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 Apr 2015 amelia
 Apr 2015 amelia
how can I find home when I don't even live in my own body
 Apr 2015 amelia
DC raw love
if I could start my life over again
what would I do
what would I change

would I change my looks
would I want to be a different race

what era would I like to live in
what country would I like to live in

do I want to live on the beach
do I want to live on a farm

do I want to be a happy person
do I want to be a mean person

do I want to run things and be known
do I want a simple life and be unknown

so many things to think about
so hard to decide

I think I will keep it simple
and stay just the way i am
 Apr 2015 amelia
queen pixie
i would like to evict you from me
stop tripping over you like over a treshold

i'm all over the place
but you're nowhere to be found

but still
you're everywhere

i don't know how to miss you anymore
even though i still feel your absence
 Apr 2015 amelia
DC raw love
Please tell me baby
Do you feel the way I do

Hey wont you tell me
What can I do for you

I'll come to you any waken hour
When a minute feels like a lifetime

Sitting all alone looking at the clock
Watching the hands tick away

Slipping into a daze
Why do I feel this way

Please tell me baby
What your looking for

Feels like a lifetime
Trying to find my way

Trying find you Baby
Why do I feel this way

I'll sing a song for you
If I can inch closer to you

Baby you take my heart away
Every time I slip into a daze

Why do I feel this way
There was a time I can hold on

I can no longer hang on
Slipping into a daze
A song for a group I manage
 Apr 2015 amelia
DC raw love
Reckless moments in my life
Come from not thinking and spite
 Apr 2015 amelia
 Apr 2015 amelia
this life is so, so, beautiful
and I am grateful for being able to feel it
thank you, thank you, thank you God.
even on the mornings when the world could crash around you, you are still blessed. even in tears, you are especially blessed for coming closer to Christ. I'm learning more and more about myself every day.
 Apr 2015 amelia
DC raw love
scary's is on the wall
scary's is on it's way

watch your step
i'd advise you to wait

you breathe in the smoke
and you will probably choke

then your off to the races
and find your heart pacing

watch your blood float
in the muddy sewer

take another hit
and bury your life

crawling and searching
every nook and cranny
with paranoia upon them

another alley trip
to get your next hit

fire seeking
blowing up your chest
collapsing your mind

endless nights
endless day

chasing the little
white rock
 Apr 2015 amelia
DC raw love
 Apr 2015 amelia
DC raw love
where did they think they were going
when they took that shot in their arm

my best friend Paully, along with some of my other friends
this narcotic charm called ******, took them all to the end

it's a ******'s dream and they think it's fun
they might as well use , just a plain old gun

prolong the agony, keep ******* around
think about death, when you shoot it again

it could be your last time and it only cost a dime
so they think they can do it, it could be their last time

they shoot it anyway and they don't even care
to them it was only, their very next fix

i told them all the time, that they better beware
don't do as i do, but it's all up to you

you can't ever tell a ****** whatever to do
always remember it's all about you

this dope called ******, is no ******* game
always remember, it will drive you insane

if your lucky, you'll only get hooked
so they give it a try, just to get high
Clean days 300
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