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The Dedpoet May 2017
What remains
Of little words spoken. ...
The dreams far and away
Taken like thieves,
Only a little stays
In words written upon
A wonderful tombstone.
The Dedpoet May 2017
At every turn
Is the voice's spread hand,
Almost like the echoes stream
In the passionate resonance.

  Let it go.

And yesterday is loud in the silence
In the invisible pain,
Edge of nowhere
And tomorrow.

  Walking backwards
To the abyss of yesterdays,
The spirit flickers
And begins a dissolution of faces.....

   Only the voice remains
And a haunting of regret.
  May 2017 The Dedpoet
I found a cleft in the mountainside
high up out of reach

here the silence is profound
the culmination of love

and love is ever new
love forever gives

hidden within the depths
of 'The Sacred Heart'.
  May 2017 The Dedpoet
some might describe
'you loved and lost'

but in all loving
there is loss of self

that self that wants it all
give nothing but take

the beauty is in lost
freedom gained

love and loving
all loss is gain
  May 2017 The Dedpoet
The metered verses I draft
The soulful songs I sing
The seductive poems I write
The adorable words I spill
All these, are no longer for you

But I am not selfish
I am leaving some for you
Some pretty
pretty bad words..

… Curses …

The curses are for you
So yeah. B*llsh*t
I just need it.
You were the one whom breathe life into my soul.
It was you that has restore my life , when I fell .
It was you whom rescue me, from the h3ll that I made.
It was you that had rescue me from self destructiveness.
For I did not deserve your Love or Grace that you gave me.
But you chose to ignore it and rescue me anyway God.
It was all for your Perfect purpose that you have save me.
Even though you did not have to you save me anyway.
So you could use me to help others to see your  truth.
That you are Good and that you love us all no matter.
How evil that we been in this here world we live in.
  May 2017 The Dedpoet
Some nights I shade
my eyes
from dark dreams
like a broken hawk's wing
stuck in the hot tar
of a back country road
when sleep seems
like a long ways to go
in a bad war
and desire and desire
and desire like a fire
in my bones
won't leave me alone.
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