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Dina Zivkovic Feb 2012
stay loyal to the dreams of your youth
know where you stand and what is your truth

be who you are and watch what you do
for many will want to know what you knew

but you must let them live their own lives
learn for themselves when their chance arrives

remember : you never slow down, you never grow old
no matter what you are told or what future may hold

just want you to know and never forget
you are smart enough to do things you'll never regret.

don't worry 'bout future, don't live in the past,
'cos this life was never meant to last

therefore it makes much more sense
to live in the present tense... :)
Dina Zivkovic Jan 2012
"alone : whether you like it or not,
alone will be something you'll be quite a lot"

is what Dr. Seuss said.

and I am hanging on a very loose thread.

I am falling.


it hurts with every breath I take

have you ever loved anyone so much
you wanted to scratch your eyes out
because they are the window to your soul
and you were afraid the person you love
will want to jump out of that window?

simply because they are not bold enough
to take you just the way you are...

with all your nasty habbits

when every look they give you

cuts deeper pain
the kind of pain
not even the rain can...

wash away.

you just want to write everything that ever happened to you on one big pile of papers
before someone can read it.


because you HAVE TO believe
it will make it better.

until you wake up next morning
seeing nothing changed

and the pain is still the same...
Dina Zivkovic Jan 2012
so I couldn't be bothered dealing with anyone else.


I like others dealing with me
and proving them how wrong they are.

when I walk
I at all times


in a clockWISE manner

to the right.

because it is my right

to live my life exactly how I want it.

walk on only the white lines of the zebra

peeling my mandarines
and not letting you peel them

letting you in

but not letting you out.

you are mine.
and I am yours.


<3<3<3   <3   <3   <3   <3<3<3  

save my heart

and bare my soul.
Dina Zivkovic Jan 2012
they made me a painting oh so pretty
but they did not make it out of pity

they painted a man
I always wished to have.

He is now everything to me
he is all I want to see

I stay in my room day and night
just not to let him out of sight

afraid of what might happen

he is me

I am him.

I wouldn't want him brought to life.
He is better off with a perfect wife.

While he's just canvas...flat.
but if he was real, he'd snap out of that.

For I am not even near to perfection.

But it's all humans ever want.




I have my painting of my perfect man
and that is all I need

for he will never let my heart starve
like you all did.
Dina Zivkovic Jan 2012






That will help

hearing his voice on the phone
having no other choice but to listen.

me want to scratch my skin off of myself
makes me want to poke my eyes out with a spoon.

Because of what I have caused.
This movie now cannot be paused.

A drinking problem?
I wouldn't call it that...

I would just call it drinking
trying to drown my sorrow
before tomorrow.
just being dramatic, I don't drink. That much...
Dina Zivkovic Dec 2011
an old cat lady is all she will ever be
an old cat lady who was too blind to see

what was right there
someone who really did care

what she was all about
but all she ever did was shout

she didn't know any better
cos all she ever had was people who didn't get her

when someone finally did
she didn't know what to do

so she ran

ran away

she didn't let him stay.

although 50 years back she begged him to
but 49 years she pushed him away

and now she is nothing
but an old lady with a bunch of cats

praying they won't eat her face when she dies...
Dina Zivkovic Dec 2011
take me away before my life crashes.
don't make me stay in these filthy ashes.

help me refind the me I once knew
help all my long lost dreams come true

for hope I'd give my everything
for hope I'd sell my soul

for love I'd do nearly anything
with the heart he once stole

I have it now in my chest
broken, shattered, put to rest
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