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 Sep 2015 Dustin A Owens
I'm afraid to love you
For people always seeking new
I'm not telling that it is you
Just old things treasured by few
Everything is good as blossoming flower,
Could we make it fresh in forever?
I couldn't risk what is left of me
Unsure of the love you promise
Don't get me wrong, we feel the same I know
Fearing to lose the love once more.
 Aug 2015 Dustin A Owens
When you've had your fun and you've had your laughs and your mind starts to wonder to the past.
When your plastered smile turns to a frown and you feel your heart turning around.
When your days are short and your nights are long and it feels so impossible to be strong.
When you hear your soul cry out for me, I'm still right here where I said I'd be.
 Aug 2015 Dustin A Owens
An old man, at the corner of the street,
Gently, he grabbed a violin, then a seat.
He was so violent and missed the beat.

An old man had it wrong, all the notes,
Covered in old ***** rags, stinky clothes,
Beneath his worn pants, appeared bare toes.

An old man played voilin, amidst the sleet,
Of an excessive bold fraction came a heat,
Of a strong volition to make sense of a beat.

A broken man at the corner of the street,
Without any glance by anyone, or a greet,
lonesome loner life, filled of silent weep.

An old man amidst the crowd and sleet,
With a dreadful face and a noisious glee,
Which echoes in an empty cup for coins.

An old dreaded man with a dreaded seat,
Waiting for a handful, to a mouthful meal,
To survive another day, but never to heal.

A deaf man at the same corner for years,
Playing violin, on a cold dreaded seat,
A man with empty eyes and deaf, ears.

2015©copy right

— The End —