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Jan 2016 · 414
Quote: 3
DET Jan 2016
"Everyone has experienced a moment where they are going through something and it's hard when someone doesn't catch that you are in pain but you mange to put a smile in your face because you want to let everyone know that you are okay although you aren't."
                                                        ­           - D.E.T
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 423
Photo's of Us
DET Jan 2016

It's three o'clock
I find myself unlocking
A box

Where there is pictures of us
Yeah, it's all about you
I find hard to look into
Someone like you and to know that we used to be
In love

But seems like the gods above
Didn't want us to be together
I replay the scene where you wave goodbye

I find it hard to look at this photos of us
Cuz it cuts
Me and hunts
My mind

You will always be my kind
Although you left
My mind can't rest
Yeah, I try my best
To keep myself busy
But forgetting you ain't easy

Cuz even in my sleep
I weep

Yeah, this is photos of us
Makes me get lost
As I look at the pictures
The memories
Start to replay
On the words where I said that you will always

On my heart
But I shouldn't have said that cuz we fell apart
We just lost
In that was the cost

I find it hard to look at you
And know that you found someone that can glue

I got nothin'
To say but know it was a blessing
To know you were a lesson
For this soul of mine
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 585
DET Jan 2016
"Without struggles there is no story that will motivates us to continue so, don't hate your struggles cuz one day your struggles will be come a massage to the world."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 396
Don't Know How I Feel
DET Jan 2016

Weather have mud
Instead of blood
Cuz I'm done
Feelin' exhausted
Cuz inside of me I feel twisted

Yeah, keep tellin' me how disappointed
You must be
With me

Please get lost
Cuz the pain you cost
Is something that I pour
Into melancholy
Into sobs
That won't stop

Yeah as the light pops
I feel like I just want to drop
The sunrise
Into the garbage
Cuz I am in this gloomy room

Where I don't have any clue
On how I am feeling
Cuz my soul is peeling

I just don't know
How I hit into this road
Where there is no word
On how I feel
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 693
Quote: 1
DET Jan 2016
"It's impossible for you because you keep thinking it's impossible but once you give it a try you'll see that what you thought was preventing you from trying."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
To the Writers
DET Jan 2016

It's all simple
Picking up a pencil
But when it comes to mental
The writers start to hit a level
Where it all goes double mental
Yeah, you can try to be gentle
To your pencil
As you think so,
Hard your mind begans to act like a volcano

Cuz as you start to think
How to plot this
I mean you can or can't
So, if we can't we start to think
So, soon as the ink
Reaches to the paper
We plot 'em
Like dot's
We don't care about the spot
We just jot
Down the dot's

An' as we write, write
We hold on tight
Still we gotta be polite
For what we write
Soon as we complete the paper
And show it to the people we can see our character

And as we get lost in our wonder's
We don't realize about the hour's
Cuz we don't mind
Cuz we got an eye
For what we jot down
We are too focus on our zone
That we don't know
On what we had thrown
No, this ain't no mess

Cuz when we pick up the pen
We drop down the name
Cuz the lines can be a rhyme poem

If we don't got paper it may become a issue
But if there's tissue
We drop it
Cuz our thoughts
Is what we need to drop

We can write somethin' that can be nonsense
So, that can give us
A chance
To make a difference

Us as writers we gotta live life
Cuz there are still words that lies
On the side
Of us

We care if our arm
Get's harm
Cuz we need it hold on the pen tight
And write

Us, as writer's we got a friend
That will never end
And that's writing

(There is a second part for this but it is not complete)
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 495
DET Jan 2016

This is pointless
Seems worthless
I'm hopeless
Why keep my eyes open?
When everything is broken
Why keep my eyes open?
When I'm frozen
Why speak?
When everyone is weak
Why speak?
When everyone in this world is afraid
Yeah all night I stay awake
And thinkin' about how I watch the days fade

I know someone out there in this world is thinkin' the same
But why think about it
If it only splits
My soul
And I can't control
The terror
I can't control
The people's behavior
But if the sky was to be the mirror

