body part here) and make your life count.
I only asked you to consider
Giving me a chance
A solitary moment
For your love and romance
Your eyes tell me a story
With just a single glance
So again I ask you for your hand
To stand with me and dance
 Dec 2020 eleanor prince
S R Mats
Garden of delight
At the eve of dusky-night
Twilight holds no grudge
“You have to move, get up.”
“I don’t want to.”
“This is sad you need to get over yourself.”
“I’m broken, and I don’t think I can be fixed.”
“Then fake it. Get up and put on a smile.”
“It hurts too much; I just want to cry.”
“No crying! It’s not worth it.”
“But I just can’t let go…”
“You have to move on. It’s the only way.”
“Please, all I want is five minutes to let it all out.”
“You’re pathetic. Fine. Five minutes.”
“Thank you,” said the heart.
“You’re welcome,” said the mind.
And the heart and mind cried together.
Just for five minutes.
LHB 2019
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