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Feb 2016 · 178
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Day in day out, I'm sat here missing you.
I wonder whether I ever crossed your mind too.
I want to hold you, stare into your eyes,
Hug you while I look up at the skies,
Completely content.

I miss you so much babe.
And I was a fool writing this.
Blinded by the shackles of love.
Let's never make that mistake again,
Feb 2016 · 234
I knew her my whole life
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When I was a kid, I loved to skip stones,
I loved watching them hop through water,
Until one tragically eventful day,
When I met a farmer and his daughter.

She had eyes that pierced my soul,
Brown hair ******* into a bun,
Her lips glistened from the lip gloss,
And her skin glowed in the sun.

When I was a kid, I wanted to marry her,
To put a ring that unites us together,
In what people call holy matrimony,
Not for a year but forever.

When I was an adult, I felt the same,
I held my heart in my hand for her,
But over time I was afraid,
That I wasn't the one she preferred.

When I was an adult, I began to notice,
That I never knew her when I was a kid,
I just felt as though she's been with me,
as though she's a bottle and I, a lid.

I never knew her when I was a kid,
Never a part of my childhood,
But if we were to be united now,
I would cry tears of joy where I stood.
Feb 2016 · 209
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You have a shadow in the dark,
A lurking fiend that lasts forever,
But I was drawn to you like night,
And I knew our bond would never sever.

You are a glimpse of light in the dark,
A flickering candle,
That remains lit despite the climate,
Holding a warmth no one can handle

You are the stars in the dark,
You shine to give the night some light,
And although you don't see it,
You are the fragments that keeps everything bright.

You are the sounds of the sea in the dark,
The whooshing and splashing of waves,
The essence of life on Earth,
The echo of the water tampering against caves.

You are powerful in the dark.
I wonder what I would find out of the dark, in the light?
Feb 2016 · 240
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Day by day I could feel your fingers start to release,
You're no longer as in love with me as you were,
I'm afraid one day our dreams and our reality halts,
When we'd both stand separately staring at the sea shore.

I feel it stronger everyday,
My love for you that is,
But I can feel you withdrawing,
And our hands became lonely.

Have you stopped loving me?
For I have never stopped loving you,
Or was this unrequited the whole time?
Feb 2016 · 229
Keep Pushing.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
We hang onto composure,
For when the sky bends,
When the wall closes in,
We hope it never ends.

We grasp at beauty we hold,
So when the stars starts to dim,
The night becomes frozen wastelands,
And everything begins to look grim.

We hold on,
Never letting go,
We stood standing,
Never letting anyone know.
Feb 2016 · 682
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Life isn't a race,
It isn't a marathon,
Neither is it a paragon.
We live as we breathe,
We die and we leave,
But when the night ends,
Morning is across the corner,
Right where the road bends,
Is where we find ourselves.

As we live,
We await to see another day.

Home is where the heart is,
Home is where love resides,
Whether it'll be rocket rides,
Where kids seek and hides,
Where one confides,
Home is where love resides.
Feb 2016 · 438
Healing Hearts
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Life isn't about healing wounds,
It is about healing hearts,
When all that fills us up,
Starts to shatter into bits and parts.
When our bodies decay,
And it eventually will,
We sit by the window sill,
Looking out and see the beauty,
The beauty of the night,
The blinding specks of light,
The stars that barely gets noticed.
When our bodies decay,
We go to doctors,
Not because we want to be fixed,
Because we prevent our dreams,
Like flying in a rocket,
from dying with us.

Life isn't about healing wounds,
It is about healing hearts.
We may witness people losing limbs,
But when they lose their spirit,
Their soul,
Their purpose,
That is when their heart is weakest.
When our bodies decay,
and it eventually will,
When we can't move,
And all we do is sit still,
If our heart keeps beating we're still alive
And you might think it's how to survive,
But fact is that the essence of feelings,
Come straight from the heart.
A mothers sight of her baby,
A fathers arms holding his baby.

Life isn't about healing wounds,
It's about healing hearts,
When our hearts is tainted,
with the venomous words,
that somehow tattooed and painted,
into our being.
Infectious words,
spoken on how weird we are,
or how dumb we are,
or how ugly we are,
or even how lonely we are.
Our hearts become corroded,
pieces of what they use to be,
for when a body is poisoned
it only dies when the heart does.

Life isn't about healing wounds,
It is about healing hearts.
Feb 2016 · 226
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Her hands trembled,
Tears flowing down her face like a river.
Mascara sailed like a boat, a black sludge drooping down her face,
She darted inside a closet and began to quiver.

The palms of her hand found warmth on her chest,
As her head leant onto the wooden boards of the closet.
In desperation, she held herself and told herself "everything's fine"
But she remembered the palms of his hand in which she deposited,
Feb 2016 · 362
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She was an artist, a vangogh of modern times,
Illustrating her anguish and despair in red paint.
She was complex, drawing masterpieces from rhymes,
At the same time sketching on her arms till the red became faint.

