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  Oct 2016 Doug Potter
sebum heart
you are more than the cells rotting in your
.than the hive mind of bacteria in your gut telling you to rip the
place to shreads

my love traces over
in shoals of sticky wet erasure
Doug Potter Oct 2016
I am at my best at early a.m. when I click
the radio on and listen to NPR
interviews of people from

countries like Scotland, Nigeria, and Italy;
not long ago I heard a Swede tell how
he pickles Harbor

seal meat,  and a day ago  a Mexican
who was shot through the tailbone
by a child with a .22 rifle

argued  her country has pitiful
accommodations for
the handicapped.

Learning of the Swede, Mexican,
and slain seals liven me;
and then the sun rises.
  Oct 2016 Doug Potter
Julie Grenness
I'm on a diet again, Oh No!
Giving up favourite foods, woe,
Must reduce my weight,
Before it is too late,
All I dream about is food,
Don't think about men, that's rude!
Yes, definitely food before dudes,
Yo-yo dieting is fun,
of this diet--it's only day one!
Feedback welcome (note pun!)
Doug Potter Oct 2016
I do not know what become of
Frank’s biological right leg,

whether it was severed
and incinerated or he

was born with only one
and crutch bound until

fitted with his first
artificial leg.

I  do understand the look on
on his face after he unlocks

the prosthetic from his
femur and massages

the foot pain on
his stump.
  Oct 2016 Doug Potter
Babu kandula
Your smile is your friend

No matter how much pain you bear

A smile on your face

On the reflection of a mirror

Will strengthen you

A situation may live
  A  Moment
  A   Day
  An Year

But not Life Long

Fight the good fight
After a long break hope you all like it
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