I bet
Everyone would act nice
In the eye's
Of god
But don't think he's a fool
Cuz he has his eye's
Among us

Sometimes I happen to wish that peace
Wasn't a dream
Or theme
To talk about it
But allow it
A thought

Instead of dreaming
We should start cleaning
The hurting souls
And place them in a nursing
Room to heal the wounds
With words

But to bad that we are becoming afraid
To speak
So, why sneak
Into something that would only keep me
From getting hurt

So, I just prefer to write it
With this ink
Cuz that only makes me think
As I write with this ink
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 540
What's Coming Next
DET Jan 2016

Back no playtime
On the daytime
No break time

Cuz I'm so stressed
On what's coming next
My last success didn't hit me

I got some advice
On how to keep / treat theses line
Gotta do this clearly
Cuz I got to many
Write down
Or jot down

Cuz I talk to my readers
Cuz they are my leaders
That make the decision
To vision
On how I took the time
To make my lines

So, there is no break time
Bet people can't wait for what's coming next
I bet y'all can't wait for the steps
I take to make these line

Hope y'all feel me
When I talk about somebody
That I feel sorry
I try to be hearty

I took a step
Cuz that's what I expected
So, I can blew up the past
That keeps passing
But really I feel like I keep grabbing
Any words that comes up to my brain

Cuz I am try'na make things clearly
Cuz I'm trying to unbury
The feelings
That are laying
On my chest
And yes
I'm trying to get the stress
So, I don't have to look at my regrets
And get upset

And soon as I get this hope you note this
So, you can notice
How I focus
As I face the surface
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 423
The Real of D.E .T
DET Jan 2016

I feel alone
Yeah, I find myself in this road
In a alone world
Where I don't know
Don't like people
Asking D.E.T
"How's Life?"
Can't y'all see my eyes
In see what lies
So, don't expect D.E.T
To take a seat
And speak
About depression
Cuz I won't show my expressions

Towards this depression
So, don't put pressure
Cuz I'm a stressor
No, don't help me
Cuz you yell at me
So, don't tell me
About life

Cuz in life I'm not doing fine
Yeah, I used to tried
But once you get hurt you just go dry
That you no longer cry
Yeah, sometimes I wonder why?

Soon as I walk out this door
People look at me like poor
But don't feel pity
For D.E.T. cuz that's life for D.E.T

That's what god
Put me in cuz that's his job
Yeah, there are times that I just want to give up
Cuz when I look up
I end up hooking up
My thoughts
When I look up I put God's name
And start to blame
For not showing my emotions
But too bad their on oceans
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 446
DET Jan 2016

Forgive me
For not being perfect
Or worth it
Forgive me for my mistakes
That made you get the shakes
And aches

Just know I wish I could leave all behind me
So, one could find me
Cuz all the part of past
Is nothin' but thrash
That should be burning in the ash

Sorry, mom for not passing
My words to somebody
When all I felt was like a nobody
Sometimes all I ask for
Was one word
To make me get inspired
So, it could make me wanna go higher
But all I felt was tire
Yes, mother I admire
You for your hard work

But I don't think you see my point
Sometimes I'm needin' a hug from you mom
To make me feel calm
Cuz can't you see this terror
In my eyes

Sometimes I feel like I am dying
But I hide it
You got me here trying
Out for crying
Cuz honestly I'm scared of drying

But still
I chill
Cuz I happen to remember when I was in the hospital
You fought to make things possible
While people declared me dead

Yeah, you stood there
In the hospital
Making things possible
And you were so, unstoppable

Yeah, you fought for my life
And line
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 433
DET Jan 2016

They can laugh,
They can clap,
As you collapse,

But relax
Cuz there's is a "perhaps"
Even if fall
Try to put yourself tall

Before it kills
Fight till
You fill

Now go blow blow your light
Till you fill what's yours
Open the doors

To bright
This world do it with your light
Don't get sad
Or mad
They will be glad to see you sad
Take the latter's
That I write cuz that's what matters

Make those words in terms
Don't let the words become worms
Take turns with the words
To make it up
To the top

