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243 · Jul 2020
on the other side
DBE Jul 2020
i've lived 10,000 lifetimes to cross your path again
yet in this life we do not belong together
and so i'll wait 10,000 more
204 · Jul 2020
Stay the course
DBE Jul 2020
Pavement we become
                    Lost to the lines
                                  To smell the blooms
                                                                left behind.
Stay the course.
Part of the road. Gone
                   Lost to the path
We few.
       We brave few
                     We few, we who
have been lost
                            Shall never return.
174 · Aug 2020
The man in the hat
DBE Aug 2020
A man in a hat
down this road I'll traverse
I'll look both ways in search of you.
I'll keep looking and lose the road.
Oh Liberty, Oh Freedom.
Where have you gone?
Where will you be?
Who have you become.
I'll lose myself looking for your light in the dark land.

150 · Aug 2020
I will not wear a tie
DBE Aug 2020
I will not wear a tie.
I shall not I cannot
wear a tie.
For this tie is a symbol like a noose
for what we must succumb to.
For society is flawed.
I do not wish to be their chess piece in a game I did not sign up to play.
So here's to the broken ones.
The pieces that don't fit the puzzle.
Raise a glass!
142 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
Is nihilism believing that life does not matter? - or is it more?
Hoping for a world that holds meaning because of the knowledge that this one is flawed, broken,
Nihilists see beauty because they reject to accept that our world is a utopia. They seek. We seek.
Something more. . .

122 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
I am who I am
I am afraid. I am only a man
A man who looks in the mirror
yet sees only a boy.
A boy who never found his place in the world.
Uninspired. Different but not special.
We are all perfect. How can this be true?
If I slip. If I fall. Will you lie down with me?
Will you join me on the ground?
Please just don't leave me alone tonight.
117 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
I wish to lock myself away with my books
sit there and read the classics until I myself
become one

116 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
Am I lost or am I free?
                          I am lost, therefore - I am free!

Romantic notions.
               Head in the clouds.
I am the biggest fool on Earth.
               But because I am foolish I am Happy.
I am Free.
                          Come wander, my love.

Run away with me?
114 · Aug 2020
Desert Queen
DBE Aug 2020
Is it pathetic that after all this time I still over her?
very well then, I am pathetic
pathetic is me.
why is it that none can compare to her?
None ever have and none ever will.
This desert queen...
I'll love you always and should I ever get a second chance I would fall to my knees and ask you for your hand.
Not in marriage...
Well yes, also in marriage.
But in life. In love.
I'm sorry for who I was.
For the lies I said. I'm sorry for who I am. For the pain and confusion I cause.
I'm sorry for who I'll be. For life without you is no life at all. I can't see you in his arms. So I'll lock myself away.
Let my heart decompose.
Soulmates who met at the wrong time in life.
What a sorrow.
111 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
She makes me so confused
but perhaps to be confused,
conformed - is to love. to live. to laugh.
Don't clarify. Don't text.

111 · Jul 2020
sailor's requiem
DBE Jul 2020
I sail these see to forget you
or at least thats what i tell myself
the salt waves embrace the branches of my constant neurosis
for i cannot seem to remember myself these days
and in my existentialism i shall play the sweet prince and bid you goodnight
when i see the green flash ill know it was you
and ill dream of your eyes
and your nose
and your lips
where does home lie?
but this old buccaneer shall lose himself in the arms of calypso.
plant a seed in the ground for me and when it blooms tell our light to keep a weather eye on the horizon
await the flash of green
111 · Jul 2020
Dear Juniper
DBE Jul 2020
Today we fly
Dear Juniper, help me to soar
Fear not
For if I am Icarus
Then I shall fall
But all will be well
For the fall will be worth the while
If only I could catch a final glimpse of you.
110 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
Made it home at last
Going to make some waffles
Want to get married?

109 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
Where the land meets the sea.
That's where I'll be.
Come find me.
Let us be 'we'.
Where the land meets the sea.
I promise this time I'll stay.
Come sit with me and watch the world wash away.
Oh, and bring snacks.

99 · Aug 2020
i'll see you again
DBE Aug 2020
coffee and cigarettes
nothing quite compares
to driving down this empty highway at 2 am
count my lucky stars
i'll see you again

94 · Aug 2020
Nothing more to carry
DBE Aug 2020
once again I'm afraid you ask too much.
What's a favor? But a death sentence.
Nothing more to say.
I shall not clean another's mess.
I shall not. I will not.
The only truth.
I will wait but not carry weight.
Once again you ask too much. For I am a peasant and a slave.

