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 Mar 2014 David Leger
Adam Mott
We all know where certain roads lead
Down autumn paths during the final dreams of day
Still, you like to climb your throne
Ascending until the past has no home
If you're wrong,
Well they didn't deserve
A part in this song
 Mar 2014 David Leger
 Mar 2014 David Leger
She will lose herself in a book
and find herself in poetry

She thinks that religion is a sacrilege
and that long showers are sacred

She makes love when she's tired
and never tires of making love

She is irreverent in her humor
and pious in her gravity

She is diligent in completing her work
and ambitious of her quest for leisure

She is the personification of romanticism
and the embodiment of compassion

She exists harmoniously in my mind
 Mar 2014 David Leger
i slip down this slippery ***** with her, and look her in the eyes just after our bodies slam into the gravel at the bottom of that steep *****.
and i slam her face against the ground, over and over and over again.
until it is just broken skull fragments, and mush for a brain,
and i stumble back,
realizing the damage i just did,
so i run.
and fall.
and crumble.
to laughter.
hysterical laughter.
she is gone.
but, she had already been gone, her carcass is now ruined.
what a good job i have done.
now she cannot return.
when i awake
she is still
looking back
at me
in that mirror
that seems to always mock me.
if only i could succeed, i wouldn't have to return.
 Mar 2014 David Leger
Either you stoke the fire or you freeze to death.
It's called a controlled explosion, and it happens in a little glass jar on your bedside table at 3 o'clock in the morning.
It rattles the bottle of herbal sleeping pills you need to believe
Will keep you under all night,
And plops the water in your little white cup,
And good morning to you, you've got a choice.
It's not a great time, true.
But really, what's a good time for a private apocalypse?
No matter how much advance notice you get,
You never know quite what to wear to the end of your world.
You turn over and twist the lid, and it's okay,
Because black is fine for every occasion,
And if this goes well the only witness is the mirror.
Good morning.
It's not a great time.
But great times are really set-ups in disguise, for jokes you can't pretend to laugh at forever,
And embers aren't so bad if you chase them with water and get it over with.
Because you've got a choice, but...
Between sliding down that ***** and swallowing your medicine with a little grimace like a good girl?
Honestly, what kind of choice is that?
And maybe after, you can turn over and set your sheets on fire trying to sleep,
And there will be scorch marks on your walls
When you rise
You shine,
And that engine just below your ribcage throws heat all ******* day
It gets you places.
You've got a choice,
And yeah, it's not the best choice-
It's the fight inside or the loss out there, but...
Nobody likes to lose.
Not even lovers.
You’re striving to inspire

The world with what you do

In turn do not forget to let

The world inspire you
My Blog:
 Feb 2014 David Leger
I am Atlantis, and you, the sea.
I am glorious and ethereal; you are tangible and serene.
you are rhythmic yet unpredictable, flowing into every crevice and crevasse of Me you can.
I am not nearly as impressive without you, the force of You bearing down and on me in every way, thirteen atmospheres of pressure holding me in this ideal shape.
one of these days, you're going to crush me.
one of these days, I'm going to let you.
I Dreamt a Dream! what can it mean?
And that I was a maiden Queen:
Guarded by an Angel mild;
Witless woe, was neer beguil’d!

And I wept both night and day
And he wip’d my tears away
And I wept both day and night
And hid from him my hearts delight

So he took his wings and fled:
Then the morn blush’d rosy red:
I dried my tears & armd my fears,
With ten thousand shields and spears.

Soon my Angel came again;
I was arm’d, he came in vain:
For the time of youth was fled
And grey hairs were on my head
Twas the night of a strike when all through the school yard
Not a teacher was stirring, not even a guard.
The boys were all gaming, the girls in their sweats
all anxiously waiting to return to their desks

The students were nestled all snug in their beds,
While the linger of alcohol danced in their heads.
Though some were quite worried, and some didn't give a crap,
We all settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out from head office there arose such a clatter
We sprang from our beds, "a resolution to the matter!?"
Away to our laptops we quickly did dash,
Tore open our emails, our inbox did flash.

The glow of the message that appeared on the screen
Gave a glimmer of hope from what it had seemed.
Then what to our wandering ears should they hear?
But a tentative agreement. (its meaning is unclear).