Just remember if you collapse
Cuz there's a perhaps
Jan 2016 · 1.0k
DET Jan 2016

Take a side
Take a ride
With own pride

Put that on your mind
That that pride may be a problem
Drop that pride at the bottom
Boy, can't you see this young girl

Wants her own world
Boy she don't want a pearl
She can see that you have too much pride

Take a ride
With your own pride
Cuz she'll drop you
And make you feel blue

She has her own shoe
She has a clue

Don't think she's a fool
Cuz you're the one being treated like a tool
You fool

To much pride
Step a side
Cuz there's a problem
You'll be at the bottom

If you have too much pride
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 465
Sol's Death
DET Jan 2016

People are tryin' to get by
But when they look at the sky
People begin to cry
Theu can't stop
Their own sob

Your grin
Was so, thin
That everyone could see it
People can't admit
You're death

That took your breath
Why? Did you flee?
Was it time for you to leave?
Or was it time for god to receive?
Into his blue sky
Go fly high

While we say goodbye
You did your best
So, go on and rest

Because now you are blessed
In gods hands
God understands
Why you land
On his heaven sand

Because it was time for you to rest
And to be blessed
Or not feel stressed
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 2.0k
Miss Myself
DET Jan 2016

I remember when I was a member of happiness
But what happen is
Someone pulled me down into this sadness
And madness

And all I've got is
Pain press against my chest
And I suggest you to keep your mess
Out of my chest

Cuz all you have given me is stress
Don't tell me that you love me
When all you do is shove me

You're nothing but a hypocrite
Cuz you for you everything seems great
But can't you see this hate

So, don't come telling me everything is great
When it ain't

Just shut for a moment
Cuz I need to think about my emotions
Cuz I'm losing focus
How do you think I feel

That what I fear
Is coming near

You know it gets so sad when you look at your reflection

Asking you a question
Like why did I chose the wrong direction
I just miss myself
I just updated because one of my followers as me to so, I did :)
Jan 2016 · 1.9k
DET Jan 2016

You stick your nose in my business
So, you can listen to my weakness
Am I surprise that you used my weakness

No, not really
Cuz I feel pity
Cuz you thought
That what you heard
Was a good word

To listen
You tellin' me you're a cold hearted
Good, let's get it started
Cuz a cold hearted
Doesn't fall in love

Listen you wanna be a cold hearted
That's what you wanna be
I got a weakness

Yeah, I struggle
With my troubles
Jan 2016 · 914
Love, Pain, Forget
DET Jan 2016

Home alone
I pick up the phone
To call you
To tell you I'm feeling blue

Home alone
I pick up the phone
To tell you I'm sorry
But you don't seem to worry

Cuz seems like you don't care
Can't you see I'm yelling for help
But you can't tell

When you look into my eyes
You said that you have realized
That I'm fine
But can't you see is all a lie
When I tell you I'm fine
I'm basically want to tell you I want to die

I regret
Not for telling I forget
How I felt
As I fell in love

But you torn me apart
When you started
To move on
Even if hurts me I gotta tell you good bye
Cuz you're the reason
Why I am bleeding

Don't tell me to repair
The pain
Cuz it erase
So, please
Don't tell me that
Cuz even if you pet
My head
With that pet
You give me in my head
I feel dead

All I want to do is get the train
To erase this pain
And get lost on the dark
Cuz I see what I thought
Of you liking me
Makes me bleed
I wrote this because I kinda got my heart broken so, I decided to write this poem to get the pain out of my chest
Jan 2016 · 614
If (You try)
DET Jan 2016

If you can't fly
Try to to sly
But do anything to see yourself rise

If you want to to get high
Then try
Start from the bottom of the floor
Cuz as you rise there will be a door

If you can't speak write it down
If you can't write then speak
If you lose
To stay on the right shoe

If you can't win
Then try again
If you win then help others with your talent
But first learn how to fly
Cuz a bird with a broken wing
Will try again to win
A bird that learn's how to fly
Will take another try
Or sly

