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 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
Smile :D
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
Make-up won't make you pretty,
a smile will.
by martin solveig
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
Turtle Eyes
You're even more beautiful when you don't wear make up!
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
I never think of you at all
You never cross my mind at all
I hate you so bad
I don't ever wanna see my lad
I could careless if you marry him
I'm not the one for your sin
I'm only a disaster
Your nothing but poison's master
I hope you hate me forever
Always and whenever
**** me if you want
A brown monster your haunting
Searching for a crabby lobster
Yeah I hate you to the fullest
So now **** me with a bullet
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
I want to delete every ******* poem I wrote about you, but I can't bear to delete them, I'll just lose the memory of what it felt like to be in love.
By three days grace
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
I'm not worthy
Not even a penny
I could die anyday
No one cares anyway
I'm just dust metal that rust
Slowly dying so why keep trying
I gave it all I got faught hit the spot
Only to rot when I was shot
I ******* hate myself
I wish I never met you
I rather feel nothing
Than something at all
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
time we
spoke she
brimmed with
hope, romance was
in the air. This time she
looked me in the eye, shook
her head from side to side, fiddled
with her hair and frowned, raised a
little finger, and wagged it up and down
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