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 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Do you really want to take my man?
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
If you do, be my guest you can

I have to say you've lost your looks
Your folks are all a bunch of crooks
And it seems your teeth have all gone green

And if he is your choice in men
I would advise to think again
But if you're sure then please feel free Jolene

He farts a bit in his sleep
At times it's all I do to keep
From shoving a big cork right up his ***

But if you want to take him on
Go ahead I'll cheer you on
I'll even contribute a little sum

He sits around here drinking beer
To fix the gate he takes all year
He's got the biggest belly you have ever seen

But if you think he's right for you
Then I'll raise a glass or two
He's yours with pleasure take him now Jolene

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Do you really want to take my man?
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
If you do be my guest you can
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
It was a summer morning. The man got up, got ready quite quickly. He pulled the door to, and stepped into the street. It was still early, the sunshine was bright, the street like a wasteland.

A small boy was kicking a football against a low wall. As the man approached, the boy kicked it towards him.  The man returned it, the boy returned it again. The man lifted it with his toe, flicked it ten feet in the air. The boy let it bounce and headed it back.
The man trapped it and left it at the boy's feet as he walked by.

'Where you going?'  asked the boy.
'To see my dad.'
'When was your dad born?'  asked the boy.
'Nineteen twenty four.'
The boy lifted his finger to his mouth.
'Ninety, that makes him ninety.'  said the man.
'Better hurry then.'  said the boy.
The man looked at the boy properly for the first time.
And smiled.
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl

I hope tonight
   from your cup  
you sup good
measures of
and that next year for all friends here
it brims with creativitea
Happy New Year to
all on hp, drunks and
teetotalers alike
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
Brider Olen
there's something
about the way you pause
ever so slightly before
pressing your lips
to mine

it's as if the space
between our lips is
begging you to
keep your distance

because if you were
to proceed, you'd find
yourself in a world of

you see, i am the moon
and i find myself
lusting after
the city

 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
Turtle Eyes
We steal some time and it's amazing,
We kiss. We eat, we touch, we hug,
The only problem is it's temporary
As soon as we part, I wish you were with me again,
To kiss, to hold, to hug, to touch
The truth is I want to be with you

I can't wait to share my day, my life with you. I  love you so much!
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
Turtle Eyes
I am so hungry,
I want to taste you,
 Jan 2015 DiamondGirl
Turtle Eyes
Your presence is a gift that lifts me up high!
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