If you fall
Stand tall
And walk
If you fail then try

If you want to cry,
Cry but wipe your tears
When you feel ready
Go for it
While I sit
Here and watch you rise

But only if... you try
Jan 2016 · 401
When I leave
DET Jan 2016

When I leave
Just sleep
But don't bleed
If you feel the pain gain
Just know it'll
So, there is no big deal
If you feel ill
Just try to heal

When I leave
Don't turn around
And make a sound
With your words
Cuz I'll pretend that those are the birds
Don't face me cuz in this case
You have to find your own place

And space
That you belong
Stay strong
When I'm gone

Cuz I'm done
With this pain
Don't complain
Or try to explain
Cuz it don't mean nothing

I frown
When you drown me
Keep your distance
Cuz I don't want to know about your experience

Cuz you bother to help me
When I bleed
Inside and out
That's what it's about

You not helping me
So, let me flee

So, when I leave I won't shad a tear
Cuz this how it seems to appear
To me

So, know this when I leave
Just know that I don't want to bleed
Jan 2016 · 615
DET Jan 2016

I don't need a council
Cuz all I need is a pencil
To help me when I feel down some

I don't need council
Cuz I can handle
This mess
And stress
With the final
Paper and pencil
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Empty Dreams, Empty Streets
DET Jan 2016

Empty dreams
Empty streets
But everyone repeats
The same disease
There are some souls in between
The streets
While others are trying to delete
The sweet
And incomplete

Some people call the souls a freak
Just cuz they don't speak
But those who are called freaks
Are the once one who have both feets
On the streets

To the people who are living in empty dreams And empty streets
Don't got empty point of view
While those who have point of view
Are the ones who are pointing out the who, who
Is gonna help them get us through

To the people has been dreaming of empty dreams
Keep both feets
On the streets
Cuz they know to face the evilness
Even if it seems pointless

Cuz when it comes to an appointment
With the homeless
They know they are the only choice
For that voice

And who knows
If they're gonna change the background
Cuz they know what's all about

When they look at the time
They know they gotta speak their own line
Even if they feel weak

They keep both feet
So, they don't fall a sleep
To those people who think they're weak

Just go ahead and speak
Cuz when they see the words
They know their getting the burn's

As they speak
To those who define
Their line
As pointless
Or worthless

You keep on cuz it's perfect
As they walk to their house
People are asking the how's
While others say the wow's

Cuz they got the guts
Not to listen to the not's
Who told them they did not
Have the guts

To change
That's where they became strange
Cuz they could feel it
As they spoke about it
And without

The people's help
They knew
That empty dreams
Or empty streets
Means nothing
Cuz there's always something

In the empty dreams
Or empty streets
Jan 2016 · 473
DET Jan 2016

His heart blazes
The days stays
The same
The tears remain

The grief
The thief
Who stole your heart
And sold your heart like a piece of heart

Tears you apart
You compare your eyes
To the cries
Of the sky

And as the time flies
Your days get gray
You pray

But you don't stand
You just lay down
And frown

Your heart blazes
And seems like your heart is ripping
While your heart is dripping

You lay
And do nothing
While your heart is cutting
You deep
Your heart blazes
While the sun rises
Jan 2016 · 397
DET Jan 2016

Block the clock
Keep moving
And proving
If its gloomy
Keep moving
Feel your heart
And when you are ready click start
Don't fall apart

Just be smart
Not to stop
Keep knocking
And walking
With my own eye's I can see you rising
And shining
And smiling
Cuz in life you gotta be flying
Cuz trust me if you can move
You can prove

That the pain
You gain
Didn't knock you down
It only made you frown
But it didn't drown
You down

You got alot to complete
But all you gotta do is beat
The time
Don't mind
You taking you time
But just remember you gotta make it to the mountain

Don't let nobody destroy you
Just enjoy
Your moment when you make it to the top

When you make it to the top
Don't drop
Those who are trying to climb the mountain too

Just help the get get to the top
But don't drop them with you action
Help them get to the top

