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Artic killer Dec 2014
Air floods in
Invades your body
It brings you life

There's poison in my air
A hurt, a pain that is there
It stabs into my side
Behind eyes that have never cried

It's the pain in my knee
It's the limp in my stride
The scar on my pride

Air is a curse.
It sustains you.
And your enemies too.

So if I were to commit suicide
A strangling Noose is

Artic killer Dec 2014
Your lips on my lips
Your hands on my hips

Shivers run through
How much I want you...

Your fingers on my skin
That, Sensation from within

Your teeth in my neck
Your nails continue their trek
Down my arms.
Envelope my breast
Your heaving chest.
Travel for miles
Drive me wild
I'll scream your name.

Tie me Up
Tie me Down
Tie me All Around
Gag my throat
Hear me choke
Hear me beg
Hear me scream
"Master, take me, hear my pleas"
Artic killer Dec 2014
As a child
I was rather wild
I couldn't stay still
My heart of free will

My mother
And my father,
Bent me many times over
Their knees

But never once did I plead
Like my brothers had
I did not bend
To their every whim

I did not win
And that night.
My heart full of fright,
My mother screamed at me

"Demon get out!"
"Beast from hell!"
"Leave us of your hex and spell!"
"Beastly Demon,"
"Wretched heathen,"
"Leave us be,"

My mother named me Demon.

If only she knew.

— The End —