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 Feb 2022 S
A poet in Paradise
The room is dark...
I can not see my own hands...
I randomly hit the piano keys...
The notes don't make sense...
It does not matter if I keep my eyes open...
For the room is pitch dark...
And it does not matter if my fingers play in disarray...
The sound just lights up the room...
I discovered darkness is no match for music and poetry...
Any evening can become magical if music and poetry are by your side...
How these words can flow when I can not see anything is a mystery...
Which I don't intend to uncover...
I will just keep the company of my piano in the dark...
 Feb 2022 S
A poet in Paradise
You must be light...
And I must be darkness...
For we're never together...
I disappear whenever you come...
And I come back as soon as you leave...
We are perhaps separated by a millisecond...
But we will never be together...
And I never get to see you...
No matter how hard I try...
I am destined to appear only when you go away...
And I don't seem to be able to stop chasing you...
Even if I want to...
For we always go to the same places...
But my destiny is to get there just after you leave...
And maybe I am too shy...
If you come back to the same place you were before...
I leave before you can see me...
I live by night...
You live by day...
We are on different worlds...
Why I fell in love with you is a mystery...
A mystery as dark as the world that surrounds me...
For I am the eternal darkness...
And you my eternal light...
It is a good thing it is so dark here...
For I  don't want anyone to see me crying...
 Feb 2022 S
 Feb 2022 S
Hey, would you like to be friends, or
At least play pretend and
Have discussions that pass lifeless
Like a leaf being pushed by the winds.

You could even keep my shirt at your crib,
So years later you can forget
Whose even it is. Like remembering
Which kid drew this scribble
Hung up on the fridge.

Man, all these frayed connections are
Dimming the lights in this decrepit
Building. One huff and puff
Could turn this structure to rubble dust.

I have no mind to wink or blink
An eye, at one word half *** replies, unless
It reads goodbye. Tired of tap dancing
On the precipice of caring, or
Not caring less.
 Feb 2022 S
David Hilburn
Needy eyes
Taken to the river of woes
Much more to do, than give the gift of sighs
Endearing behalf, and the risen moments we hold

Interim is such a lover
Made for spare times, to come forward
Thank you, and the silence of we, so overt
The compromise of gaiety, to become a herald of our sorts

Like pasts of wishes we never had
The tale of compassion comes to length, and a fold
Of repression in its done, and exercised hand, so sad
The turn of reason into might, that is worth the hour, in goals

Time meant for us, a lead of cares
With abundance to shape the future
And the common decency to call it a season fair
Will such a challenge be our reward, in the eyes of all purity...?
 Jan 2022 S
Jamison Bell
Here’s the vig where nihilism is concerned. You have to learn to live with unanswered questions.
Because, the answers don’t matter any more than the questions.

Nonetheless, here I am.
Bowl in hand.
A lil orange fire flares up every time I want to forget.
It’s become my truth
My only truth
 Jan 2022 S
 Jan 2022 S
Made me promises
When I was young
And new
They didn't keep
Because they had known
No one would blame 'em
When I felt old
And used
sketch #24
 Jan 2022 S
William J Donovan
I've parchment skin
blue veins within
my brain goes wild
a mad sugar child
I see my life over
four leaf clover
deliver me to her
an old bed lover.
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