Just remember to keep climbing and blocking
The clock
Jan 2016 · 341
Gotta Get Gone
DET Jan 2016
I feel alone
Don't know what love is
I've been melted
That I just don't feel nothing

You shut the door in my face
Didn't get the chance
To explain to you
I'm cut off from the truth
In I don't know what to do
I just don't know
You tell me that you love me
Then the next thing you do is shove me
With all this mess
You press it
Against my chest
I never rest
Cause I have to protest
Against this  hardest
Life you have given me

Can't even make eye contact
Cause my brain cracked
Afraid to take challenges
I don't understand the massages
It's all the pains,
The paints
That where all a mess
That I just
Don't wanna know
It's been said
That it gets so sad
I feel dead
So, please don't repeat
Cause my knees go weak
Look straight
My blood begins to evaporate
Cause my blood boils

You tell me to get gone
Cuz I am wrong
But you didn't let me explain
About the pain
I gain
Yeah, I gotta hide
The pain

And you know what's the worst
Is I walk this mile
With no smile
On my face
That's just to say

But don't worry I'll get gone
Cuz I'm done
Of feel empty
And carry heavy
Emptiness on my chest

So, I'll get gone
This poem has nothing to do with my life I just felt like writing it :)
Jan 2016 · 5.0k
Don't Give Up
DET Jan 2016
Just because they give up it doesn't mean it's time for you
To give up
Why give up? Why? Why can't you stand up when there are people out there fighting to live?
Just because things seemed hard doesn't mean it's time to give up.
You have to stand up stronger and ask yourself how come there are people who have cancer or poor people and they can get up and fight back! Why can't you be one of them?

If you fall remember that you still have a chance to get up higher.
Why do you give up when you are very close to making your dreams real?
If you keep trying, keep doing it over, because trying can take you where you have always dreamed to be.
Ignore the pain, Ignore the hatets because they hate to see you stand. They are jealous.
Let the haters judge, you just know that they wish they could be like you.
Let the haters hate you because they hate to see you standing up.
Let it be your motivation.
If you ever hear someone talking about you, let them talk about you because they wish they to be like you.
If you know who you are than the is no need for you to believe in their words.
Whatever happened yesterday, leave it behind because those mistakes can never be fixed! I
If you don't want to repeat those mistakes, learn from them. There is always another chance.
Life is not easy, but believe in yourself everything will be alright.
There are going to be hard times, but just know that is a test that god creates to see if you really gonna give up or try.
If you feel fears, pray but don't let those fears stop you.
Remember we are all equal so don't you ever feel less because remember there is a god above watching us and loves you.
Everyone has a purpose in this world.You decide what your purpose is.
But remember keep going,chase your dreams Because you never know where those dreams will take you.
Don't give up because remember there are kids that have cancer or poor people that call still get up and fight.
Love your haters and don't hate them back, simply feel bad for them.
Love your haters,but don't judge them back because they show us how to become stronger and become a better human Just remember there is a god that loves us! But don't ever give up just because the people want it that way.
Always stand and say,"I fell this time, but it won't happen again."
Don't give up, someone out there knows what you're capable off.
Smile, and continue..........
I know that this is not a poem but I hope this makes everyone of you reflect and don't give up.:)
Jan 2016 · 460
Y'all Don't know
DET Jan 2016
I've never been the type of kid
Who fits in cause they think I ain't nothing
But in top of my head I keep it clear I am something
I've never been the type of kid
Who fits in cause they don't listen
So, I start to wish in
All I want is piece of peace
But when you got haters
You got their names written on the papers
No one know that
My life is all mystery
So, that's why Keep on moving me
Cause this is the play, place, page I don't wanna be
Cause I got a lot to complete
And compete
Y'all talkin about how gross
This goes
Yeah, keep your nose
And toes
On my episodes
But take this slow
Cause y'all don't know
If this show
Is goanna blow
Y'all don't know
How much hate I got , cause I have to fight to plot my dots
So, this people can see my point
I lost my faith
I lost my taste
On this world
I lost my word's, roads
Y'all don't know what means to stand on this corner
In hear this people  say, and think you have some type of disorder
They just don't know
Cause they can't hear me
Cause all they think is the can heal me
With this medicines
That makes me get the aches
Yeah, I said it I get the shakes
When I ain't
Taking what they put me on the table
Cause those pills are not capable
To change or heal my mental illness
This illness that I got in my brain
Is something you can't fix
But mix

