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William Crowe II
Georgia, USA    Georgian high school student by day, insomniac poet by night. 18 y/o etc etc Rimbaud, Whitman, Frost, Brautigan, Ginsberg poetic heroes
Erin Hankemeier
Writing is my passion. I write about anything that comes to mind and I try to express my feelings in my words. Follow me on ...
Jonas Gonçalves
Brazil    Sou um homem de poucas palavras; quase um Leminski twitter: @jonasgoncalos
James Jarrett
I am a compulsive writer who will write about anything on any scrap of paper I can find
Wolves and Lilies
Yellow Brick Road    A grenade wrapped in love letters.
Martin Prado
Bellingham I go to Western Washington University. My father is from Argentina and my mother is from California. My favorite pastime is rock climbing. The ...
McKenna Rich
21/F/NM    I cant tell you have long it's been since I've written. 3+ years for sure. But I've found a new muse. Someone who makes me ...
NYC    Rediscovered my poetry here from a bygone era. I miss writing. Trying to rekindle my love.
Shane Oltingir
England    My name is Shane. I drink too much, write too little; I have a novel in the works which may or may not be worthy ...
chicago    i hope you find what you're looking for
Mahalea Isis
Rochester, New York    I get bored, sad or inspired and I write. Most of my poetry is lengthy but only because of how much emotion and thought goes ...
"if you ever need a place to stay there's a four chamber apartment inside me" - @sighgarette the stuff i write is usually fiction, but ...

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