The more she drew, the stronger her words became,
As the ink on her body became colorless.
She needed no recognition, no fame or name,
But at times her thoughts relapsed and her pen became powerless

The blade she held in her hands,
Contradicted the beauty she wrote in word.
She wrote of red roses, smiles and scenic lands,
But the more she wrote, the less she was heard.

The wounds contracted and reopened, incomprehensible,
Even if she's found other outlets.
Days and nights passed and her words became infinitesimal,
**Blood drenched the tiles, until her body ran out of it.
Feb 2016 · 215
Please stop......Please.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When you speak of razors and scars,
I feel an indentation into my heart.
While I look at the night's beauty and stars,
You're looking at a way to tear yourself apart.

There's nothing I can do and I have no clue,
I just wish I had a gifted ability to make it better.
All of this, every bit of it is all very new,
Back then you use to be such a go getter.

You used your blood as ink and a blanket as a canvas,
So even if I could kiss it all away, it'll be there later.
So even if I find the Wizard of Oz and escape Kansas,
The pain you cause in my heart is so much greater.

I'm so tired. I want to make you happy but I just don't know how. I'm so very tired. Like a cloud permanently stained with grey. You never rained water only blood, and I could try mend the wounds but I'll never be able to put you back together. The scars that run alongside your arm, has transitioned to run alongside my heart.
Feb 2016 · 261
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You're so busy lately, I miss your beautiful face.
I miss your adorable smile and how my heart skips it's pace.
It still beats in tandem but I still miss your voice,
I really wish we had more of a choice.
I miss everything about you and right now i feel lonely,
Even in company I still feel as thought I'm the one and only.

When will you not be busy?
When is later?
Is later still a timeframe in existence?
Feb 2016 · 251
I miss you [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
****, ****, ***, ****** here i am
missing you again.
Feb 2016 · 194
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Why is it that when I try to sleep, thoughts of you infiltrate my mind.
I think it's just so that when I dream, you are what I hope to find.
Dreams fade in and out and the memory is not retained,
But every dream I have had of you has always remained.

Your beautiful smile and your effervescent personality,
Your everlasting kindness and geniality.

Corinthians 13:4-8 says that
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

And I believe you are the embodiment of true love babe.
Feb 2016 · 390
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I sat idle by the window waiting for your call,
I receive a text instead that reads "we need to talk".
I feel a damp stream down my face, and my heart race as I start to bawl,
And I feel myself breaking as I see visions of my body outlined in chalk.

Devastation and panic sets in over my soul,
I wonder if it was an impending heartbreak.
I could feel anguish subsumed into my being as though I was a blackhole,
This was when my body decided to give up and I started to shake.

Quiver, shiver, seizures as my head fell upon my pillow,
The body fluids still secreting from my once bright eyes.
I rolled into a ball and held myself resembling an armadillo,
And that was when I realised "forever and love" were all lies.

That night as I cried myself to sleep, I had recurring nightmares,
Of you trying to leave and me hugging myself to sleep.
I then realised that from the start we were always in need of repairs,
And as a result it became discerned that you weren't mine to keep.
Feb 2016 · 187
What's so good about looks?
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The devil is beating his wife.
Can you imagine such a life.
Droplets of pain and despair,
Nary a person to ever share.
If we open up our heart,
To such hatred, will it depart?
A mirror shows us our reflection,
And we long to live in affection.
We can't grasp at what we should be seeing on the other side of the glass,
Because as humans we are so concerned with *******, thighs and ***.
We should look into our soul and discover what makes us, us,
Rather than our curves, our blemishes and our busts.

We should look for kindness inside ourselves,
To put others on a pedestal because they can't afford shelves.
Have you ever thought about those without a mirror?
How they just want to see their blemishes to make it clearer?
Feb 2016 · 280
Snake Tongue
Star Gazer Feb 2016
What good is an I love you,
If those exact same lips,
Spread the words to a
thousand others.

What good is an I need you,
If you have a split tongue,
That hisses lies and,
spits venom.

**What good is any of it?
Feb 2016 · 303
TTYL [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
"'I will talk to you later"*,
But later never comes*.
Jan 2016 · 326
Sticks & Stones
Star Gazer Jan 2016
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will leave scars across my heart.
The lessons that words will always impart,
Insecurities deem me worthless for even one of the thrones.
So when I'm racked up with debts from loans.
Remember and tattoo this across your heart,
The words I will now choose to impart,
Words will always break more than just bones.
Star Gazer Jan 2016
I love you more,
Than the sky will ever know.
Jan 2016 · 308
In Love
Star Gazer Jan 2016
Heart palpitating,
Smile forming between my cheeks,
And I was in love.
Jan 2016 · 217
Stop Loving
Star Gazer Jan 2016
I placed my heart in the palm of your hands,
You threw it away into distant foreign lands.
I gave you my heart and you threw it into a rose bush,
Thorns impaled into its tiny crevices as i felt ambushed.


         **That was the day I stopped giving people my heart

— The End —