Y'all don't know
Y'all just don't know
Only myself and I

Y'all don't know
Y'all just don't know
how it's to be treated like a dope

I'm always all alone
Yeah, people say look at that girl
Walking alone
Come on she's all on her own
This bullies come up to you in do their show I'm ready, to get hurt
Get treated like dirt
Yeah, you know when you show up on school they are goanna play you like a fool
Same cycle same names
Same life with this people who treat you unfriendly
Got my enemy next to me
Im this is the place that I don't want to be in
Cause I get beaten up
Even if you speak up they keep on
Till you get gone
I wrote this poem few years ago when I was going through bullied but since I spoke up and everything is okay.
Jan 2016 · 416
Why demonstrate (Hate)?
DET Jan 2016
Isn't this the real world?
Isn't this the real road?
Isn't this the real row?

Cuz I don't think so,
Cuz all this hate
Only generates
More hate

I don't believe it's the skin color
Is better than any other
I just see how this people follow the order

In that order that this people believe is that appearances
Speaks for out characteristic

Not everyone is the same
So, don't blame
On other people
For someone's mistakes
And try to make them shake
With fear
And drop a tear

Why can't we just discuss
About this issue
This could be beneficial

Why demonstrate
If people don't think straight

Where is the love
That someone above

Can someone translate
This, I bet when this world decreases
Someone is gonna release
This weakness

Someone describes
This feeling I feel inside

No, I don't think so,
Because based on the looks
No, one cares
Or dares

This is just a waste
Of space
With this hate
That this world has generated

Why can't we just demonstrate
That we are all equal
We are people
With sense
But we just act like we don't have sense
Cuz we put a limit fence

Why demonstrate?
This hate
Because one day god is gonna crack the sky
And make us realized
That in our own eye's
We are the same

But no we don't think straight
Cuz we let hate
Cover the truth that we are equal
Jan 2016 · 281
DET Jan 2016
Lie but all the truth,
Will come out from someone's tooth,

Wake up world,
Cause we're going cold,
And getting old,
Wake up!
We are all humans,
Why put pollution,
To something that has a solution?

To those who suffer,
Go tougher,
But don't turn pain as hate,
Cause that ain't nothing,
If you chose to hate,
You'll realize that you're late,
And to those who hurt,
You'll get burn,
As you realize that you hurt,

And to be honest I see humans,
But in reality,
I don't see humanity,

And to the people who think about money,
But don't think about the loving honey,
Cuz their heads are so, focused on the money,
But when they look around they realize ,
With their own eyes,
They got nothing,
But a crushing dream,
That seems to make their theme,
So, gloomy,
As their beauty,
Is fading away,
They turn away,
To find their way,
But man it's too late,
To fix,
What you mix,

To those who live in a mansion,
You think you got everything you imagine,
But what will happen when you start feeling empty?
And your shoulder get heavy,
And when you aren't ready,
To collapse you point your finger to god,
And tell him that he did a bad job,
For letting you collapsed on the ground,

Wake up!
Because we only live once,
You can make your thoughts bounce,
But you can't make something bounce,
For something that happened once,
Wake up!
Live your dreams,
So, your dreams don't become screams,
Jan 2016 · 365
Dark Shadows
DET Jan 2016
The lights go off
The nights go dark
I hear the dogs bark
The wind blows
So, I go slow

There is only one light that seems low
The dark seems long

I see the shadows
They hide their smiles

Miles apart

The dark shadows don't want to be seen
So, no one knows where they have been

Dark shadows don't like to be near
Because they don't want to show their tears
And fears
So, they keep their distance
Apart so, people forget about their existence

When the lights goes on
And the nights goes off
They go back to their own place
Once they go to the dark space
You'll never see their face
Jan 2016 · 554
Stand, Stay, Strong
DET Jan 2016
Even if the side falls
Stand tall
Even if you feel ill
Still stand tall
In order to succeed

