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7.4k · Mar 2019
James Mar 2019
What is happiness?

Happiness is a smile plastered across your face.
Happiness in you is seeing happiness in others.
Happiness is accepting who you are.

Happiness is love.
Happiness is being content with what you have.
Happiness is knowing that no matter what,
someone is there to hold you tightly.

Happiness is money.
Happiness is your house.
Happiness is your car.

Happiness is the parties you throw.
Happiness is the girl you met last night
the girl waiting for you on your bed.

Happiness is solitude.
Happiness is not poisoning yourself
with everything in the world around you.

Happiness is keeping the door shut.
Happiness is keeping the world out.
Happiness rolls down your cheeks at night.

Happiness pins you to your bed.
Happiness holds you down.
Happiness tells you that you’re not good enough.

Happiness lives in the rope swinging from your ceiling.
186 · Mar 2019
James Mar 2019
He’s up in the stars,
out of touch,
out of mind,
for where he sits amongst the stars,
he fades away,
his light dimmer than anything else.

She looks up into the night sky,
and amongst the ***** of hydrogen and helium,
she sees something that shines brighter than all the others,
something that looks at itself in the cosmological mirror
and sees its light going out.

He looks over his shoulder,
he’s scared.
He doesn’t want his light to go out.
But its fading faster than he can control.

She reaches towards him,
feels his heat.
Feels the warmth radiate from his body,
filling her as it fades from him.
She cries out, but
he’s so far away…

His ears catch a whisper his name called out
from somewhere in the void,
but his mind can’t hear it
because the vacuum around him has filled his head
and he becomes less and less human every day.

Her arms fall around his neck,
trying to pull him back into the world.
She feels the heat drain away from him,
the warmth he unknowingly spares to heat her,
saps his energy,
takes his strength
and pulls him further towards the stars.

For a second, he feels her presence.
But he eyes still gaze into the distance.
He hears her calling his name,
clearer than ever,
but still his mind avoids the possibility
that maybe he is closer to Earth than he thinks.

She pulls him closer,
Stares deep into his eyes,
wills him to come back.
But she gets nothing back.
He keeps looking towards the stars.
And she can’t take it any longer.
She presses her body against his.
Leans towards him,
and transfers her warmth back into him.

Amongst the stars,
in the black void of meaningless space,
he begins to glow brighter.
He begins to see hope.
He begins to see her.

— The End —