The vote in its favor would allow the agreement to stick
But everyone knew it would have to be quick
Everyone waited to hear what they’d say
We quickly found out we’d go back on Monday

Now students, now staff, and all workers alike
Professors, librarians, we’ve finished the strike!
To the top of the hill, to the top of our game
Its back to the books so let’s wake up our brains

But then we all wonder what is yet to be done
As we meet with an obstacle, because such time has gone
With all this time off, the courses, they flew,
We’ve lost so much time now what will we do?

And then, in a twinkling, that appeared on the screen
There was a revised schedule from the UNB team
As we drew in our heads and then read the jot.
We knew in a moment it was just as we thought.

The term’s been extended until April 17th
And exams will take place in that month’s final week
And the very fear that made everyone shake
It cannot be so but it’s true… No March break.

The poor wide eyed students saw their dreams slip away
“But I already paid for the flight for my vaycay!”
It doesn’t seem fair that we pay for this fumble
But that’s just the way the cookie crumbles

On the optimist side, if it makes you feel better
At least we don’t have to throw out the semester
We all can return to our classes with ease
And we won’t have wait to complete our degrees.

So let’s use these few days to complete our unwind
Come Monday we’re all heading back to the grind.
But when we are stressing few weeks down the road
Remember the strike when you complained you were bored.

As we rise from our beds we will let out a chuckle
When we realize it’s been weeks since we’ve worn pants that buckle
And we’ll recognize the sunrise when we get out of bed.
But it won’t rise as we’re sleeping, but waking instead.

We’ll turn on our cars and our engines will whistle
And we’ll scrape off the ice and the snow with a bristle.
But they’ll hear us exclaim as we drive out of sight
"Happy learning to all, and an end to the strike!”
*Inspired by “Twas the Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore. I wrote this in reference to the recent three-week strike at me university, UNBSJ.*
My Blog:
Before I ever went to school
I thought I knew it all
I could count to ten and back again
And bounce a rubber ball

I could spell my name with no mistakes,
Knew 1 and 1 is 2,
Knew how to say the alphabet
And how to tie my shoe.

Then I went to school and found I didn’t know a lot.
There was so much stuff I had to know I mostly just forgot.
Music, art, and English, physics, bio, French, and math.
Social studies, history, so much stuff it made me laugh.

My younger self had no idea how much more there was to know
The more I aged the more I knew the more I’d learn and grow.
When I finished high school I was smarter than before
I knew I didn’t know it all so I went back to learn some more.
This time when I went to school I wasn’t so naïve.
I knew I’d have to hit the books in order to achieve.
If grade school was confusing I figured college would be worse.
If I was going to expand my mind I should expect a lot of work.

There was a lot more subjects and they took a lot more time.
I wondered how there could be room to store so much knowledge into just one mind.
You know that feeling that you get when there’s so much knowledge you feel as though
If they feed you any more of it your head just might explode?
My mind was like a barrel that was filled up past the brim with rocks
And when you tried to add one more, then two would trickle off.
I thought that I would have to quit but there was still so much I didn’t know.
But I chose to stay though doom seemed near because I didn’t want to go.

With failure in my future I bit my lip and I pressed on.
In time I noticed something odd, some of the rocks were gone.
But the rocks had not been falling out as I tossed more in from my hand
They simply had begun to change from rocks right into sand.

All these things I knew
Were now all becoming one
Witch made more room for knowing more
And knowing once more was fun

It wasn’t like when I was small
And thought I knew it all.
But the ease of it was similar
I felt more on the ball.

I recalled before I went to school
And 4 things that I knew:
Spell my name, and 1+1,
ABCs, and tie my shoe.

The one main thing that I know now
That I didn’t know before
This list of things I knew is 2
It isn’t really 4.

Because I know my adding
It is very clear to see
I tie with laces 1 and 2
Not laces 1 and 3.

I spell my name with no mistakes
Because I know my ABCs.
It doesn’t mean that I know less
I just know with much more ease.

At first the more you know and know
The bigger is the mess.
But when it comes together
The load becomes much less

For when your barrel is so full
You think it will explode
The rocks will blend together
And you’ll have more room to grow.
My Blog:
Sometimes I feel blue
Not a dark blue *
nor a light
Its the kind of feeling...
you get when staring at the sky
I feel *blue

not that highlighter you color with
nor the the blue that the navy wears
This kind of blue is not a depressing blue
,But it is the color of blue
that you feeling when looking across the ocean
in the mid of July.
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