If there is a need
For you to open a door
Without a floor
I know you will
Even if you feel ill

Start form the ground
So, when rise up you'll feel proud
I've walked lonely rows
Without words

As the world gets cold
We get old
But all you have to do is hold
On to hope

You shaded tears
Because you feel your fears
But what you have to know is you're near
All you have to do is stand, stay, strong
This was the very first poem that I wrote and thanks to this poem it inspired me to write poems
Jan 2016 · 407
Influence (By:D.E.T)
DET Jan 2016
You and I wear the same shoe
Can't you get the clue
I want to unglue
My shoe

Cause you're nothing
But a crushing dream
I can see mu dreams
But something is coverin' my screams

What does that mean
You don't want me
To be

So, that's why lately
We've been partying
Cuz that's what you're doing

But fooling
And everyone knows
How this goes
You put your toes
On my episodes

Cuz you're a distraction
In that's how everything happens

Cuz you practice
Though that you were suppose
To help me keep my toes

To reach my dreams
But it seems
That you keep me
This is a poem I did for my sister for her project
Jan 2016 · 355
September to remember
DET Jan 2016

I remember
It was September
I was your member

But something happen
I begin
To feel some type of pain

When you were gone
I was alone
And I don't know
How how to let this pain
Out of my chest
And yes
It felt like the death
Was taking my breath

Knowing that you were gone
Yeah, everything was getting wrong

Cause I begin to feel depressed
And stressed
Because I found myself missing you

Yeah, from the day you left my world was blue
Cause you were my glue
For this shoe

Yeah, you were happy
To go flow

While my core
I begin to feel poor

As I looked your face
I realized that my heart felt the empty space
Yeah, I hit the base

As you walked away
I made my way to my room
Where everything seemed black
As my tears fell my tears cracked

Yeah, I try my best to get myself busy
So, I could get dizzy
And then get sleepy

But just remembering you
It makes me feel blue

Guess it's September
To remember
When you want gone
Jan 2016 · 608
Love's Revenge
DET Jan 2016
⭐Danna Sol⭐
✨By: D.E.T.✨

Who am I?
Somebody give me a sign?
Can anyone justify?
When I cry?
Can someone tell me what's my purpose ?
Why am I feelin' all nervous?
Maybe today will be my last time to face
This surface
As soon as I arrive
Home I'm goanna cry
But there is a problem (s)
Dropping on the bottom
And I don't think I can solve them
Yeah, I can see
That I'm about to bleed
All I need
Is to flee
Maybe all I need is breathe
Is fresh air
I'm on top of my head
Thinking I should be dead
So, I look at the bottle
Of pills I'm having trouble
Tell myself  can't do this anymore so, I wanna end this
Because I don't wanna pretend this
Soon as the pills pop
I drop
And my eyes close
I hear this echoes
Tellin' me I'm a waste
So, in this case
I'm getting myself out of this space
I wake up in the hospital
I'm feeling awful
All I can do is cry
In ask myself why
Life  gotta be so, hard
There's this blackboard
Telling me I can go forward
In I think I should do my revenge
So, yes I'm going through changes
So, I can stand on those stages
Yeah y'all goanna be in this cages
Lock up
Hook up
So, look up
This were my troubles
That I struggle
I kept my eyes open
Yet, I was hopeless
While I was choking
In y'all were joking
Yeah, you buddy
Don't feel so, lucky
Cause I'm gonna play my part
That's goanna be your heart
Yes, I'm talking to you  boy
Yeah, you are the toy
That I'm goanna enjoy
No, no one has a choice
Y'all are goanna run out of air
When y'all see this glare
I don't care
But I dare you
To come step on my shoe
I bet you
Will drop dead
All I feel is angry
Because all he felt was sorry
Yeah I'm mad at you
For not having a clue
How to glue
My shoe
And for putting me through
This blue mood
Soon as I walk out this door
I'm gonna ignore
Your words cause I declare war
Cause this is was you ask for
Yes, I'm looking at my yesterday
I was put in jeopardy
In y'all goanna get what you deserve
Cause you severe
What y'all gonna get
Is a hit
Fake girls
With fake pearls
You girls
Are goanna be collapsing
In I'm goanna be on the top laughing
Yeah, I'm goanna rip
Your ribs
So, y'all can feel what I felt
Yeah, my heart is already melt
Cause it's my turn to make y'all suffer
Yeah, I'm already tougher
Call me a monster
But know this I begin to get stronger
Just know the Lilly
You knew ain't the same
Maybe be the name
But when you see me furious
Y'all gonna take me serious
What came back was for my revenge
Yes, I want to see you on this cage
Cuz this is my revenge
This a poem I wrote for my friends for her story called love's revenge this has nothing to do nothing with me kust for everyone to know
Dec 2015 · 459
My Wish to the World
DET Dec 2015

