We gave it a shot and as the medicine cooled and chilled the veins it mended the illness pooled within and oh what rush but as the days past there was a need a need for more the darkness was seeping back in and only doses where given minimal but satisfying heart-wrenching but heart-mending what better medicine then love oh but in truth what worse It clings to the heart and intwines itself with all that it surrounds once those doses are up the pain floods back in the shakes the pit the tears are what take over they devour whats left and shrivel you up and take its place as that constant cycle reminding what life is like pain filled and alone "try again" it’ll tease but instead you’ll cower and hide in your defeat "this my surrender" you’ll say and hope to God you’ll listen.
You became a fantasy You planted a seed that bloomed into a flower It grew tall and colorful Oh it was wonderful But like the busy man You had other deeds to tend to Your first rose grew thorns and pricked you So now some other tends to it not knowing of the pain it shall bring While your second rose you neglect It longs for your tending love And you believe it to be strong on its own But in reality it gets weaker as the days pass You leave it in the care of no one When the petals fall and it's leaves begin to wilt You pay no mind You see the weeds begin to choke its roots but instead of tending to it You leave it be The flower holds on for dear life hoping one day, maybe one day, the tender man will tend to its needs...
“I Hope Your Happy Now Your Free” Free from the eternal feelings From the bleeding heart the one I played before you Those words are now cut short of what was to be said But be happy this was all a game like its always been This all was foolish I became the fool believing believing that I was all you see I was blind to my mistake your heart was not mine to take so go on I’ll get out of your way “I Hope Your Happy Now Your Free”