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Apr 2015 · 713
an old friend
divinity Apr 2015
when i used to see you around
i would get sad thinking of how,
both of us had gone off and found,
other friends, we were different people now

but i have come to realise
the hilarious adventures we had
they were truly meant to symbolise
that our time together was anything  but bad

no matter if it came to its demise
when i now look back through our days
i will smile, and no longer tend to fantasize,
about 'what if' we hadn't gone our separate ways,
no more will i be unsatisfied, with the casual hi's, the hugs and waves

for now you and i both
we are happy where we are
forgotten is our age-old sworn oath
for then we were only kids, who rode in the same bumper car,
who shared that last chocolate bar,

and i know not, whether you think of me
in the way that i do
did i ever mean that much to you?
i'd like to believe its true,

but either way,
what we used to have will never die away

for those special memories that we wove,
i keep them in a small but cherished treasure trove.

slight exaggeration....possibly XD
Apr 2015 · 671
so what?
divinity Apr 2015
don't stress,
its not the end of the world,
and even if it is,
so what?
Apr 2015 · 352
divinity Apr 2015
i really want to
but i can't

i tell myself every night and every day,
that i will, that i need to, the next hour, the next morning,
but i don't

who knew i had so little power
over my own actions,
over my own mind?

I've heard of bodies acting of their own will
unable to listen to their brain
overcome with desire, lust, need...until,
every path taken is down the wrong lane

even now as i write
i commit my crime
though i really do wonder
if my situation qualifies this time?, once again,  
it's simply just this skillful procrastination of mine.
Apr 2015 · 337
a dream
divinity Apr 2015
so sweet
so serene
so ever-pristine
so unlike reality,
this living in a dream.
Apr 2015 · 377
humanity's crisis
divinity Apr 2015
we tend to focus so much on the little things
often forgetting the impact the larger issue brings

why do we not question
what matters the most
but only the insignificant, the judgemental,
why do we indulge in these things, at a lethal dose?

do we ever really think about
why and what we are doing
how and where we are going?

we are already trapped
in our own $elf de$truction
giving value to a piece of paper, wrapped,
in shiny ******* plastic, our own insatiable creation.  

but one may not notice
until they try to find a way out,
that freedom that they had?--it was bogus, hopeless without a doubt,
and this is sadly something that I often find myself frowning about.
this is kinda about how i think money, materialisation, uneven distribution, and the general problems of our world are stupid and unnecessary, and my frustration at not being able to do anything about it.
Mar 2015 · 402
divinity Mar 2015
How I wish you existed,
for you only live in my head

Though you change, little by little
in my adoptive mind,
you are essentially the same,
forever in my rousing bind

I can explore as I desire
things that may never be,
but I lie in endless wait
for you to meet me

For me to meet thee.

— The End —