Wish I could stop all  the  pain
And unlock the chain
Up people
Wish I could make people realize that we are equal
So, the evil
Can stop
Wish I could stop those tear drops
Wish I could stop
All the wars
By using words
And make the birds
Sing terms
To make us unite
And hold our hands tight
But no that ain't the real world
The real world is tears
Full of fears
Hating peers
Cause we think
That our ink
Ain't the same
When we put our name
And we blame
Someone that we think that are lame
When I just happened to BELIEVE that we are equal
But that ain't just the problem
The problem is we think that we can't solve them
Hate to know that people don't consider one another equal
Hate to know that out there in this world
the other side is wishing for a piece
Of peace

Hate to know that humanity
Is gone wrong and I'm here facing reality

All I do is ask what has happened to our society?
Why is that people are scared to show their real personality?
If all we can do is make it to a possibility
To make others face the reality

Why are you afraid to show who you are?
If that's what make you beautiful
To show the truthful
Of you
Dec 2015 · 343
Surviving Bullying
DET Dec 2015
Date: 12/22/15

Hate to see that frame
And know that my face ain't the same
Cuz I know I am dying slowly
And lonely
But that's just the truth
Sometimes I wish I could re-do

Cuz I would create a strong shell
To protect myself

Yeah, there was too much weight
That I wanted to escape
But there gotta be some
People who beat hell out of me
Yeah, cuz they want me to be
Something that isn't me

Yeah, tell you this
Sometimes I miss
My smile
Cuz as I walked the mile
I realized
That the file had real lies
As I begin to look at the lines

My tears made me go blind
And erased
My smile I had in my face
Yeah, as people in my school
Who were trying to act cool
Told me to go commit suicide

I took a side
And that slid
To realize that if I committed suicide

My whole family would cry
And as I visualize
No! I won't **** myself
Cuz I am here for a purpose
And those who thought

I was worthless
End it up plotting dots
Yeah, hate to know
That I could've save myself

But I was too focus on my fears
That made me drop tears
Yeah, every night I had nightmares
That turned up my fears
To speak up

Tell you this
Sometimes I just wanted to disappear
And appear
In a lonely world
Where I could feel that happiness
But what happens
When you are so, focused
On the fears
Makes your spirit
Get the ticket
To know that if you speak
Yeah you will kicked
And picked
But though I was split

I begin to flip coins
And take turns
To see if that would change the things
But it did nothing

Not till that day
The sky was gray

Yeah, this bullies
Were behind me
Yeah I ran fast so, they don't find me
But they got me
And began to kick me
And pick me

Yeah, that's where I realized
In my own eye's
That I had to fight back

Yeah, they got that smack
Didn't care if my bones cracked
But they got that smack

Cuz I as tired that I acted weak
Cuz I didn't speak

And after that day I realized
That there was hope
In surface
And yeah I begin to face

The fears
And the doors of happiness
Begin to appear
I wrote this poem to make everyone realized that they are not alone and I wrote this poem to based on a experience that I went through but till I got tired I decided to speak up for myself. And thanks my parents I was able to smile again. :) So, speak up up cuz you are not alone:)

— The End —