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j Oct 2019
I’ve been staying up all night.
Sleep seems impossible without you.  
Wishing to feel your warm embrace.
Caress my face.
Your eyes have me mesmerized.
Feelings have me electrified.
Soft hearted yet so mischievous,
I’m in love with the thought of you
j Dec 2019
I thought of her the other day.
Not you, the girl I met last May.
Wise and kind,
Her beauty shined.                    
Missing my sweet May,
I hope we rekindle someday.
This is horrible, but that's okay. I'm just writing my feelings out because they need to come out somehow. Anyways, I hope you guys are well:)
j Oct 2019
Living life all chained up and tied.
She watches other people walk by.
They smile and laugh and on her behalf, all she does is stand by.
                                     They can be themselves and not have to worry about their feelings being put on bookshelves.
They can love who they want and not feel all this haunt.
Religion is the reason why she’s feeling this way.
She knows that it’s okay to be gay.
She knows that it’s normal to feel this way.
She just don’t understand why it seems to affect people everyday.
Being controlled like a video game, society is the one to blame.
“Holding hands with the same *** is wrong”.
“I guess hell is where she belongs.”
More and more slurs being said.
It can be very hard for her to sleep in bed.
All of these thoughts in her head.
Then she realized what other people have said.
“We love you for you.”
“We see your point of view.”
Remembering that set her free from her sadness.
Now she’s standing above the madness.
know that i support you fully. yes, this is based off of my story of coming out.

— The End —