92 · Aug 2020
Fallen Saint
DBE Aug 2020
Ok fine, I'll become the saint.
The apostle. The clergy. But not one like you.
For I cannot lose myself. Who I am
Who I was
Who I was supposed to be- to your book.
The scholar forgets to live.
But the one who lives is a drunken fool.
How to be the master of two worlds? Can it be done?
Think on this, I must.
91 · Jul 2020
DBE Jul 2020
I'll ask you to dance if you'll teach me to love.
What does it mean to love?
Could we be love? Will we get to love? To be loved?
Am I nothing more than a ghost?
Can one become a ghost when they still hold breath?
I fear yes.
For without your love, what holds the answer?
Without love we - I die.
And only I fear that if we die,
will we ever learn to live again?
91 · Aug 2020
The Great Tree
DBE Aug 2020
Lost in the woods
Dark is descending
I must find the old oak
Climb where it stood
Two parallel rivers do mark the trail
Hope and doom they are so called
One cannot flow while the other runs stale
I must find this tree before night sets in
Follow the current and the answer its hums.
Oh, what riddles this eve provides.
A great storm is coming
My soul will transcend
A spirit I will become but a ghost never again.
Will I ever find this great tree?
Take shelter in its shade?
I will climb to the highest canopy
See the endless rows of wild blooms.
The climb would be treacherous
Shaky and high,
And it seems to me that once at the top,
The way down is to jump or fly
So If I am to pass: so be it.
The adventure lingers on.
I do know one thing for certain:
The climb would have definitely been worth such a view.

89 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
What does it mean to be human if we do not divine our own self destruction?
Humanity is nothing more than our convoluted and prolonged prevention which will ultimately lead to our own demise.
For you see, that is the beauty of humanity
We always will be
Always have been
Are now and forever
We are nothing more than the Lord's Rebel Children.
89 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
you don't want to be alive but you're afraid to die.

85 · Jul 2020
I am man
DBE Jul 2020
Feel my pulse.
Forget me not.
Embrace my sweat.
I am the return of the masculine
A new masculine, to embrace the feminine spirit
I am man hear me roar. Stand next to me and roar as well - but only if your heart so desires it.
85 · Aug 2020
Fire dirt and stone
DBE Aug 2020
In the flash I fear for fire. Up all night.

Bang, Crack, Flash
Strangers want me to cover.
Can I HIDE? I cannot

Lost amongst the dirt and stone.
I will transcend through the prism.
I shall find resonance.

82 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
Fire is kind of magnificent, isn't it?
A tear drop of wax upon your cheek.
Burn away pain we must not for this will remove the beautiful truth.
Maybe one day you'll love me
Until that time by the fire I'll sit and wait.

80 · Jul 2020
DBE Jul 2020
If I deleted social media
became a ghost
would you still remember my birthday?
would you remember me at all?
79 · Jul 2020
For Malka
DBE Jul 2020
Everyone else moves on
I sit and wait
and fall behind
for we met
we met at the wrong time
too young
too fragile
lighting in a bottle only happens but once in a century.
so I'll fall behind with the memory of you
and I'll go
start a new world all on my own
And if that makes me a coward well then so be it,
I am the biggest coward on the face of this heartless rock!
And in my new world I'll plant trees and flowers
and there will be streams and rivers
and dances
and this world -My world.
will be called "Malka"
For it will be mine
and in quiet moments I can pretend that my head still has a place upon your lap as I lie in the grass.
and I'll try my hardest to remember when I was your world too.
                                                            ­                                   -DBE
79 · Jul 2020
DBE Jul 2020
To you I shall Sing,
If only you hold my days within your grasp,
till I transcend, to sleep and wake
no more.
I shall leave a piece of me behind
kept in you.
So, that if I am truly to depart,
I shall not be forgotten
and in leaving myself to you,
may it help you to forget . . .
all the same.
A ghost I shall never be again
but a spirit finally
for the first time
                                               ­                            -DBE
78 · Jul 2020
DBE Jul 2020
by the foot
77 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
When it gets colder
           then it'll make sense.

72 · Jul 2020
Sunshine is a woman
DBE Jul 2020
Sunshine is a woman
she's dancing by the shoreline
sunshine is a woman
a woman I adore
This sunshine girl
she's lighting up his world
well she's lighting up mine too
sunshine is a woman
a woman I adore
70 · Jul 2020
Maiden of the River
DBE Jul 2020
Every fiber commands to bounce
to run, to fly!
But if I never stop running where will I end up
down by the river the maiden bathes
sunlight upon her
I have never seen such eyes
"Come bathe with with me"
"I cannot for if I stop I shall die"
She got out of the water and slowly came toward me
I felt her breath. I felt her warmth
water slowly cascading down
curves and edges
her *******, her thighs
"and if you died?"
"then everyone would see that I was nothing more than a boy who ran"
she took me by the hand
my blood began to swell
she pulled me into the water
and kissed me
I kissed her
All of her
"Better to be a a man who died than a boy who ran"
And so I died inside of her.
and down the creek we flowed.
70 · Jul 2020
DBE Jul 2020
why do we disagree?
    - all we do is disagree
Love another love ONE another
in the summer heat under a million stars
                                               a million masks

break rules, not laws.

we all listen only to be offended

we don't listen we only respond
how can we love if we vilify one another

meet me in the field after the rubble

share my food
share my fire

Love one another
68 · Aug 2020
DBE Aug 2020
is being ill the only way to be healthy?
i must be alone but loneliness shall take its toll
lions, tigers, bears,
oh my!
rescue me from myself
isolation, predetermination, suicide?

— The End —